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Make Boring Stuff Flirting Stuff


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
In this thread:

escalation once back at your place

... Lao Che mentions one of the ways he escalates is by telling a girl "Come here, help me check my grocery bill."

Lux raises a concern this makes you look cheap; Lao Che points out he's missing the point. I wanted to briefly expand on what that point is in this post.

So, like with Lao Che's example, it's pretty easy to use boring stuff to get flirting going on with a girl if you make it obvious through voice tone, facial expressions, and body language that this is something of no importance but you're simply using it to get close to her.

For instance, if you're using Lao Che's example, you'd look at her and say in a sexy voice something like, "Come help me check my grocery bill," and wave her over with a flirty expression on your face. She'll either jump right in with it and then you're touching and getting real close and flirting, or she'll resist:

"You don't need me to help you check that."

In which case, you persist: (still sexy) "Just come here." Have her come over, wrap her in close, touch. Maybe throw some innuendo in as you examine whatever it is you're examining ("Those carrots were pretty big, weren't they? Carrots aren't nearly that girthy where I come from").

Other examples of stuff you can use this with:

  • Hey, come tell me if I'm reading this map right
  • Come on, let's look at these pictures of that mountain
  • Let me show you these souvenirs I picked up in Austria
  • Sit over here, I want to show you this retarded guy I'm looking at over there
  • Come sit with me, I want to show you what that crab crawling on me felt like

Etc. Any kind of demonstration or request for help is useful here. This works best when you're requesting she come close for something there's no real need for her to come close for. That's part of the fun. She knows you're flirting. You know she knows you're flirting (in fact, you're trying to make sure it's obvious). And she knows you know she knows. It's all part of the fun.

You don't have to do this just while back at your place, either. I'll do it out in public with a girl as we're getting close to the pull. Just be mindful if you're doing it there not to get her too excited before the pull, so she doesn't get self-conscious. Raise the temperature a little bit, then break things off, let it cool a little, then pull.

You'll typically be doing this later in the interaction once you've got a good vibe going, she's comfortable with your touch, and it's time to start escalating it to a close. Just another way of spicing things up a bit.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

And people still question why Chase is brilliant. IT boggles my head. i use this with girls. Super hilarious. Super fun. I need to up the sexy vibe. but it is good stuff here, as always.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
Interesting post! I'd do it much of the time unconsciously, but only with girls I was already intimate with. And I generally err on the flirty/funnier side and she already knows what this is about.

Chase said:
I'll do it out in public with a girl as we're getting close to the pull. Just be mindful if you're doing it there not to get her too excited before the pull, so she doesn't get self-conscious. Raise the temperature a little bit, then break things off, let it cool a little, then pull.
Could you provide one or two scenarios where this would happen & how to do it properly?

My biggest problem date-wise is building up for the pull or the kiss if I'm going for it. Thank god I have already built outcome independence in most cases to just go for it, but in most cases I'm just praying for it to work because it's purely a gamble for now. I'm trying to actively and consciously build up for it.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
@ Zac,


@ BD,

Big Daddy said:
Could you provide one or two scenarios where this would happen & how to do it properly?


Say you’ve had a meal with a girl and for whatever reason she isn’t sitting so close to you in the booth (or maybe she’s opposite you at the table – in which case, why were you making her sit so far away?). You pull out your phone and say, “Hey, I’m going to check the map for where we’re headed next – come here and help me look for this place.” Get her to scoot next to you and put a hand on her leg as you’re talking or put your arm around her to bring her in and point at the phone.

Or you’re walking along a bridge, and you stop and tell her to come here and look at this boat. Have her walk over to you, then gently grab her and pull her close to you and then, with your arm around her on the other side, point at the boat and make a comment about it. “See that arm with the dangling ball and hook? They use that boat to tow other boats stuck out in the water.” Could even run a little role-play about the two of you being stuck on a boat out there in the harbor at night, waiting for the tugboat to come tow you back to the pier.

Or you’re in the club and you’re getting ready to pull, but you want to throw in one last compliance test first, and also get in a bit more touch and turn her on a little. So you tell her to scoot closer, you’re going to show her what happened with you and this old lady the other day. And then you tell her some story about some obnoxious old lady (or whatever) who caused a big ruckus and started shoving you, only you’re shoving her gently and playfully while you’ve got another arm around her.

Millions of ways you can use this. It’s a super fun technique.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2014
Just did this without knowing it hahahaha!