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Long-Term  Meeting her Friends.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
There comes a time in every relationship when a women wants to introduce you to her friends. It may simply come up as "hey I want you to be my date at dinner for my friends birthday. Hope you can come!"

Now I know Chase advocates not meeting the friends and family all to soon to leave some mystery around and because with each thing you do, you bring the relationship one step closer to that "no new things left to do point"

But When that time comes, DO NOT SHRUG IT OFF AND SAY NO!!! The only reason why she wants you to meet her friends is to "show you off" she wants to show her friends the sexy, smooth, dominate, amazing man she got ahold of. And if you say no, she will be pissed and hold it against you. Like I said SHE ONLY WANTS TO SHOW YOU OFF you are like a trophy ;)

When it comes to meeting the friends you HAVE TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION!. Do not argue with any of the friends, Shrug off and joke with any crap they give you. For example, I myself like feminine drinks, I.E Sex on the Beach, and Dream Cicle) When I drink I want it to taste good and I dont find it immasculating in the slightest.

Her friends started to give me crap (mainly guys) for it, saying to her "didnt know you were lesbian" and to me "would you like a skirt with that drink?" To which I shrugged it off and laughed with them and said "Yea shes a hot lesbian" and "Yea a skirt would look pretty good on me. would show off my legs ;) ) Eventually they actually apologized to me saying they didnt mean to be so mean and rude, to which I shrugged it off and said "Its no big deal we are all here just having fun"

Deep Dive with her friends, when they tell a story deep dive like you would with a girl your on a date with, connect with them.
Show them you are that cool suave sexy guy shes been braging about.

Do not say anything negative always be positive throughout the night, stay low energy and smooth.

If you do your job right and connect emotionally with her friends, be cool, calm, and collective, they will really like you.

My night ended with another apology and the friends saying "We only gave you crap because we like you" "You are a really cool guy" herFriends looked at my girlfriend and said "You got yourself a good one" Then looked at me and said "You take care of her".

At the end of the night if you do all of this correctly your girlfriend will be extremely impressed. may say something like "my friends really liked you". And she will properly thank you being the guy she raved about later ;)

Cheers. The Tool


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Great points and a solid anecdote here.

Especially when the girl herself is a stronger / more independent type, you'll often catch some heavy-ish ball-busting when first meeting friends and family. I'm not sure if it's testing to see if the stronger girl got herself an even stronger man who can give her a great relationship, or if he's just some pushover stooge that she'll run slipshod on and be over in a few months... OR, it might simply be that stronger / more independent types simply have stronger / more independent friends and family who are more prone to ball-busting themselves.

One thing I've found helpful - but it has to be perfectly calibrated - is lightly busting the family / friends' stones early into meeting them too. This has to be proceeded by you being really cool / thoughtful / considerate, and it has to be well-timed and not be on anything sensitive - e.g., more a nudge in the ribs than a slap in the face. If you can't do it perfect, just skip it. But if you can, it's a great way of making them feel like you already are very comfortable with them and are treating them the same way they treat others they're close with. Don't ball bust with quieter types, and don't do it if you can't do it perfectly. Good if you can do it, though.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Thanks alot Chase

One thing I've found helpful - but it has to be perfectly calibrated - is lightly busting the family / friends' stones early into meeting them too. This has to be proceeded by you being really cool / thoughtful / considerate, and it has to be well-timed and not be on anything sensitive - e.g., more a nudge in the ribs than a slap in the face. If you can't do it perfect, just skip it. But if you can, it's a great way of making them feel like you already are very comfortable with them and are treating them the same way they treat others they're close with. Don't ball bust with quieter types, and don't do it if you can't do it perfectly. Good if you can do it, though.
Indeed this can work in ones favor extremely well. And I agree one must indeed tread lightly