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FR  Mall & College Campus approaches

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
It's been a while since I've posted a field report. When I first discovered Girlschase.com it was around this time last year.
Throughout the year I've made approaches in as many settings as I could so now I'm not as nervous as I used to be.
You could still call me a beginner though because throughout the entire year I've only managed to get 3 dates (1 of them ending in me fingering the girl, although I'm still a virgin),1 instant date, 4 kisses, and many many friendzones.
That might sound good and all to a guy who gets absolutely NO action but I'm not really satisfied. I want to increase my results in this next year. By this time next year, I want to call myself intermediate and at least be smooth enough in every interaction that if I don't take them home, I at least get a kiss.

Straight to the point, here are my daygame reports from the past two days. I'd REALLY appreciate feedback from anyone, even beginners. I don't mind if you tell me what you would've done in a situation. I just want to start seeing outside of the box that I put myself in at times. Anyway:

Monday August 12

Location: shopping mall.
Girls approached: 5

I was here with my friends who all happen to be shy "nice guys". We were actually here to just hangout and eat.
My friend, Victor and I were actually here to practice our game.
Victor is a complete beginner..he's still nervous when it comes to even approaching a girl. If I point out a girl for him to approach, he can't do it. The only time he was able to do anything is when we split up and went our separate ways on opposite sides of the mall. Anyway, this whole outing was to help him get up to my level...I hadn't planned on talking to much girls. These guys bring a nervous vibe that is overwhelming.

First two girls were walking past us and going into a women's clothing store. I read one of their shirts which said: STAFF on the breast of the shirt.
Me: Staff for what exactly? (as I held out my hand toward her to get her attention)
Her: Oh I'm a lifeguard at Blah Blah water park. (she says this nonchalantly while stopping a little but then keeps walking into the store)
I don't really like when they don't come to a full stop to let me get my words out. It's kind of nerve racking.
Interaction ended there.

The next girl was wearing yoga pants (oh how I love them), blonde, carrying shopping bags, nice ass.
She is walking straight in my direction staring Into space. I stop her.
Me: I'm here to steal your purse (slow smile spreads across my face)
She looks at me confused for a second then let's out a laugh, then she keeps walking.
She was supossed to stay there and have a conversation with me but obviously she didn't get the memo.
The last girl I tried that one on laughed and said: you're telling me first!? And we began bantering and small talk. A good natural energy flowing.

By this point I was warmed up and ready. Officially in state. A little awkward still but in state.

The next girl looked to be Filipino or Latina from far away...dark wavy hair, tan skin, thick legs like that of a volleyball player, Nice ass in denim shorts
I took off after her. She was way ahead with her back faced towards me. My friends were trying to get my attention from behind asking me where I was going. See, I just leave them without warning a lot.
Jogged up beside her and hovered my hand on her shoulder. She had earphones in. She looked startled when she saw me.
As she was pulling them out I'm saying: sorry if I scared you.
Me: I just saw you from way back there (points behind her) and I thought the back of your head looked attractive so I wanted come see if the front half was attractive as well.
She laughed and said...okaaaay?
Immediately I'm thinking I need to keep her here. Assumptions, assumptions, cold reads.
Me: you must be Filipino.
Her: haha no actually I'm part Japanese part Israeli (damn..what a mix! Many thanks to her parents because she was gorgeous)
Me: oh wow cool...see I would've never guessed that. (I think I teased her about being a "mutt" but I can't quite remember)
Her: yeah, I get that a lot though.
Me: well, my name is ____ (I hold out my hand for her to shake it. This is a habit I can't break ever since I saw a pua doing it in a daygame video)
Her: I'm ____.
Me: nice to meet you...so what brings you here today?
Her: well actually I was about to catch a flight.
Me: where?
Her: to blah blah city south from here. I actually live there but I was coming up here to visit my mom.

The first thing I can think of is "can I get an instant date with her before she leaves?" my goal all summer was to get laid and I haven't been focusing much on the quality of my interactions. I have moved wayyy too fast before, jumping straight into the two of us hanging out or giving her number.

Me: oh! How do you like being here?
Her: eh..it's alright.
Me: boring right?
Her: haha yea...see down there, there's so much people and there's a lot of Latin culture going on so it also feels different. People up here are very closed off and don't speak to each other much.
Me: so am I the first guy to talk to you here?
Her: yea the first guy to talk to me randomly.
Me: is that why you have earphones in, because you don't expect people to talk to you?
Her: yea
Me: ah so can you speak Spanish?
Her: Mhm.
Me: can you say my name in a Spanish accent.
Her: why?
Me: because Spanish accents are sexy and I want to hear you say my name.
Her: what's your name again? Haha
Me: aw..you forgot?! No..you have to guess.
Her: I have no clue.
Me: it's starts with...
Her: idk..
I tell her.
Her: ohh okay..well like I said..I have to go catch a flight so...(her slowly about to exit)
Me: yea it's a shame that you live so far...I won't see you again..when will you be back up here?
Her: I come here every summer.
Me: alright well I think we should at least hug.
Her: haha okay ( she opens her arms and walks towards me)
We hug and then I pull away saying: do you have a Facebook?
Her: yea..(hands me her phone that's on Facebook and goes to the 'search people' bar.)
I find myself and click add..and then we say alright bye nice to meet you..

Returning to my friends who are all sitting on sofas and ready to ask me what happened.
As I'm telling them the gist of it a women is speed walking by us with a big smile on her face and positive energy dripping from her.

Me: (pointing like I'm holding two guns) you! I love your positive energy. Can you pass some of that to me?
Her: (stopping and grabbing my hand to shake it or something, her smile gets even bigger) thanks!
We have this moment of looking into each others eyes and examining each other's faces. She looks like a mom to me.
And she must've been thinking that I looked WAY too young for her.
Her: (walking away) here take some! ( shooing her hands in a gesture of throwing her energy onto me)

Thats all of the approaches at the mall.
I did have a moment when I stopped to take a picture of a women's hairstyle but she had a child with her...so it's safe to assume she has a husband too.

I'll end it here and post the college campus approaches underneath.
Like I said, I'd really appreciate feedback...even from the lurkers who like to read field reports and move on.
Even if you think you don't have anything to offer, I'd just like to take a glance into your world and how you make things easier for yourself. Please point out everything wrong. constructive critism to the max. This next year I want to level up like a World of Warcraft player that never leaves the house.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Tuesday August 13

I ride the bus to my community college for school stuff.
As I'm standing in line in the main office, I witness a guy starting a conversation with the girl in front of him. These two were one person ahead of me.
He starts out letting out a big frustrated sigh
Him: ugh...this is so boring!
I mostly daydreamed through how he opened because I assumed he already knew the girl...but then their interaction caught my attention by all the questions he kept asking.
I'm thinking: oh..this guy likes this girl..haha let's see how he does.
He's asking her basic boring things that have to do with school like: what is your major?
When did you graduate? What are you here for today?
That's all fine and good for small talk but listening to how he presented himself was painful.
It reminded me of myself when I used to struggle through basic conversation.
Every time she gave an answer, he would turn the attention back on himself and talk about himself and little irrelevant stories.
He missed so many details about her that he could've dived a little deeper into.
He was obviously uncomfortable and nervous. He was standing in her personal space. She had her arms crossed and politely made conversation with him but she couldn't go anywhere.
He had her trapped.
I felt sorry for him AND her.
Part of me wanted to swoop in and save her from him and the other part of me wanted to help the guy out.
He wasn't a bad looking guy. He had a good fashion sense, cool hairstyle, and even a better body than I have.
Finally, the girl was called. She looked relieved.
The guy looked disappointed that he couldn't get her number or anything out of it.
After I was called I tried to search for her outside of the main office.
Eventually I ran into her and I stopped her.
Me: excuse me...
Her: hm..I'm sorry (thinking I was trying to get past her)
Me: no you're fine...I'm sorry you had to deal with that back there..
Her:(looking at me confused)
Me: in the line.
Her: ohhh..haha no, it was fine...I actually didn't have anyone to talk to...
Me: really? Because you looked really uncomfortable.
Her: haha yea..I could handle it though...hey! Do you know where I can find the blah blah office for blah tests?
Me: yea...I'll show you the way.
We start walking and my mind is racing trying to think of what to talk about.
Me: I kind of have this habit where I eavesdrop into people's conversations..and from what I heard, this is your first year here?
Her: yea..
Me: what school did you come from? (damn I'm doing the same thing the other guy did..but I'm just a tad smoother..I'm not going to act like I'm the shit..when in reality I'm still awkward and still a beginner)
Her: blah high school. What about you?
Me: blah blah highschool.
Her: that's the school of the arts, right?
Me: yea. (I need to keep the focus on her and not about the amazing things I've done) so...what are you going to major in here?
Her: (I forgot her answer)
By this time we were where we needed to go and she walked in and said bye.
At first I lingered outside thinking: should I go in too or just leave it alone?
I didn't feel like she was all that interested and I didn't do that much better than the guy in line...so I left.
It's weird how in line...I could easily think of what to do next while listening to him and her but when actually talking to her myself...it was not like I imagined in my head.

As I moved on I saw two girls who I assumed to be sisters standing by a water fountain. One was drinking water.
I strolled besid them and said.
Me: Are you two sisters?
One of them says: no..but we get that a lot! (she's smiling and big blue interested eyes lock onto mine)
She looks Latina yet she has blue eyes...and it fazed me. My mind went completely blank after I said..
Me: well you two are the definition of beauty...I just had to come tell you that.
Blue eyed girl: ohh thank you!
They were both giggling.
Me: do you two go here?
Blue eyed girl: no..we're here with my sister...she's in the main office. (her eyes locked into mine...it was intense..I couldn't handle it)
Me: Goddamn..your eyes are so beautiful...
She laughed again.
It got quiet for a few seconds and I couldn't handle the social pressure so I left after exchanging names.
It was very awkward in my opinion.
I even ran into them again and got so nervous I mumbled something at them...and they started laughing.

Here's the thing...sometimes I'm awkward, sometimes I'm not. I want to have consistency.
My smooth side is just not sticking.

Last was when I was walking into the library.
I held the door open for a girl walking out that I had seen around campus many times and had made attempts to talk to her before.
We sort of met when I was a freshmen last year. She was helping me with navigating the school's website in the computer lab. Back then, she kept asking me questions about myself and was trying to get to know me. I was stupid back then and didn't know how to handle it. I knew she was interested in me but I never thought I'd get a chance again.

Her: t-thanks...
Me: (not walking inside completely yet) where are you going? (in a confident commanding tone)
She stopped and smiled
Her: um..I was just about to go to the cafeteria and break this five and buy some lunch.
Me: mind if I join you? (I forgot to mention that during all these campus interactions, I'm munching on a bag of Cheetos like a fat ass. Lol it's funny because I'm a skinny guy and I'm always eating food or talking about it to my close friends.
Actually, in the mall, the day before with the Japanese,Israeli girl...I was eating a bag of popcorn lol)
Saying this while showing her my bag of Cheetos.
Her: sure.
I close the door and start walking with her to the cafeteria.
Her: what kind of skateboard is that? (she points to the skateboard I have stuffed in my backpack)
Me: I'm not sure...you can take it out and look.
She takes it out and examines it then gives it back to me.
Her: so what were you about to do?
Me: well I was about to get on a computer and apply for a job..but...you came along..and you're cute...so I had to put that on hold.
Her: (a little grin on her face) so..you put talking to cute girls over getting a job?
Me: well...I've seen your face a lot...and I'm getting tired of not talking to you. Do you recognize me?
Her: yea..
Me: do you remember helping me out that one day?
Her: yea, I remember.
Me: from what I remember, you told me that you major in graphic design right?
Her: Mhm.
Me: that's cool..you seem like the artistic type.
Her: how?
Me: well..I won't necessarily say you're awkward...let me think of the word...
I'm thinking of a word to describe her. I can't think worth of shit. I don't why my mind always goes blank. I really need to calm down.
Me: yea..you seem like a awkward and shy girl.
She gave me a look and an sheepish smile.
Me: it's not a bad thing...

She went to go break her five and then to the vending machines to buy something while I waited for her at a table eating my Cheetos.

She didn't buy anything and came and sat down.
Her: actually I changed my mind...I'm going to go walk to walk to the gas station and get food there.
Me: do you wanna borrow my skateboard? ;) ( I could tell she was wanting to get away now..and I thought of this out of the blue as a way to make sure to see her again.)
Her: haha no..I'm good.
Me: alright..well nice to officially meet you. What's your name?
Her: ____
Me: are you Asian?
Her: yup.
Me: and black?
Her: Mhm.
Me: so you're a blasian? Haha
She smiled a little.
Me: my name is____
Her: okay..well I'm about to leeeavee...(she hesitates and lingers as if waiting for me to do something)
Me: what? Do you want to hug me or something?
Her: (smiles) sure.
We hug..
Me: wanna take my number?
Her: sure..
She pulls out her phone and I say the area code and she stands there not paying attention...
Her: oh! I'm sorry...what'd you say?
Me: haha just give me yours...(I pull out my phone)
Put it in then text her: hey and put my name.
Then we parted ways.

A few minutes later she texted back.
Her: hey.
Me: lol this is gonna sound depressing but I didn't expect you to text back with how awkward that just was.
Me: wanna meetup sometime when I'm less awkward and got my shit together?
Her:( a few minutes later) I think you're a nice guy but I have a boyfriend.
Me: oh dang...lol you got the wrong idea...I'm not trying to more than friends... (I lied hoping that would keep her talking to me. Needy, yes, I know.)
She never replied back.

Okay so, my interactions are awkward..but at the same time my face always looks very chill and unaffected during it all.
All my nervousness is going on inside my head. Girls are usually left thinking why I exited so early or why I'm freaking out because everything seems fine to them.
I'm still trying to handle social pressure myself. I always break down when it gets quiet for too long.
When I break down my mind gives me nothing but crickets.

That's all for now. I'm going to head to the mall today with Victor and make some progress.
Like I said, feel free to give feedback.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Dude, open direct.
Me: Staff for what exactly? (as I held out my hand toward her to get her attention)
Her: Oh I'm a lifeguard at Blah Blah water park. (she says this nonchalantly while stopping a little but then keeps walking into the store)
I don't really like when they don't come to a full stop to let me get my words out. It's kind of nerve racking.

She didn't stop because she didn't know what you wanted, same for the other girls. State your intentions from the get-go.

Me: so am I the first guy to talk to you here?
Her: yea the first guy to talk to me randomly.
Me: is that why you have earphones in, because you don't expect people to talk to you?
Her: yea

Don't call attention to what you are doing. It sounds apologetic. Remember, your goal is not to be a player but a cool, sexy guy who talks to women cause he feels like it.

(I forgot to mention that during all these campus interactions, I'm munching on a bag of Cheetos like a fat ass. Lol it's funny because I'm a skinny guy and I'm always eating food or talking about it to my close friends.
Actually, in the mall, the day before with the Japanese,Israeli girl...I was eating a bag of popcorn lol)

Cheetos and popcorn? Snacks aren't sexy. A drink maybe you can afford to be seen carrying around with you but not messy, junk food. Imagine if a girl came up to you and she was munching on cheetos the whole time. Would you be turned on?

Me: well..I won't necessarily say you're awkward...let me think of the word...
I'm thinking of a word to describe her. I can't think worth of shit. I don't why my mind always goes blank. I really need to calm down.
Me: yea..you seem like a awkward and shy girl.
She gave me a look and an sheepish smile.

Don't insult her! Remember, you're supposed to be bringing an adventure and warmth into their lives that they hardly ever get. Not judgement and insults. Also, get names at the beginning of the interaction.

Hope this wasn't too harsh, but these statements needed to be said. But don't feel bad. Nearly all of us were like this when we first started. As long as you identify your mistakes and improve on them, you'll do fine. Best of luck!

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Thanks for the harshness man. Haha yea..the junk food thing won't happen again, it was a one time thing.
If you're familiar with Han from the Fast and The Furious series, my eating of junk food looks a lot like him. I thought I looked pretty cool but as you said that is very unsexy.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Also Wes, in your first interaction situation, if they keep walking past but don't seem to speed walking (ie in a hurry) then approach them from the side and go direct with something like "Look, I just wanted to introduce myself before you completely disappeared as, you're incredibly cute. I'm Wes." The "look" portion is almost a subconscious explanation for what you did first, its an implicit redemption. As TomGray stated go direct, and try to pre-open her as well, make sure she notices you before you approach, it will make it so much easier and more warmly received when you do approach.

Also, tone down your insults, read up on Chases article on "How to Tease Women" because he used to do the same. Learn to tease women, which can be done with subtle, playful insults like "No need to be so nervous, you act like I'm gonna bite ya or something. Which I won't! Yet" said with a warm playful tone does wonders.

My take on this is you're still nervous yourself, and emotional contagion is taking over causing the girls to be nervous too. Or, you may come off as nervous and she'll still become nervous, don't insult her for it, its your responsibility to control her emotions my friend.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Zphix said:
go direct with something like "Look, I just wanted to introduce myself before you completely disappeared as, you're incredibly cute. I'm Wes." The "look" portion is almost a subconscious explanation for what you did first, its an implicit redemption. As TomGray stated go direct, and try to pre-open her as well, make sure she notices you before you approach, it will make it so much easier and more warmly received when you do approach.

What I also find cool about this suggestion (saying "Look) is it is a great substitute for "excuse me" which is more of an apology (I still say excuse me from time to time when going direct but I try to avoid it, we shouldn't be abashed for our attraction to a certain lady).

Also for better state control, I remember Ricardus having an article about that ( I believe it was How to Pick up Girls the Success Factor pt. 2). In summary, one way to improve state control is to picture a suave, smooth actor who's good with women and kind of emulate his vibe when talking to women (or something of that affect) until you're so good with your state control that you don't need it anymore.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Zphix said:
Also, tone down your insults, read up on Chases article on "How to Tease Women" because he used to do the same. Learn to tease women, which can be done with subtle, playful insults like "No need to be so nervous, you act like I'm gonna bite ya or something. Which I won't! Yet" said with a warm playful tone does wonders.

My take on this is you're still nervous yourself, and emotional contagion is taking over causing the girls to be nervous too. Or, you may come off as nervous and she'll still become nervous, don't insult her for it, its your responsibility to control her emotions my friend.


Thanks Zphix. Teasing is still pretty hard for me despite the fact that I read that article many times. Your example is one I would've never thought of. How and the world did you come up with that? Usually I'm reading the girl...and then I point out what I've noticed in an amused tone of voice and I feel like I'm teasing pretty decently but you added on a whole sexual undertone. Do you just think these up quickly in situations? Examples are great and all but I am never necessarily in the same situation. I have to rely on creativity. What is the process in your mind that makes such smooth teases?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Teasing for me is natural because I grew up in a household where I had to learn to insult, make jokes, and tease on my feet. I'm also naturally incredibly good with emotional contagion, and can control another's emotions as I want to, and my whole life I've been about making others happy, so I frequently use laughter, and teasing with friends to break their depression, or their seriousness. Teasing for me is second nature now because I've done it my whole life but! teasing comes easy when you can read a person.

I come up with teasing on the fly, but tone is key! Say it warmly and playfully with a light laugh in the middle of the tease, and a smile with the end, convey that you're joking, and she'll laugh along with you. We both rely on creativity, but, it seems like one of the biggest differences here is experience and boldness. I believe I have more practice with it using it to help others laugh, and thus can use it on the fly, also, I'm bold enough to say something with a sexual undertone because I can properly convey a joking vibe/ atmosphere.

Teasing comes with having a variety of things in your repertoire. If someone is talking to me about something, I take in their content, and will usually have a joke or tease I can make out of that, and I don't say anything if it doesn't make me chuckle in my head first because if I'm not laughing at it, chances are she won't too.

I hope "Franco" takes a look at this, and can give a better description as he uses a lot of teasing similar to myself. So Franco! Get your butt over here!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Wes, take the time with your reply but, describe your body languages, your thought processes, and your overall mindset with talking to women as you did above...

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I mean, it's not that I don't know how to tease. I can do it fine with girls who don't intimidate me..the ones I consider myself "above" in status. I'm a very witty guy when I'm the most high status in the room. I guess I was asking how your mind comes up with one when you're forced into a new intimidating situation.
Do you only go for girls that are lower than you in status or do you go for ones who you might consider out of your league?
I'm like the smoothest pick up artist ever when I'm talking to a girl I'm not physically attracted to but even if I think a girl as just cute, I'm not that guy anymore. I'm still chill and I ask the right things but I feel like there's energy of seeking their approval floating in the air. I want to solve this.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Your mindset is killing you bro. I don't see anyone, and I mean no one as higher or lower status than me. Everyone is better than me at something, and because of that, they are my equal or my better in some way. With people who seem higher status than me,I approach with respect, and ask with I intrigue. People, regardless of their status, will talk about themselves, will laugh and cry same as you or me. When you show respect, intrigue, and unwavering heart, you'll often be rewarded with that same respect, and intrigue.

Also remember that you have something you, you have value to add to their lives because you're better than them at something too. You shouldn't feel inferior to anyone, nor should you seek approval, because you're looking to seek approval, you're throwing your game off, even if your face is chill, your body composition, thoughts, and body language isn't and girls pick up on that and hate that your verbal output isn't parallel with what your body is telling her. It creeps girls out my friend.

I'm not intimidated by anyone, for any reason. Don't live to get another's approval, its offsetting, and it pushes people away. Be humble in your confidence though, even intimidating people are still people who laugh, cry, and love the same as you. You can relate to even the most aggressive person, you just have to understand that!

If you have any questions, feel free to respond or PM,


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Here's a quote for you....

"In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him"

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This works both ways my friend. Every person you meet, you are better than them in some way, and thus, have value to add to their lives. Because of that, you are more empowered than you know.

Also, don't judge people based on status being higher or lower than yours. You'll never really know unless you approach them and find out what makes them tick.

Think about this. A beautiful runway model, perfect body, but has only gotten to where she is in life because of her body. Inside she's secretly disapproving of her life, she wishes she was smarter, wishes her personality wasn't so boring, wishes she had taken up college instead, and wishes she had done more in high school... Outside, she may be high value, but what is she inside?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Wes, sup dude! It's awesome you realize you need to do some work on your self and are actively taking your fears head on showing progression (btw going out to meet girls and actually talking to them despite how shitty the interactions go is progression), we all know how difficult the first steps are (Im still working on mine), keep it up. I just want to highlight what caught my eye while reading your FR.

First and foremost like everyone else has told you go direct. It might be awkward or scary at first but this is a must and it's how men open women, instead of being a pussy little girl and playing hide the banana, refer to Chases article on indirect openers to know what hiding the banana means, (don't worry I used to do the same thing until I realized I was a pussy little girl). A good way to work your way into this if it is scary because of the social pressure is to go up deliver your direct opener, she'll say "oh thank you haha" or whatever then just tell her "well I just wanted to let you know. Have an awesome day!" or something like that and walk away. Then once you do that for a for a couple days or a week then make yourself stay in the conversation for 30 seconds to a minute and keep pushing yourself to increase your time in conversation.

Me: Staff for what exactly? (as I held out my hand toward her to get her attention)
Her: Oh I'm a lifeguard at Blah Blah water park. (she says this nonchalantly while stopping a little but then keeps walking into the store)
I don't really like when they don't come to a full stop to let me get my words out.
When something like this happens or the second approach you did with yoga pants girl and they walk away after you initially open them catch back up to them and reopen them, especially if they smiled at your original opener (even if it was a nice guy that's cute smile). For example after you opened the STAFF shirt girl you should have ran back after her into the store, stopped her and said "Well hey before you run out of my life forever I have to come tell you you have awesome sexy hair (or whatever you thought was attractive about her)!" or be straight up and say "look I know that was lame but I was gonna be kicking myself all day if I didn't come let you know I really think your eyes are super entrancing, im wes". This just takes practice but you definitely need to push yourself to do these scary things outside your comfort zone. Another thing is it's your responsibility to get her to stop and give you her undivided attention. Its as simple as "Hey hold up a second."
Btw heres a good video on going direct and speaking your mind which you need to watch, take notes, and implement the principle. Also take note of the approach he does at 2:10 and take note of how he stops her and get her undivided attention before delivering his opener and then after getting rejected goes and re opens her (very important). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSrQkLPp ... 49A08691BB
The other day I met a girl on the beach whom I opened told her I needed to tell her something but since I couldn't tell how old she was I asked her for her age. She smiled and said no and walked away. I normally would have congratulated myself for the opening attempt but since im pushing myself I jogged back up to her and re opened her and told her I wanted to tell her she had a cute butt and she laughed and we talked and ended up having a lot in common. This never would have happened if I never re opened her. So sack up and do scary shit just to feel the adrenaline if you have to! Pretend you a warrior or something. Watch this video and pay attention to the ending remarks for a cool mindset on social freedom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR-fPQdBKk0
Anyway Wes hope that helps keep actively going to approach women so you can keep posting FR's and continue learning.

Cheers- Rob