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Mean flirting


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 7, 2022
Hey guys I had a question about the psychology behind mean flirting. I've been flirted with a couple of times by chicks who liked me a lot and they were fucking with me using a sort of mean tone and they made me massively turned on by it. From what you guys have seen, what's the reason why a woman would choose to flirt particularly like this? And is there a particular kind of woman who tends to do it more frequently than average women? The feeling I got was the women who flirt like this are the type who regularly date badasses. Therefore they tend to be good at flirting. It was sexy to me so it definitely worked on me.

On another note I tried doing the same type of things to women during daygame and they ended up really liking it, but what I noticed is that timing is important. There is a certain skill that goes into it. Because they have to be able to "catch" your drift. It seems to me like a guy must have some kind of rapport to do it. You can't just walk up to a woman and fuck with them or they won't "get" the innuendo.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Teasing/busting assumes a certain level of rapport (as you've noticed). So when you do it, or someone does it to you, done right, it communicates closeness. The person doing the teasing is saying, "I feel close enough to you to bust on you like this," which makes the other person feel close as well ("Oh. He feels really close to me. Huh!").

The caveat is that not all people work this way... particularly people you don't have that level of rapport with, plus 'humorless' people.

It is trainable though, at least in some cases. I have had relatively humorless people around me who eventually figured out that when I was busting on them it was all in good fun. Eventually they start to like it, and can do it to you back.

Check out this article on the subject:

(one note... if you are younger, you might actually have some girls still doing the "mean teasing" I advise avoiding there. As people get older they refine their teasing, but younger folks can still be rough with theirs as they figure out the rules to proper teasing)

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake