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Meeting her friends...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Been seeing this girl for 2 months most weekends (had a few issues with her - it took till the 5th/6th time to close and even then she was quite difficult (see LR) - I think maybe she's not giving up control which is the issue). She invited me to come to a dinner party with some of her friends (I haven't met any of them, she hasn't met any of my friends - I'm surprised she asked me actually!) in a few days I'm not sure if going is a good idea, - since I will be in her territory and since we've only had sex once properly (which was difficult and she didn't finish properly - I have made her finish very well a twice but both times with my hand - next time we have sex I think things would improve).

Thoughts and experiences would be appreciated - I expect I'm quite "unusual" for her friends group - might be better to stay as her secret for a while? - this feels like its getting close to BF slotting - I do like her more than any of the other girls and I probably would like to go out with her - but I feel like I should maybe have made a bigger sexual impact on her before we go down that route...?

The only concern I have is that its getting a bit dull having her just come to my place - I feel like doing something different is in order to keep things from getting dull! - I suppose this would be.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

I say go dude. It would be a change of pace, and if you handle it correctly (as in showing her friends you aren't a crazy person, rapist, or worse and just enjoying yourself there) you could be looking at some pretty great sex afterwards; especially do it if you want to wife this girl up.

I am interested though in what you mean by you being 'unusual' for her friend group...what do you mean by that specifically?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Jay, thanks for your input!
Jay said:

I say go dude. It would be a change of pace, and if you handle it correctly (as in showing her friends you aren't a crazy person, rapist, or worse and just enjoying yourself there) you could be looking at some pretty great sex afterwards; especially do it if you want to wife this girl up.

I am interested though in what you mean by you being 'unusual' for her friend group...what do you mean by that specifically?

What I mean is I am a bit of a rebel, they mostly all have steady jobs in offices while I'm still in grad school and working part time on the side and travelling. They all live in a certain nice part of the city and are almost a family where everyone knows each other - I have always lived in a different area. I'm not sure I will feel totally comfortable being in her group unless I've sorted the dominance issue with her - It could of course work in my favour - she might just melt for me when we are out and I handle things like a boss socially and this could be the point at which she finally lets me take the lead but since its her thing and her home ground it might make it more difficult - for me next week would have been ideal, been thinking of saying she should come by afterwards since I do have a party I could be going to instead...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey gf,

I actually take Jay's side here, at least from what I know of the situation.

If the girl has had your penis inside her and is still trying to see you, then it means she wants things to work out between you two. If she didn't, she probably would have fallen into buyer's remorse and broken contact with you.

That being said, being aloof at this point might not be the best strategy since she seems to already be fearing how you might treat her after you two finally have some real, passionate sex. Impressing her friends by showing how much of an awesome, fun, manly guy you are might be a good way to put some of her fears at ease, and as Jay mentioned, it might lead to some hot, steamy sex later that night.

You need to remain very warm with her all the way up until it's time for you to escalate again. She needs to feel comfortable. But then, when it does come time to escalate, you're going to need to be physically aggressive and push past her LMR. If she's not aligning with you, try giving her some heavy fingering first. Stick two or three fingers in there to get her really wet and to help open her vaginal passage, and then make your move when it seems like she's yearning deeply for you.

This would be my advice.




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Franco said:
Hey gf,

I actually take Jay's side here, at least from what I know of the situation.

Yes. I decided earlier I can handle things well enough socially that I can improve things by going out, when I accepted she even said I could stay with her at her parents house - another surprise. She just called me from a pre party and she's pretty drunk which makes everything easier- nice. Feeling good about this.

Thanks Franco - perfect input as usual. Agree with everything you say - only question I have now is about the dominance issue - what to do when a girl keeps prodding it and trying to shift the tides all the time


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012

was good - met her friends made a good impression - she was finally a cute affectionate girl for once when she was properly tipsy, kissing me, and looking at me etc

She was not feeling well though and had big back pains AND was on her period! - so nothing in the night but the morning was ok - waking up in her parents house - meeting her mum

I'm a little worried things might be moving a little too fast with her if anything - she is very pretty comes from a good family is a "good girl" but while thats what I thought I wanted(after my ex was the opposite in every way) it seems she's just not passionate enough I think - sex is something logical for her almost - Id like her to become an animal and show me how desperate she is - but no matter how much she wants me the most she will do is kiss me. I suppose its good practice in leading - shes clearly another total submissive deep down - the whole dominance act is falling away now I can tell!