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Mental Models


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

i actually crack and try to actually understand my brain for a lot of years. Maybe i have a crack at understanding how we can work with our brain here. A lot of studies have said that the brain is also working in part of projecting your reality, and recently (i can't remember the article, argh!) there's a study that mention the heart also plays a role with the brain in our human system. Using emotional and logical change.

Understanding Yin and Yang from a logic perspective maybe? Tell me though. I am not a scientist.



and bottom picture, how we change from here.



Maybe we can finally shift our mental state here. Give me your thoughts.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012

Maybe we can finally shift our mental state here.

You are absolutely right. Shifting your mental state is possible. The only problem is that most people go at it the wrong way. That's exactly why most New Years resolutions fade out after a month, and why the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. It's also the reason why some people just can't go up to talk to women, while others just keep taking women home.

It turns out that your mind uses it's own little cycle. This cycle looks like this:

Potential >> Actions >> Results >> Belief >> Potential (start the cycle over).

Let me break it down for you...

1)Potential: This is what you see as possible. You visualize something in your head because you believe it is possible to attain.

2)Actions: These are the actions you take because of your perceived potential.

3)Results: These are the results you get from taking action.

4)Belief: Your belief is then shaped with your results.

So if you had positive Results, you will then visualize positive Potential. Which will then create positive Actions, which will in turn create positive Results. This will shape positive Beliefs, which will lead to positive Potential etc...
If you get negative Results, then the opposite happens.

How does this help you with women? Simple, all you have to do is shape your Potential. I'm not just talking about believing you can go up to women and talk to them. I'm talking about VISUALIZING you going up to them, no matter what. Put the image in your mind of you being good with women, of you going up to her and telling her exactly what you think confidently. If you can convince yourself that you have the potential, you can literally do anything you want in life. The sky is the limit for you, my friend.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Rasta said:
It turns out that your mind uses it's own little cycle. This cycle looks like this:

Potential >> Actions >> Results >> Belief >> Potential (start the cycle over).

Let me break it down for you...

1)Potential: This is what you see as possible. You visualize something in your head because you believe it is possible to attain.

2)Actions: These are the actions you take because of your perceived potential.

3)Results: These are the results you get from taking action.

4)Belief: Your belief is then shaped with your results.

Anthony Robbins explains this philosophy well here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ImIuAvkUMo

Rasta said:
How does this help you with women? Simple, all you have to do is shape your Potential. I'm not just talking about believing you can go up to women and talk to them. I'm talking about VISUALIZING you going up to them, no matter what. Put the image in your mind of you being good with women, of you going up to her and telling her exactly what you think confidently. If you can convince yourself that you have the potential, you can literally do anything you want in life. The sky is the limit for you, my friend.

I think potential and belief is very important. People often misconcept action without understanding where they going. and i feel that we need to really find how our brains work. Chase also mention balance here, as well as other greats, example like Bruce Lee, where he mention you should flow like water, being able to flow into almost any object.

Logic and Emotional Change is what i feel Yin and Yang. Like dance. Both logic and emotional belief is essential.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Thank you for posting the video! I saw it a couple of weeks ago, and I had saved the cycle in a notepad file, but I could not find the video link.

Do you have any other videos/thoughts on mental models? I find the mind to be fascinating.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Rasta said:
Do you have any other videos/thoughts on mental models? I find the mind to be fascinating.

I actually came out the model after reading and observing how my mind actually works.

- I would say Abraham Hicks by Esther is phenomenal, although it might not be for everyone.
- Les Brown is also one.
- The Secret really works, but it has been misconcept

i would say this three works. :)
