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OR  Married girl and her husband (whoops)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
So I was at Baja Sol today and a bunch of other places turning in job applications. At Baja Sol, I met a cute girl who seemed to be really giggly around me and gave me flirty eyes.

My execution was a bit clumsy because I hadn't thought of a way to open to someone on the job before, so I didn't do anything besides ask for her name, introduce myself, give her flirty eyes back, and talk to her like I wanted to tear her clothes off right there. She told me the manager wasn't there and that she'd have her call me, so I ended up driving away to apply for a place at a nearby strip mall and hopefully see a cute girl there to open to instead, but due to not meeting anyone and thinking that I blew a great learning opportunity, I came back to "ask for the manager's number so that I could call her first."
The conversation went something like this:

Me: "Hi! (Girl Name) right?"
Her: "*giggle* Yes!"
Me: "Am I pronouncing that right? I'd feel like a douche if I asked for your name and didn't pronounce it right."
Her: "Oh no no, you're fine *giggle*"
"Awesome. So anyway, I came back because I thought I should be the one to call your manager. Do you think you could get me the number?"
"Um yep! Actually.. It's out there in the window. Here, I'll write it for you! (Begins to write the number on the back of a receipt)
"Thank you! *pause* How old are you?"
"I'm 19! How old are you?"
"I'll be 18 in September."
"Cool! (Hands me the number)"
"Awesome. So should I save this as Baja Sol?"
"Yep! *giggle*"
*pause as I begin to put it into my phone*
Me: "Cool! I'll talk to your manager then.. *pause* May I text you?"
Her: *eyes widening* "What? Nooooo! *giggle* why???"
Me: (Smiling) Because I think you're cute and you have a very cute laugh.
Her: "*more giggling* I'm married... sorry..."
Me: "Oh well congratulations!"

At that point another employee from behind me said "Thank you" and I realized that it was the man she was married to... Haha, whoops... I thanked her for her time and said I would call her manager, again, and tried my best not to look too shaken and strut out of there as he eyed me the whole way.
I get the feeling I'm not going to get a very good word from the employees there when the manager comes back and sees my application... Oh well. This experience made me aware that I need a better idea of what I should say to a girl on the job the next time I meet one while searching for jobs.
Feel free to suggest anything! There are 3.5 billion girls out there, so I'm open to trying anything!

- AP
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake