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Meditation class same day lay


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2013
Hi all. I’ve been enjoying seeing these lay reports and postings and figured I’d chime in. I’ve benefited immensely from reading this site over the past 12 years. I figured maybe others could find value in me sharing my own experiences and findings. So here we go.

I have 12 lays from this month and the last that I’d like to write up over a few different posts. One stretch where I had 5 in 6 days back in August, and how that happened and what I learned and observed from being high momentum. That also happened to be right before I was moving out of a city I’d lived in for a while, so I’ll talk about how that ties into it. I have one cold approach, insta date lay from back in my parents hometown a couple days after getting back. And then 6 over the past 20 days traveling through Colombia.

A lot of these lays may seem kind of boring and like they lack conversational and tactical detail, that people sometimes assume you need in order to pull of things like this, but I’ve always attempted to cultivate natural game and instead of becoming a pick up artist to become a natural. I really try to run everything as naturally and instinctually as I can, while maintaining a big picture view of the interaction and where I want to lead it. Who knows, I haven’t written them up yet but we’l see what comes out. Any input on improving the lay reports would be appreciated.

I’ll start with lay 1 of my 5 in 6 day stretch.

Lay 1

In the American city I was living for a few years I went to a meditation type class, funnily enough with a girl who I used to smash a few years ago, ended because I mismanaged the FWB relationship and she got feelings and then pissy, and I bumped into her on a walk and now we’re cool. We’d actually gone to this class a few weeks back together once before and did end up having sex afterwards but that’s irrelevant to this story.

I walked into this room and she had already arrived and laid a mat out for me next to her. So I sat next to her and then this chick to my right. About my age (I’m 27), maybe a little older, Latina, cute looking good in yoga pants. I came in relatively high energy, sat down, and smiled and started talking to her. I still don’t really remember what about but I think it was about going to classes like these and her experience with them. It was platonic and friendly and honestly I wasn’t giving off much sexual undertones nor picking anything up from her, I was just being friendly. Of course, I had it in my mind that she was attractive but I was truly just being friendly.

We did the meditation activity and then afterwards I was feeling particularly dazed. I felt like I was in a haze. It all had a big impact on me. At the end of the class the teacher recommended we talk with whoever was next to us about our experience who we didn’t know, and so then I started talking with her. Everyone was being jovial and kind of getting up to go and I kept sitting next to her and describing to her my experience, just sort of genuinely dazed and out of it and letting the conversation flow. As people got up to go we stayed on the map and talked - I still dont’ really remember what about - and I could tell she was kind of concerned - maybe be a strong word - but yeah kind of concerned and intrigued by this strong impact the meditation had on me and what I was saying.

We slowly got up and spoke with the teacher a bit outside further about the practice and the experience. As we were talking, and he talked to someone else who was saying by to him, I asked her if she wanted to keep talking and get a tea at this little shop adjacent to where we were. She said yes.

We slowly made our way out of the group (I completely ignored the chick I came with the whole time which she was later pissed about but I thought she’d left while I stayed inside) and walked to get tea. I paid - I actually always pay for girls now, which I may discuss in the future - and we sat and talked about life and travel and what have you. She’s 33. I deep dived and we talked deep on both sides.

She had some deep questions for me and was calling me “man” and made some comments about life and how “when she was my age” and stuff, which I honestly thought meant she was signaling she was friend zoning me. I honestly felt like she kind of was but I couldn’t really tell. I was kind of down about it and was thinking about how I could not have that happen while not trying to ruffle any feathers with this social circle, even though I only had like 2 weeks left in my city.

I figured I’d still go for the kill. It was on the cusp of getting dark and I asked her if she wanted to take a walk. She originally said yes as we were walking out and then she said no. I thought ah, shit, she’s not into me. Then I proposed that we go grab a drink later together. I turned towards her with piercing eye contact and a direct and attractive voice as I said it. She surprisingly accepted and we agreed to meet in like 90 minutes to grab a drink by her place “because she wanted to be able to walk.” Ok…

So we agreed, confirmed over text, and met back up there. I had changed into a good looking outfit while she was still wearing the same workout clothes. I took that as a sign that she maybe was just passing time, but whatever. We went to the bar together and she paid for our drinks. While we were at the bar she got an important call and began to look super rattled and anxious.

We went and sat down at picnic tables outside at this bar - inside and outside portion - and began to talk about how she got an important call about some sort of business opportunity from someone overseas but it was probably a butt dial because it was so late there. She talked about how it was so important, and then I inspired her, saying how it wasn’t that important and that I started my business without any outside help and maybe that’s what she should do, further deep diving and inspiring her but doing it more by asking her questions and having the conversation, not preaching.

A comedy show was starting and it was loud as fuck and we continued to talk. She actually proposed we go to the bar I originally proposed, which was a 10 minute walk. So we walked. It was dark now. We continue to have deep conversations and she was asking me deep things like what I’m interested in, what I’m excited about, what values I live by, shit that I like to think about but kind of had to bullshti as we talked. We weren’t holding hands or anything but I can began to realize there was definitely a chance now.

We got to this new bar, which is very dark, and I got the drinks and we sat down in a booth in the corner of the bar. Eye contact and proximity increase and we continued to have good conversation without any direct flirting. We got closer to eacohthers faces and she was looking straight forward, when I decided to put my arm around her and my hand on her opposite cheek and go for the kiss. She absolutely melted into the kiss with lots of tongue and it was a fucking fantastic and sexual kiss. about a minute after that I actually decided to go to the bathroom because I had to pee and it just felt like good timing. I also pulled back from the kiss after about 15-30 seconds to leave her wanting more.

I came back and we talked more and I confirmed if she lived close. I told her I wanted her to take me to see her art she made that was she talking about (alongside the career opportunity thing she mentioned before.) She chilly agreed.

We walked back to her place, holding hands. We went inside and I went to the bathroom. When I came out I walked up to her standing in the kitchen, not breaking eye contact, picked her up so she was facing me and kissing me and making out with me - she’s a small little Latina girl - and brought her to bed and fucked her brains out without any LMR. She’s now turned into a truly great friend and fuck buddy.

Moral of the story is don’t listen to your subconscious telling you why she may not be into you and lean into why she is. Assume attraction and lean into understanding what’s going well in the interaction and proceed with confidence. Everything is a shit test if the compliance is there. (Within reason.)

That was Wednesday.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I think "boring seduction" can be great because you're really working with non verbals. Chase has an article on sexual magnetism. Gunwitch (Alan) has one on mirror neurons too.

Might fit with your style


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
Yeah, I never see enough boring seductions. People only write about their exciting public sex experiences and whizz-bang arousal techniques.

If you’re willing to write them, bring it on.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2013
I think "boring seduction" can be great because you're really working with non verbals. Chase has an article on sexual magnetism. Gunwitch (Alan) has one on mirror neurons too.

Might fit with your style
The work on this site on vibe, mirror neurons - really enjoyed chases California pimp article back in the day - all that is at the foundation of my game. That's why I was somewhat hesitant to write reports in the past because I can't properly convey the undertones which is where the magic is really happening. In the smiles, the closing proximity, the magic in the eye contact, me looking her up and down, etc. Which I've tried to kind of become ironically less aware of in myself because I want to make it natural. I feel as if awareness of it can ruin the magic at times. idk.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hi all. I’ve been enjoying seeing these lay reports and postings and figured I’d chime in. I’ve benefited immensely from reading this site over the past 12 years. I figured maybe others could find value in me sharing my own experiences and findings. So here we go.

Yes! Awesome. More great reports are always great.

I have 12 lays from this month and the last that I’d like to write up over a few different posts. One stretch where I had 5 in 6 days back in August, and how that happened and what I learned and observed from being high momentum. That also happened to be right before I was moving out of a city I’d lived in for a while, so I’ll talk about how that ties into it. I have one cold approach, insta date lay from back in my parents hometown a couple days after getting back. And then 6 over the past 20 days traveling through Colombia.

Allen Iverson, still putting points on the boards after all these years ;)

A lot of these lays may seem kind of boring and like they lack conversational and tactical detail, that people sometimes assume you need in order to pull of things like this, but I’ve always attempted to cultivate natural game and instead of becoming a pick up artist to become a natural. I really try to run everything as naturally and instinctually as I can, while maintaining a big picture view of the interaction and where I want to lead it. Who knows, I haven’t written them up yet but we’l see what comes out. Any input on improving the lay reports would be appreciated.

Most lays are "boring."

I think it helps guys to see you don't have to do a lot of fancy stuff to bed most girls.

Mostly just "show up", "don't screw up", and "move it forward."

She’s 33. I deep dived and we talked deep on both sides.

She had some deep questions for me and was calling me “man” and made some comments about life and how “when she was my age” and stuff, which I honestly thought meant she was signaling she was friend zoning me. I honestly felt like she kind of was but I couldn’t really tell.

This is her declaring that she has disqualified you as a potential boyfriend.

The other two options are, sure, friend, but also potential lover.

Girls ruling you out as boyfriends while still hanging around with you, joking with you, opening up to you, etc., is generally an excellent sign.

So we agreed, confirmed over text, and met back up there. I had changed into a good looking outfit while she was still wearing the same workout clothes. I took that as a sign that she maybe was just passing time, but whatever. We went to the bar together and she paid for our drinks. While we were at the bar she got an important call and began to look super rattled and anxious.

Chicks will do that if you're not worth "investing" in but could be good for a lay.

She'd have dressed up if she thought there was boyfriend potential.

Since all you could be for her was a friend or a fuck, she didn't bother.

Her buying the drinks was another telling sign her mind was probably already thinking more "fuck" than "friend."

We got to this new bar, which is very dark, and I got the drinks and we sat down in a booth in the corner of the bar. Eye contact and proximity increase and we continued to have good conversation without any direct flirting.

Seems like this girl was all about similarity.

Similarity in the meditation room... similarity later on, asking you about your values and everything... similarity here with no outright flirtation.

Then straight from the similarity into the physicality:

We got closer to eacohthers faces and she was looking straight forward, when I decided to put my arm around her and my hand on her opposite cheek and go for the kiss. She absolutely melted into the kiss with lots of tongue and it was a fucking fantastic and sexual kiss. about a minute after that I actually decided to go to the bathroom because I had to pee and it just felt like good timing. I also pulled back from the kiss after about 15-30 seconds to leave her wanting more.

Well played.

I came back and we talked more and I confirmed if she lived close. I told her I wanted her to take me to see her art she made that was she talking about (alongside the career opportunity thing she mentioned before.) She chilly agreed.

We walked back to her place, holding hands. We went inside and I went to the bathroom. When I came out I walked up to her standing in the kitchen, not breaking eye contact, picked her up so she was facing me and kissing me and making out with me - she’s a small little Latina girl - and brought her to bed and fucked her brains out without any LMR. She’s now turned into a truly great friend and fuck buddy.

Moral of the story is don’t listen to your subconscious telling you why she may not be into you and lean into why she is. Assume attraction and lean into understanding what’s going well in the interaction and proceed with confidence. Everything is a shit test if the compliance is there. (Within reason.)

That was Wednesday.

Yeah man, well done.

Sometimes you get these girls who just need mostly similarity building, and whatever touch / sexy eye contact / other nonverbal arousal-building you do is enough. You don't even need to tease, flirt, use verbal sexual frames, etc.

You stayed chill here, kept giving her the convo she was after, stuck with it despite not being sure it was going to go anywhere, and in the end you got the lay.

A well-deserved one!

Hope we get to see a few more of those reports; sounds like you're on fire now.


edit: oh, as far as writing reports goes -- not mandatory but short descriptions at the beginning of each of you + the girl and a "keys to the lay" section at the end where you break out what you view as either the key moments or the key things that enabled the lay to occur are always valuable when included.
Last edited:


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2013
Yes! Awesome. More great reports are always great.

Allen Iverson, still putting points on the boards after all these years ;)

Most lays are "boring."

I think it helps guys to see you don't have to do a lot of fancy stuff to bed most girls.

Mostly just "show up", "don't screw up", and "move it forward."

This is her declaring that she has disqualified you as a potential boyfriend.

The other two options are, sure, friend, but also potential lover.

Girls ruling you out as boyfriends while still hanging around with you, joking with you, opening up to you, etc., is generally an excellent sign.

Chicks will do that if you're not worth "investing" in but could be good for a lay.

She'd have dressed up if she thought there was boyfriend potential.

Since all you could be for her was a friend or a fuck, she didn't bother.

Her buying the drinks was another telling sign her mind was probably already thinking more "fuck" than "friend."

Seems like this girl was all about similarity.

Similarity in the meditation room... similarity later on, asking you about your values and everything... similarity here with no outright flirtation.

Then straight from the similarity into the physicality:

Well played.

Yeah man, well done.

Sometimes you get these girls who just need mostly similarity building, and whatever touch / sexy eye contact / other nonverbal arousal-building you do is enough. You don't even need to tease, flirt, use verbal sexual frames, etc.

You stayed chill here, kept giving her the convo she was after, stuck with it despite not being sure it was going to go anywhere, and in the end you got the lay.

A well-deserved one!

Hope we get to see a few more of those reports; sounds like you're on fire now.


edit: oh, as far as writing reports goes -- not mandatory but short descriptions at the beginning of each of you + the girl and a "keys to the lay" section at the end where you break out what you view as either the key moments or the key things that enabled the lay to occur are always valuable when included.
Whenever I am in momentum the leading comes second nature and it does seem like it's about not screwing up, you're totally right. And yes, it seems that through vibe I'm able to create attraction and comfortability and so the similarity and leading takes care of so much. It's that ability to remain chill and to lead and connect while making it all seems almost ordinary.