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Map Your City: Have a Route


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Guys,

One of the best ways to save yourself some time when going out in the field is having your spots picked out and making a route for pursuing women.

Examples destinations:
If you're a bar guy map out the bars, best bartenders and coolest people coming through
*Find where the young people hang out, but check your sources
*Talk to college students, and find what time the crowd comes through, bartenders should know this!

if you're a musician find out if they have open mics in your area ;)
Concerts for bands, rappers, blah blah blah are huge opportunities for sex!

If you're a club guy map out the clubs, which clubs have the best girls and on what nights ;)
*Find the one that's clean
*Has good music
*Security, so women feel safe
*You can usually determine from outside if this is a good club or a bad club

If you're a bookstore guy, my personal favorite find out and observe when some of the best looking girls come through
*Find one with a coffee shop, instant-date ;)
*Find one with a good selection of books, Barnes and Noble (lots of women to be found in there)

If you're into art, hit up art galleries

Special Note: The more couplely the place seems the less likely it is to have single girls there

The overall point is you want to be as creative as possible . . . it's easy to get women, you just have to find out where they are ;)

Happy trailing,

Just Dave
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
I'm a mall-and-grocery-store guy...I think...? My findings:

Grocery stores are best on a weekday evening, say between 5.30 and 8 PM. Late mornings on the weekend are also okay.

Malls are quite cool on a weekday lunch-hour, especially if it's raining. The women there are alone and not as focused on shopping as, say, on a weekend afternoon.

Real peak hours like weekend afternoons tend to be slightly counterproductive as it's hard to isolate the single girls. Many are with boyfriends or husbands; Millennials have an odd habit even into their twenties of hanging out with their parents as well (incomprehensible to us Gen Xers), which is another obstacle.

I haven't done much night-game so far, but I have noticed that slightly slower nights are actually better than Saturday when everyone's partying hard and focused more on having a good time than finding a mate. If she's out at all, say, on a Thursday, it seems to me she's more comfortable with being approached. The same seems to apply to night street game, actually. Your view on this, Dave?

Daytime street game works at all hours but I've noticed that dusk on a weekday (i.e. evening rush) can be quite interesting. There's also parks, which can be fun on a weekend; in the summer months I quite like early evening, when all the families have left and you get situations like girls sitting on a bench admiring the sunset and contemplating nothing in particular.

Dave, I have a question for you. I've tried Barnes & Noble a few times, but with limited success. Can I ask you to divulge what times of day/week you find best at B&N? If it's not a trade secret, of course ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Marty said:
Can I ask you to divulge what times of day/week you find best at B&N? If it's not a trade secret, of course ;)

I have really great success their between the hours of 1 to 5, I actually have a field report about my experiences there today actually! Another note too, this is one of the only mainstream bookstores in my area so majority of people about 15 to 20 miles come here. As far as day I would say the

weekdays Tues to Thurs 1 to 5
weekends Sat noon to four
Sunday 2 to 6


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

I want to thank you for your tips and inspiration on bookstores. I was always put off in the past by the quiet environment, which made me feel I'd stand out like a sore thumb if I attempted a cold-approach, but actually I now find it's a great setting, it just requires a little finesse and adjustment. If you have time to kill, you can take it at a relaxed pace... every few minutes someone new comes into the store, so even if it is never busy as such, there is quite a nice turnover of appetizing ladies :)))

Sunday I went to Barnes & Noble, around noon, as you suggested. I already typed up a journal of the visit in a PM to another user, so I will copy-paste:

  • AngelicBeliever

    In Starbucks next to Barnes & Noble, I see a truly beautiful young lady heading toward me in a navy blue overcoat, and move aside to let her pass. She acknowledges this with a polite, modest nod and a brief look (not a smile) and heads to the bookstore. When I'm done I head there too. I browse the books and hang around for a good 20 minutes to try to get the right angle without other people interfering. A bookstore is a very quiet environment and it would be easy to mess this up... typical of my overly-cautious approach manner, but I'm learning.

    She is browsing the "Christian Fiction" and "Christian Life" sections... since I am intellectually an atheist and not particularly interested in religion, I thought this would be a nice challenge :) We'll call her AngelicBeliever! She has the most delightful blond hair, possibly colored, but done perfectly, and braided at the back into a plait halfway down her back—long, thick and luscious. Her face is ultra-cute too. She's about 20. Really special.

    She sees me in her peripherals a few times, I think, but I don't get a solid invitation as such. Then eventually I round a corner past a shelf, and there before me stands AngelicBeliever! I have to move aside to let her pass again, and I see recognition in her gaze as she meets my eye briefly... the trace of a smile. I wait for her to pass, then as she actually has her back to me but is very close by, I open:
    • Marty: You have beautiful hair!
    "Genuine interest" at its most literal... I'd been fawning over that blond hair for the past 20 minutes, so it wasn't as if I was being insincere. The words are spoken firmly and directly to her back. She turns around immediately and smiles broadly. (I go weak at the knees!)
    • Marty: ...and a nice smile too. What's your name?
    AngelicBeliever introduces herself and takes my hand. We have a good conversation. She likes me. Unfortunately she is only passing through town, connecting from out-of-state through our airport, before meeting a friend very shortly to drive together to our state's most prestigious university, which for some reason is in a town 2 hours away from the state's capital and only significant city. I tell her it's a pity, as I'd have liked to get to know her better over a coffee, but it is not to be :(
I'm sure I could have handled that better, but nonetheless, it's moments like this that make me realize I have come to LOVE hitting on cute girls. I mean, irrespective of outcome. I just actually like the process.

Yesterday I went to Barnes & Noble again, but this time my interaction was a little unusual. I hung out for a little bit waiting to see what that "turnover" I described above might deliver me :) but since it was a business day, I couldn't stick around for too long. There was one girl who was of above average attractiveness; certainly not a stunner like AngelicBeliever, but sorta cute. I'll call her HighStrungHoney.

  • HighStrungHoney

    She was generally looking lost, piling up book after book in her hands, and glancing over at me on a good 5-6 occasions, making eye contact. Despite this, I initially wrote her off—the thing was, she was not very tall, maybe 5'0", and since she was evidently pretty young, I couldn't be totally sure she was actually over 18. I didn't see any parents around, but that doesn't mean a thing—I remember I was pretty independent as a teenager, and the last thing I want is some unnecessary mix-up over a girl's majority. Nonetheless, my worries proved totally unfounded.

    As I was hanging around hoping someone else of interest would come in, HighStrungHoney actually opened me! I had a shopping basket slung over my arm (my usual tactic when I'm loitering in a store in pursuit of women, and don't want the sales staff to get irritable), and she asked me about it...
    • HighStrungHoney: Excuse me! Do you know where I can get a basket like that, please?

      Marty: Ah! Well, you seem much more in need of this one than I am. Why don't you take it? You're gonna need a truck for all those books!
    She smiles and attempts to take it from me, but ever the gentleman, I hold it out for her with the handles spread to make it easy for her to load in the books.
    • Marty: Allow me to hold it for you while you put your books in, then it's all yours!

      HighStrungHoney: Thank you!

      Marty: What's your name?

      HighStrungHoney: (almost inaudible) HighStrungHoney.

      Marty: You look very young... how old are you?

      HighStrungHoney: (barely above a whisper) 19.

      Marty: Nineteen?

      HighStrungHoney: Yes.
    There, you see? Quit worrying, Marty. She's old enough to take care of herself. More or less :)

    • Marty: You have a pretty smile.

      HighStrungHoney: Thank you!

      Marty: My name's Marty.
    She takes my hand, smiles again, then accepts the basket from me. She flees in terror—well, that's an exaggeration, but I've never seen such a timid girl. I wasn't like that at that age, was I? Can't really remember. Anyway, she smiles yet again, backs off, and rounds the shelves to a safe distance.

    Newly emboldened, however, I come up beside her, and in the gentlest, most reassuring voice I can possibly muster, I ask:

    • Marty: HighStrungHoney, are you studying?

      HighStrungHoney: Yes.

      Marty: Are those academic books?

      HighStrungHoney: (flustered for some reason) Well... no.

      Marty: So what do you study? And which university are you attending?
    She's doing International Affairs and with some prodding, she tells me a little bit about where she's traveled, her favorite parts of Europe, what she likes about the course and so forth.

    It turns out that, just like AngelicBeliever, she's at the prestigious state university that's two hours out of town. However, she has a couple more days in the big city :)

    But she's trembling all over, like a leaf. She's theoretically an adult but seems so at sea in the big wide world, I can't bring myself to ask her out. It somehow doesn't seem "real".
That last one... I know that if she'd been a confident, sassy, even bitchy 19-year-old who had gotten tired of collecting orbiters in school and was longing to meet a proper man, I'd have thrown myself into it heart and soul... and probably been eaten alive in the process. But this one... poor girl, I don't think she even realized I was hitting on her.

Those two interactions weren't worthy of Field Reports in themselves, Dave, as I didn't push them far enough, but I thought I'd illustrate how helpful your bookstore tips have been!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2013
I have been trying to pin down the best places to meet young women in my city. So far its been the bookstore near a local college campus which makes since. I have a story about this bookstore last Saturday evening and what I saw this other guy do to a potential prospect I was about to open. I will get to this in a minute.

I work during the day so unless I take time off from work day game is limited to the weekends. And I find the weekends during the day chaotic with families everywhere and single guys like me on prow for single women. However, for whatever reason bookstores at night on the weekends for example Saturday night have tremendous promise. The reason I see it is if women are alone wondering a bookstore on weekend nights then 9 times out of 10 they are looking for more than just books. Why aren't they with a man, women or husband I ask myself? Are they lonely or needing something more? I think it's a little bit of both.

Another possible gold mine is grocery stores. There are a ton of Kroger Stores around my area and I try to visit them all from time to time. I will agree with Just_Dave that week day evenings from 5-8ish is a good time to prowl around in one. I thank Marty on the tip to grab a basket as I was just walking around the store without anything in my hand. However, I do find grocery stores intimidating for beginners. One reason is it's hard to find the approach window I talked about in another post. And unlike bookstores where women casually walk around like they have all the time in the world, grocery stores are a extremely fast past environment and any approach must be done quickly or you will lose the window. I have been at Whole Foods during the week days which seemed more relaxed between 3-5 PM. Trader Joes is my personal favorite now since both times I've been there I have either had women say hi or start conversations with me opening first. There is only one store in my city which is a bummer as I don't want visit the same locations continuously to avoid running into someone I asked out a week ago that flaked and then seeing them walk around staring at me as if I was some kind of creep. Ah, maybe I am and what's it to them anyway. But you can see I want to be strategic and graceful at the same time when it comes to approaching women in venues.

And now for the story about the bookstore. I went there on a Saturday night between the hours of 7-8 PM. I initially thought the place would be dead since most single women on a weekend night would be out with friends or clubbing. It was dead when I first walked in but that changed quickly. I found myself a bit overwhelmed as there where three women in close proximity of me. Which one do I approach? The one showing interest or the one ignoring me? Of course the one ignoring me was the hottest of the three and she was the tallest - taller than me in fact. I'm only 5'9 but with boots I make myself taller and she was probably close to 6'. But this young lady was extremely sexy. I had to say something to her quickly. As I approached another women that had showed me interest blocked me as if to say "your not talking to her your going to talk to me instead get it?" It was the strangest female behavior I have ever seen in my life. She was in a completely different aisle and moved herself in between me and the hot tall girl quickly for a few minutes and then moved back to the same aisle she was in? I thought these things only happened to other guys.. guys more handsome or taller? Not me.. well it did happen. I knew what she wanted and that was me to approach her instead. So, as I turned back to approach the hot tall girl I saw her leave the aisle completely to follow another guy that had just walked in. This was all new to me. The funny thing is the hot girl that left to follow guy x returned to the same aisle shortly after when she realized the guy she went after had no game at all. I mean this guy walked around very quickly and nervously. He was much younger than me close to the hot tall girls age and you could tell he had no clue what he was doing. Either do I but I was noticing all these women around me and he was oblivious to it. He was also taller than me but not better looking by a long shot. She realized she had made a mistake and came back so I could approach her but by then I was moving in on the women that stopped me from success for revenge. I was not going to ball her out but tease her by saying "are you looking for something and can't find it?" And when she turned to look at me I would say "you see I've been here the whole time.. I'm Jason." Now this is something I rehearsed in my mind and felt sure she would respond well to. She was not the best looking and more like a nerdy bookworm type women but I have heard that these types can be really wild if unchained and let free to roam! As I approach her a new women out of nowhere stepped in. I said to myself "oh no, not another one" but yes, there was another women and she beat the other three hands down. All I remember is just standing there watching her every move and when I turned back to the bookworm women she was gone and I mean gone. I truly believe she had enough of me being distracted by other women. I laughed to myself and said it's for the better. I don't like women that are jealous of men looking at other women besides them. This was what my x did to me all the time which is belittle me just for taking a quick glance.

So I positioned myself in her path and she walked right up to me. When she noticed me she came closer and was then so close I couldn't stand it anymore. As I was about to open her from the side another guy out of nowhere walked right in the distance. I don't know how he did it but she immediately turned around and walked right up to him. At first I thought they must be together. She was the hottest thing I had seen all day so she must have someone with her. Well, for the first time since starting this game I was staring at another PUA steeling my game and doing it with ease. I watched as they traded cell phones in the same aisle to enter each others numbers. I thought what the hell! How could this happen. Now I laugh as I know this guy was the real deal. He must have seen her when she walked in and let her see him before I could notice it myself. I did feel good afterwards. Not from totally losing the game but by being apart of it. I honestly think she saw him first then saw me. When she saw me she thought it won't hurt to check him out. She did just that. And when I hesitated to open her she saw him again and made her decision. So hesitation is my enemy here. Approach anxiety is bad enough but when you don't make a quick move when the prey is at your door step your lose any chance you would have otherwise even if your game is not as sound as this guys game was. At least you tried. I would kill to know exactly what he opened her with but my guess is he probably just asked her out on a date immediately as she was ready and he knew it. I knew it to which is the strange thing.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Nice story. A few comments:

  • Thanks for the tip on Saturday nights at the bookstore. Good one.
  • When you're writing stories with multiple female protagonists (assuming your intention is to get people to read them, comment upon them and help you), try to assign names to your characters. That makes it much easier for the reader to follow the plot. See my post above for examples. This wasn't actually my idea, I copied it off of NarrowJ. When I constantly read "the lady", "the other lady", "the first lady", "yet another lady" etc. it becomes super-confusing who is doing what to whom. For inspiration, I might have selected names for your characters such as: HotTallGirl, JealousBabe and NewcomerChick. Those weren't very inventive but it gives you an idea of what I'm talking about. Browse through my FRs on the forum and you'll see what I mean.
  • I am fascinated to hear that in your location, you regularly see single men "on the prowl" in weekend day game. This couldn't be further from the truth where I am!
  • The incidents of female behavior you describe are fascinating and I have noticed similar tendencies too. It's wonderful once you develop the social antennae to pick up on these signals, isn't it?
  • I have never personally witnessed another man pick up a woman in front of my nose in day game. That may be because I haven't been doing it long enough (around 8 months). But I have seen it, once, in night-street game: I was about to give up and finish and was already driving my car from the parking deck toward home, when I saw a pretty girl sitting all alone, outdoors, at about 3 AM, looking dejected. I was just turning around to park the car again and go open her when a younger man popped up from across the road and beat me to it. Bummer! ;)
  • One guy on here (it might have been PrettyDecent, or it might have been Mr. Rob—I can't find the thread) once posted about how after he saw someone else smoothly pick up a girl right in front of him and exchange numbers, he went to talk to the guy afterward. They sat down and had a chat and he learned an awful lot from him. Maybe something to consider if you ever get this again!
Thanks for posting :)



Oct 18, 2013
I love the advice on going to bookstores. I'm relatively new to pickup and I'm a complete mall and grocery store kind of guy. I had already considered going to the local Chapters this weekend, which to my advantage is pretty close to the university. I didn't make it there and honestly I'm not even sure if pickup was on my mind when I had the idea of going. But it is now and I plan on going this Friday or Saturday night. I don't do much on the weekend usually anyway. Another thing that works to my advantage is I'm not much of a book person but I do spend a lot of time reading. I can use this to expand my horizons. I plan on reading some travel books when I go, because I have a big desire to travel and meet women in my future.

Where I am right now regarding skills is confusing. It completely depends on my mood and how social I am. I've let opportunities slip by just because I wasn't feeling interested or because I didn't pick up on a woman's signals and openers. I've been able to attract women effortlessly just by being myself and being social, however this is usually after work after I've been dealing with people all day. Weekends and in any other situation I'm totally different, I have approach anxiety like crazy and I want to conquer it. I just need a more comfortable and natural place to approach than what I'm used to (busy malls on the weekend, with girls walking around in groups or with boyfriends). Despite supposedly being more finess in a bookstore I'm hoping there will be many single ladies waiting to be opened on a Friday/Saturday night like I'm hearing -- there is also a Starbucks there. I think the book type of girl attracts me more too.

So ultimately I think Chapters will be a good place for me to work on my game and I'll post about it next week. Thanks to those who have posted their tips!