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Meeting more girls in University


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey guys, Garrett here.

I've been reading the blogs for a while, and although I have gained a lot of knowledge, I haven't really been applying a lot of what I've learned. I'm not one to make excuses, and I should be talking to more girls. Infact, I see gorgeous girls all over campus.. the thing is it's a commuter campus, and a high school size, so it's fairly easy to build a reputation!

Anyways, so I find that whenever I go to school, I get a lot of looks from girls. I follow a lot of fashion advice and have developed a decent wardrobe, I workout, I handle my fundamentals (still working on some), but all in all, thanks to GC I've been able to stand out from the pack. The thing is, I usually will only meet girls if they approach me, which happens on occasion, but not as often as I want to meet girls. I usually only talk to a girl if she gives clear obvious signs she's interested, but the thing is most girls are subtle so I don't strike unless I'm 100% sure she likes me, which I am well aware is not the best strategy :).

The issue I'm facing is actually conversing with these girls, it's so frustrating! I'm a pretty social guy and I want to meet more girls at school, as I'm sure many of you guys out there feel ;). The thing is, I'll be sitting in the large lecture hall, and there will be a cute girl beside me with open body language, and you just get that vibe that she wants you to talk to her. I can never bring myself to do it, and the most I'd be able to say is Hi then I'd get nervous. I'm pretty confident and don't have this problem with girl 'friends' or my buddies, but when I'm meeting new girls that I'm attracted to, I get nervous due to lack of experience.

Another reason why I typically refrain from engaging in conversation with a girl at school is because you're basically stuck beside her for an hour or 2, and it's not the most ideal place to meet girls. It's like going to a movie theatre and a cute girl sits next to you and a bunch of people are around who are watching you... a bit of pressure for someone new to game. I don't want to make excuses though and I still want to be able to meet girls when I'm not feeling 100%, when I'm tired, when all I can utter is "Hi".

I'm planning on completing the newbie assignment this summer, but for now do you guys have any advice on how I can start landing these hot curvy brunettes and even Asians who are eyeing me? Like today there was a girl who was walking slowly and she looked back at me a few times and seemed open to talk, I just didn't pull the trigger. I'm really ambitious, and I want to learn what's the best way to be discrete, yet still have the balls to open a girl, even if I don't yet have the confidence to say a direct opener. I'm not looking at anything advanced yet, I just want to be able to see a girl and open her because I see so many sexy girls at school! I guess I feel like there's no point opening unless I use the direct opener, and I don't feel confident using one yet. Should I just say "Hi" and simply deep dive a bit? I feel capable of that, I just don't wanna give her the idea that I'm not interested based on the fact that I'm not complimenting or asking if she's single... Perhaps frames could work, but I'm interested to hear what your experiences are and if you have any advice to go along with it!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Writing this from a phone, so my response is going to be a bit brief. Something that I found works well for classroom game is to get attention from girls indirectly. I'll usually sit near the front of the room and arrive a little late. Puts me in their line of sight and grabs their attention, especially when you're tall. You can then leave the class and if you see a cute girl you can go for an indirect direct approach since you're going to be seeing them again. I'll usually say you look familiar, they'll respond that you're in the same class, I respond that I didn't know that and thought she looked like this girl from my high school but a little cuter. Sets a frame that she's been looking at you.

As for the opener, saying hi and then deep diving is a bit crept as she doesn't know your intentions This is why making your interests of her as a cute girl you want to get to know is important.

Hope I could help, any more questions and I'll try to take some more time answering (once i have access to a computer!)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Garret I'd absolutely just start by saying hi when sat next the girl, you can 'formally' introduce yourself with "I'm x pleased
To meet you" if you like, but what you have is a captive audience she almost certainly will have to be at least Polite and possibly she may even really want to get to know you.

I very rarely give up an opportunity to meet someone new, whomever that is.