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Michael's Journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 7, 2013
I was biking home today after class, around 2:30pm, and I noticed a few decent-looking girls out and about, which got me thinking about how I want to get more practice with more girls - right now there’s just the one girl from volleyball and it’s frustrating because it’s like all my eggs are in one basket. I also realized that I had never asked a girl if she was single before.

So anyway, I was getting to the end of the downtown area and I decided to turn around, lock up my bike, and walk up the street to practice cold approach. Right as soon as I finished locking my bike, this girl walked by me and slowed right down, looking at her phone. I thought it might be an approach invitation but didn’t talk to her.

I started walking down the street, noticed another attractive girl walking in my direction, and let her walk by me. I thought “I wonder how many cute girls I’m gonna pass up on before I ask them ‘Are you single’ or say anything at all”. I started counting. I set a limit at 10, so that if I let 9 go by then I would be forced to approach the next girl I saw. I would only count girls that were by themselves and that were attractive. (Also if they were pushing a stroller, that didn’t count either.)

Number 10 came and went, and I still hadn’t opened my mouth. Then number 15 came along. I said “Excuse me,” but she had headphones on and assumed I had said hi, smiled and didn’t stop walking. I chuckled to myself and kept going.

Now I was walking on a long stretch of sidewalk, with a park beside it, so you could see people coming from far away. I noticed a girl by herself about 40 m in front of me, walking towards me. I thought “OK, I’ll ask her if she’s single”. But I chickened out.

After number 16, I lost count. I got some shawarma and walked back down the street, but I didn’t approach anymore. There was a cute girl with pretty good fashion walking the same way on the other side of the street, but she was on the other side of the street so I couldn’t approach her (excuses, excuses). Then I noticed a girl, and her sister? who was pushing a stroller, behind me, and the girl without the stroller was really pretty, but I didn’t approach her. By now, rush hour was starting up, it was getting darker, and my mood wasn’t as good as it was when I got off my bike an hour before, and I went home.

I consider the one interaction where I opened my mouth to be a victory and something to build on. I’ll try to do this again soon and hopefully I'll actually approach girls more.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 7, 2013
Saturday, Nov 3, 2013

I was going to go to a party tonight but it got busted before I left the house. I biked into town, to the same place as on Tuesday, locked my bike and walked along the street. I went by a few bars and a couple nightclubs, and didn't go into any of them. There were a lot of people out and about, almost all in groups. I noticed a lot of groups of 2 guys, 2 girls, with the girls walking in front. Occasionally I'd say 'hey' to a girl walking by and they'd just ignore me so I'd keep walking. It was 5˚C today, so a lot of girls were freezing their asses off in their halloween costumes.

My friend that was hosting the party was supposed to text me so that we could meet up, but he never did, so I was on my own. I ended up walking around outside for about 40 minutes and then biked home in the cold. All in all, a pretty frustrating night.

Things I realized tonight:
  • I need a wingman/mentor to go on these excursions with so it's not such a waste of time.
  • Especially for nighttime street game, because girls are usually in groups of some size and it's harder to open them if you're by yourself.
  • I want to go to more parties. But how? Seriously, the last time I was invited to a party before tonight was in February. And I can't host one because I live with my parents and they would flip there shit. It was a bit easier when my brother was in town because he'd just bring me along to stuff. I should ask him for advice.