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Making The Move



I have invited this girl who i have known for awhile has suddenly become very attractive so i used chases advice and went and started talking to her we had a pleasant conversation and i asked her if se wanted to come chill at mine during the week. She said yes and know shes coming round this evening and i dont know whether to make the move today or hold off? I am 16 so just wanted to kiss her ;)
Advice would be great from anyone! :)

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Philip regardless that you are 16 you should definately make a move, she is agreeing to be alone with you hoping that you will make a move. Not making a move will make her wonder, does he like me? why didnt he make a move? am I ugly? or worse he didnt make a move so he must not be the right guy for me or he didnt make a move so we should just be friends. YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE JUST FRIENDS! so in essence yes make a move, you dont want to dissapoint her ;)


The Tool
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Thanks for the advice but she text saying she had got the dates wrong and had a assesment that was overdue so she didnt come round. :( she text me and said she was really sorry and she really wanted 2 see me. I just used chases advice about the texting and she wants 2 c me next week to walk her dog. Fingers crossed i can go back to hers. Exactly how could i make the move ?
Any tips would be awesome! :)
Thanks again,
Jacob :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Thanks for the advice but she text saying she had got the dates wrong and had a assessment that was overdue so she didn’t come round. :( she text me and said she was really sorry and she really wanted 2 see me.

Unfortunately it sounds like she’s using her assessment as an excuse not to hang out with you, which seems to indicate she’s not all that interested and possibly concerned that you were planning on making some kind of romantic move on her. In her message she indicated that she wanted to see, but I’m thinking she just wants to see you as a friend.

I just used chases advice about the texting and she wants 2 c me next week to walk her dog.

Again it sounds like she’s trying to friend zone you, or at best is trying to qualify you as boyfriend material but I seriously doubt that since she bailed on you in the first place. If you have ANY romantic interest in this girl, DO NOT follow her lead and go dog walking, simply tell her you have other plans and leave it at that, be mysterious. She may start wondering “what happened, he seemed interested before.”

Also I would avoid texting/hanging out/conversing/whatever with this girl at least for the time being. Go hang with some other girls at your school, join a club or sports team, anything to occupy your time so you’re not preoccupied with thoughts of her. Become scarce to her, If you see her around class, say “hi” and BE COOL about it but do not spend a lot of time investing in her.

After a few weeks she may start blowing up your phone wondering where you’ve been, just casually mention that you’ve been busy then test the waters again by asking her out. Keep it simple, take her to the park or for ice cream or ask her to sit with you during lunch. There’s a ton of material all across this forum and on the main site that can help you successfully navigate this situation.

Above all else remember two things: DO NOT CHASE and AVOID THE FRIEND ZONE AT ALL COST, even if it means you never get to kiss or date this girl. I’m interested in how this situation works out for you, keep us posted and good luck, we’re all here for you.



Okay thank u i will do that! Theres another thing awhile ago I was hanging out with this girl at her house because i had met her at her house party and we started talking and i ended up coming round her house a few times just to chill and watch some movies. I told myself to make a move but i just froze and thought what if and i know i shouldnt but i pussyed out. So a few days later i did an even stupid thing and asked her if she liked me in a relationship way and if she wanted that and again i got friend zoned.
She said..
"if we i woulnt want to lose our friendship"
so i just stopped texting her all together because I knew it was a lost cause!
So shes text me saying why havnt i txt her so i used the "i was catching up on some assesments" and shes texted again saying she wants to meet up in the week!
What should I do?
Cheers I love the "Chase community!"
Thanks guys! ;)