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Observations  MGTOW hates here and Girlschase hates MGTOW


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

If you all read recently, i was uninformed and got booted out from an Asian PUA Facebook group. Apparently, i commented something that was "gamey" by noting to use other girls to get a girl that some guy wanted to reset with. To note something similar, enough readers note that Girlschase is system and MGTOw, redpill is a system too.

But to note on me getting kicked out......

It was something innocent, but wasn't his philosophy, at least at his stage now. Hypocrisy maybe but i guess that's who we all are.

I then recognize all of today's problems.

Here's here

1)Stage of a person: and also influence from society that the fucker must be there, stay there. Women do this to YOU, STAY THERE, Don't move bitch :)

When you are from the hood, you operate your thoughts from the hood. When you are rich, your thought processes are still from the hood, but you lean more towards where you are now.

and society wants you to be there with them. If they are a group of idiots, you must be an idiot. YOU MUST!

2)Skill vs Women vs Framework (The environment or to be precise here, Women)

Skills are learn from different of school of thoughts. One is pride over the other. And this is where it gets messy. Because framework can intertwines. You have a person operate from a framework learn from school A but apply skill from school B to women from another framework. Applying high energy to women on the park/approaching women in library like it was NEW YEAR EVE!

Thus disaster. I havent add everything else about the person flaws. Thus more disaster.

3)PRINCIPLE: Business vs Ethics, Osmosis vs Student, Delusion vs Reality

Recently Hector commented on this. but once money matters enters the picture, we are all different.

A slight difference but a difference noticeable.

The hardest of them all, most people aren't even aware of it. Thus they are fucktard but they think i am fucktard. I can relate to you and everybody, and people think i am Jesus walking on water

but once i don't relate to you, I am Satan. :)

Amazing shit i learn. Fundamental reality is deemed as perception. I recognize why religion exist. I can't imagine what happens to society if their religion bubble or any bubble blows.

Because i have been there. :) It's not a joke. It's not fun.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Slay said:
1. I believe that's Cognitive Dissonance. Chase's got a cool article on it you should read.

Cognitive dissonance is two different belief systems in conflict. If you talking about belief systems, it is cognitive dissonance. If you talking about stage of life, that's different.

of course, if we were to describe it literally, it means that our 'reality processes', changes, and the 'delusion process' after the 'reality process', also changes.

1)When you are young, Your parents hold your 'reality processes', while you go out there drinking booze and forgot to pay bills that your parents has to settle for it.
2)When we are older, we withdraw to our 'reality processes', we surround ourselves with established 'delusion process' because we already done it. Also another reason why older people are "fucktards".

but 'Delusion process' is just: What you think of life but What you do is different. At the end of the day, it's only reality process.

If you can "get this",

you can apply this on dating with women and you see how women flip between two worlds, reality process (women love sex) and delusion process (women are saint and whatever). it's fucking amazing insight. and i am not even kidding.

Someone wrote a lay report on New Year Eve. Yeap, that's one of this, where he stop after she just 'aloof'.

People can talk about "God" all they want. I see literally everything. That's why a young man or a man who has nothing, is dangerous to society, to women. It's like Houdini or Aaron Sleazy in the dating world.

and Chase and myself had this convo on protective mechanism.

It's a 'reinforcement of the fort'. It's easier to build from what you have already have, as you get older. Although technically, this is not true at all

Slay said:
What do you think will happen? Will people start taking more control of their lives?

They will. Enough will suicide whatever beliefs they are. We already see students die as young today. The market (whatever it is) is so fucking imbalance.

but not without low self esteem, depression,violence, anger, throwing chairs, shooting people, terrorism around the world, 'rape' and many. Nobody even myself, wants that to happen. It's changing but not so soon or ever.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers