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Mindset of the chased?(more so)

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
@Chase you have written a lot on having girls chase and what goes through their heads when they do.Heck,you gave everything about it in your best product out there😉 as ever seen in the farewell section of it.

I really dug and still dig most of the information you put out there.I mean this stuff works 😎.But I was ever curious about one thing and don't think you ever talked about it lol.

I have this feeling but I just can't put it into words and thought maybe you could help bring it out.It's more of a mindset but I never heard of it in the mindsets of successful men lesson.Anyway maybe u could write something up on it.

So what goes through the mind of a guy who girls can't help but chase every single time in a world surrounded by people who think men should be the ones pursuing lol?

What runs through his mind when he knows every possible move a girl could make on the game chessboard and it fazes him the least when they act silly and cute?

What does he think of when he is charismatic enough and has build the lifestyle that gets him what he wants when most people have to settle cause they all are but clueless?

What does he feel when he has seen it all and has got his process down-pat that he has become all meh when girls chase him yet losers are left dumb-struck when they see it(this).

I mean what's the thought process of an artist 🤷🏿‍♂️😅.Flesh it out .

What happens when u can just wake up and get what you want(something most people admire but are lazy to put in the work for) with just a little elbow and grease.

Chad Tyrone.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
@Chad Tyrone,

Well, I can only answer for me. But re: your questions, I can say...

So what goes through the mind of a guy who girls can't help but chase every single time in a world surrounded by people who think men should be the ones pursuing lol?

Personally I don't even think about people thinking that. I realize they are out there and the majority but it's like... there are about a million things where I am on one side and most people are on the other side. Plenty of things I could write here outside seduction and people would probably be like, "What! No way, you can't really think that, Chase!"

I don't know if you think you'd be walking around feeling all prideful all the time like, "Ha HA! Girls chase me, not me chase girls, all you suckers, you!" but that is just not even a thought I have at all.

My first girlfriend, who was really, really beautiful, I asked: "So how do you feel when people call you beautiful? Do you just not care?" Her answer was of course, it means nothing to her, she's been hearing it all her life.

That's basically what it is. It'd be like thinking about the fact that I have awesome red hair or a lot of manly chest hair or something. I'm not going to worry about it unless some rare occasion forces me to realize it's something special or different.

What runs through his mind when he knows every possible move a girl could make on the game chessboard and it fazes him the least when they act silly and cute?

Well, you never know EVERY possible move a girl could make.

That's part of the fun of dealing with real human beings. There are always some curve balls you'd never expect.

But eventually you end up in that place where you expect most things, and expect some degree of unexpectedness too, and at least for me the unexpected stuff is the most refreshing. So long as it isn't unexpected in a really annoying or negative way :)

Anyway, most of the time when I am talking to a girl I am screening, boxing, and categorizing her. "Oh, okay, she is this type of girl. I bet she responds well to this. [try it] Okay yup, that's what I thought. Hmm, I am a bit bored of her kind of girl. I wonder if I can get her to reveal something unexpected that will spice things up for me more. Let me ask her some probing questions and see if she can make it more interesting for me."

The worst ones for me personally are girls of a type I am a bit bored or uninterested in, and then I deep dive them and they are really just boring to the core. There's basically no salvaging it at that point, even if she is attracted to me... my disinterest will be palpable. You can get into some awkward dynamics where the girl is chasing, but feeling awkward and teetering on auto-rejection, but even if you try to progress it it comes across so insincere it just pushes her all the way into it. Fortunately I am good enough at finding the interesting side of people that's avoidable most of the time, but sometimes it happens...

What does he think of when he is charismatic enough and has build the lifestyle that gets him what he wants when most people have to settle cause they all are but clueless?

I don't really think people are clueless. I think they just have different priorities.

I've been paying more attention to middle-aged men walking down the street this year since I turned 40. I am in the best shape of my adult life right now, I dress well, look younger than my age, am full of vim and vigor, etc. Most of the men who are probably my age who I cross paths with are going by with guts, slumped shoulders, unfashionable clothes, etc.

I think about their lives and I just don't know. How can I know what their lives are like? Maybe that slumped shoulders office guy is henpecked at home by a wife he hasn't had sex with in two years. Or maybe he has a great marriage with an attractive wife and awesome kids, and he's just walking that way because he's a bit tired from a long day at the office? Maybe he just divorced his wife and six months from now he'll be on a workout and dating tear, living it up like he's 25 all over again? Maybe he's a never-married guy who's talking to a 40 y/o woman who would've been out of his league when younger but now, at this point, it's looking like the two of them will end up together? And that's just his love life. I have no idea about anything else. Maybe he has really interesting hobbies. Maybe he has an awesome career he's super productive at and super happy with.

So I don't judge people. I haven't walked a mile in their shoes... there's really no way I can know what their lives are like.

Also, like, acclimation. I think you're looking at me, thinking, "That guy's at the top. I wonder what that's like?" but meanwhile I have all the stuff I am striving for now, and I look up the mountain and go, "Whew, I am just beginning the climb. Damn, it's so rough being down here in the foothills!" I don't really have any major social goals left to hit, but I've got so many in other areas in life it seems like there's a long way to go.

What does he feel when he has seen it all and has got his process down-pat that he has become all meh when girls chase him yet losers are left dumb-struck when they see it(this).

Well, if they're losers for girls not pursuing them like they do me, then I'm a loser for not having the wealth or property or status they have.

If they're losers because they have some sucky relationship with bad sex and bad dynamics, instead of great relationships with fun dynamics and stellar sex like I always have, then I guess I'm the loser for not having big muscles or awesome martial arts skills or celebrity friends like they have.

The only people I consider REALLY losers are mean-spirited people who are aggressively anti-self-improvement. THOSE people are LOSERS. Someone whose whole life revolves around tearing down others to feel better about himself... yeah. Loser.

Anyone else, not a loser.

People are awesome. We're all on the same journey here. None of us is any better than the others. We all came from the same place, and we'll all end up there in the end, whether you think that's an enlightened afterlife or a pile of ashes and crumbled bones.

What happens when u can just wake up and get what you want(something most people admire but are lazy to put in the work for) with just a little elbow and grease.

I'll tell you what you want:

You want something else!


p.s., see also


Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Spot on Chase.

Personally I don't even think about people thinking that. I realize they are out there and the majority but it's like... there are about a million things where I am on one side and most people are on the other side. Plenty of things I could write here outside seduction and people would probably be like, "What! No way, you can't really think that, Chase!"

I don't know if you think you'd be walking around feeling all prideful all the time like, "Ha HA! Girls chase me, not me chase girls, all you suckers, you!" but that is just not even a thought I have at all.

My first girlfriend, who was really, really beautiful, I asked: "So how do you feel when people call you beautiful? Do you just not care?" Her answer was of course, it means nothing to her, she's been hearing it all her life.

That's basically what it is. It'd be like thinking about the fact that I have awesome red hair or a lot of manly chest hair or something. I'm not going to worry about it unless some rare occasion forces me to realize it's something special or different.
This is what I was looking for.Most times I feel like an outsider doing things differently than how most people are doing it.At times I'm about to write a post on WhatsApp but then again I think no one's gonna relate with it so I just keep it to myself.

I mean some part of it is being humble while still being confident...more like how are they going to think when they see this lol.And besides u feel like I'm too busy working on improving other areas of my life now that u have got the woman thing handled to have to worry about what Joe Schmoe is thinking when girls are chasing you.

Many a times such kind of guys may take notice and then come to praise you about it but then I smirk it away and shrug it off lol.You are that used to it basically.But yeah until someone thinks of it as special,you are busy going on with your life.

But eventually you end up in that place where you expect most things, and expect some degree of unexpectedness too, and at least for me the unexpected stuff is the most refreshing. So long as it isn't unexpected in a really annoying or negative way :)
Yeah you are always up for that challenge u are yet to encounter cause you kinda used to most things that girls tend to do with most guys and know how to ace it especially if she first meets you and thinks you are just like the other guys or she happens to be inexperienced.

But it's all the more fun when she is experienced and challenging enough in an exciting way.I like how experienced chicks but my game to the test .I mean it gets my mental gears running going through times of books and articles that I have read and come up with a great situation for a never-seen-it-before curveball.

I kinda take the knowing-every-possible-move-she- will-make phrase back .I meant it more as it's kinda rare to find chicks that experienced enough every single time especially when u understand game dynamics and are going out often.But yeah I agree there are multiple times u find yourself being out of your element.
I don't really think people are clueless. I think they just have different priorities.
Yeah ,their personal choice.

For me ,I see it as being a bum lol.I mean you can be great why choose a boring lifestyle 🤷🏿‍♂️.And btw do you think these guys may be aware of great books on money, seduction or seduction out there and still decide to lead boring lives.

I know to a point some may but don't have enough willpower in them while some don't partly due to them being deeply ingrained in the matrix.I see that as being clueless for me:the guys that aren't aware that they can change their lives or are aware of this fact but don't know how to go about it.I may be wrong tho😅.

I think a better mindset I have adopted is that's their life ,I'm gonna live mine in better and different ways.I mean I can't change them if they aren't willing to.So yeah not judging them anymore but it does bother me of what potential lies in us as human beings.
Also, like, acclimation. I think you're looking at me, thinking, "That guy's at the top. I wonder what that's like?" but meanwhile I have all the stuff I am striving for now, and I look up the mountain and go, "Whew, I am just beginning the climb. Damn, it's so rough being down here in the foothills!" I don't really have any major social goals left to hit, but I've got so many in other areas in life it seems like there's a long way to go.
Yeah I see most beginners thinking of it that way.And all I can say is there are different levels to this shit.You are almost at the top of Mt.Everest and then life says "not today,son" and u r back to scratch again.

And as you keep improving your life more and more u realize that they are other mountains to climb too.A personal journey where no one has to push you to do it.It's all up to you.You then are turning into an outlier lol but then these people see you as being wired differently.

They can't put their minds to doing it cause they see it as a sprint and not a marathon.Forgetting the process while hardly knowing the events.

So hey it's something we share 😉😁.
Well, if they're losers for girls not pursuing them like they do me, then I'm a loser for not having the wealth or property or status they have.

If they're losers because they have some sucky relationship with bad sex and bad dynamics, instead of great relationships with fun dynamics and stellar sex like I always have, then I guess I'm the loser for not having big muscles or awesome martial arts skills or celebrity friends like they have.

The only people I consider REALLY losers are mean-spirited people who are aggressively anti-self-improvement. THOSE people are LOSERS. Someone whose whole life revolves around tearing down others to feel better about himself... yeah. Loser.

Anyone else, not a loser.

People are awesome. We're all on the same journey here. None of us is any better than the others. We all came from the same place, and we'll all end up there in the end, whether you think that's an enlightened afterlife or a pile of ashes and crumbled bones.
More of a mindset if he got something down he's a winner🤔😌.

Yeah haters will always be losers.Gotta use them for fuel.

We can choose to live great lives nonetheless whether we gonna become enlightened after all this or fade to dust.

^Third time I am reading that article lol.Been a long-time gc reader and keep rereading and rereading articles that I found fun and good and it's funny how my mindset has changed over the years.

I have found it comfortable being an outsider and it won't bother me if anyone thinks of me as being weird.I hate hierarchies and I'm ever the sigma.I hate people who take everything as dogma and have to force me into thinking like them.I have an obsession with knowing how things work especially if they are of importance to me.

I don't bother with opinionated people and just let them live in their faulty mental models.I have mental toughness this far and still getting calloused more and more .I try to think things out before going in into novel situations while playing it smooth with things I have done before.More laid back.More king.

I appreciate nailing it down,man.

Chad Tyrone.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
This is what I was looking for.Most times I feel like an outsider doing things differently than how most people are doing it.At times I'm about to write a post on WhatsApp but then again I think no one's gonna relate with it so I just keep it to myself.

I mean some part of it is being humble while still being confident...more like how are they going to think when they see this lol.And besides u feel like I'm too busy working on improving other areas of my life now that u have got the woman thing handled to have to worry about what Joe Schmoe is thinking when girls are chasing you.

If you're the outsider type, you figure out after a while that a lot of your thoughts, experiences, and lifestyle are just too different from most people's and that seeking understanding or connection with them isn't a good way to go about things.

If you really want to get into it, you can get into it, but most folks are doing stuff the regular folks way, which means for them to understand you you have to take them through basically a mini-crash course, where you talk about your experiences, discoveries, etc. You only do that if it seems worthwhile to you. The rest of the time you just keep it to yourself.

For me ,I see it as being a bum lol.I mean you can be great why choose a boring lifestyle 🤷🏿‍♂️.And btw do you think these guys may be aware of great books on money, seduction or seduction out there and still decide to lead boring lives.

I know to a point some may but don't have enough willpower in them while some don't partly due to them being deeply ingrained in the matrix.I see that as being clueless for me:the guys that aren't aware that they can change their lives or are aware of this fact but don't know how to go about it.I may be wrong tho😅.

Keep in mind though, we're all in some kind of matrix.

We just choose different matrices.

It is the illusion of life (and hubris) that ours is the true view from outside the matrix, and those who don't share them are the ones trapped within it.

Why people choose the matrices they do, and how they move between them, is an interesting topic.

The prevailing view in Western society seems to be "if someone is in a matrix, it's because he's been duped into being in it."

But the more I've examined it, the clearer it's become to me that "if someone is in a matrix, it is because he reasons at some deep level that being in this matrix is the best place for him to be right now."

It's easy to stand outside someone's matrix and say he'd be so much better if he left his matrix and came over to yours. But would he?

Could he survive within it? Or would he just flounder?

Would it actually serve his interests?

Do you KNOW his interests?

It makes more sense to me to judge what someone's interests and capacities are by what matrix he chooses to subscribe to.

Someone in a different matrix than you is telling you he has different values and aims and abilities from you.

The one exception is people who are looking around, casting about for answers, doubting their matrix, trying to get out. That is someone whose matrix is no longer serving him, who is looking to move to a different matrix. That guy you can help pull into your matrix, and perhaps your matrix is the one where he needs to be.

I think a better mindset I have adopted is that's their life ,I'm gonna live mine in better and different ways.I mean I can't change them if they aren't willing to.So yeah not judging them anymore but it does bother me of what potential lies in us as human beings.

Here's the funny thing though: when they look at you, living your better life, they might be envious of some things, but most of them are going to think, "I'm glad I'm not living that guy's life. Look at all that [XYZ] he has to do. Look at how his life is missing [ABC]. It's a good thing I'm living my life better than him."

The only time someone might think your life is better than his is is if he's already in your matrix and looking up to you, or isn't yet but is striving to abandon his old one and move over to yours.

Otherwise, he is going to know: his way is better!

More of a mindset if he got something down he's a winner🤔😌.

Yeah, exactly.

If the only winners are mPUAs, that's a very small circle of winners you can hang with.

If the winners to you are people who've excelled at any of a variety of things, now your circle expands.

If the winners to you consist of anyone who's not a black hole of defeatism, cynicism, and despair, then suddenly the whole world is full of winners, and even regular people with nothing standout going on can be fun to talk to (even if you might not necessarily become best friends with them).

I have found it comfortable being an outsider and it won't bother me if anyone thinks of me as being weird.I hate hierarchies and I'm ever the sigma.I hate people who take everything as dogma and have to force me into thinking like them.I have an obsession with knowing how things work especially if they are of importance to me.

I don't bother with opinionated people and just let them live in their faulty mental models.I have mental toughness this far and still getting calloused more and more .I try to think things out before going in into novel situations while playing it smooth with things I have done before.More laid back.More king.

I appreciate nailing it down,man.

Chad Tyrone.

Sounds like you're on it. That kind of mentality will take you far.

Cheers man,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 16, 2023
If you're the outsider type, you figure out after a while that a lot of your thoughts, experiences, and lifestyle are just too different from most people's and that seeking understanding or connection with them isn't a good way to go about things.

If you really want to get into it, you can get into it, but most folks are doing stuff the regular folks way, which means for them to understand you you have to take them through basically a mini-crash course, where you talk about your experiences, discoveries, etc. You only do that if it seems worthwhile to you. The rest of the time you just keep it to yourself.

Keep in mind though, we're all in some kind of matrix.

We just choose different matrices.

It is the illusion of life (and hubris) that ours is the true view from outside the matrix, and those who don't share them are the ones trapped within it.

Why people choose the matrices they do, and how they move between them, is an interesting topic.

The prevailing view in Western society seems to be "if someone is in a matrix, it's because he's been duped into being in it."

But the more I've examined it, the clearer it's become to me that "if someone is in a matrix, it is because he reasons at some deep level that being in this matrix is the best place for him to be right now."

It's easy to stand outside someone's matrix and say he'd be so much better if he left his matrix and came over to yours. But would he?

Could he survive within it? Or would he just flounder?

Would it actually serve his interests?

Do you KNOW his interests?

It makes more sense to me to judge what someone's interests and capacities are by what matrix he chooses to subscribe to.

Someone in a different matrix than you is telling you he has different values and aims and abilities from you.

The one exception is people who are looking around, casting about for answers, doubting their matrix, trying to get out. That is someone whose matrix is no longer serving him, who is looking to move to a different matrix. That guy you can help pull into your matrix, and perhaps your matrix is the one where he needs to be.

Here's the funny thing though: when they look at you, living your better life, they might be envious of some things, but most of them are going to think, "I'm glad I'm not living that guy's life. Look at all that [XYZ] he has to do. Look at how his life is missing [ABC]. It's a good thing I'm living my life better than him."

The only time someone might think your life is better than his is is if he's already in your matrix and looking up to you, or isn't yet but is striving to abandon his old one and move over to yours.

Otherwise, he is going to know: his way is better!

Yeah, exactly.

If the only winners are mPUAs, that's a very small circle of winners you can hang with.

If the winners to you are people who've excelled at any of a variety of things, now your circle expands.

If the winners to you consist of anyone who's not a black hole of defeatism, cynicism, and despair, then suddenly the whole world is full of winners, and even regular people with nothing standout going on can be fun to talk to (even if you might not necessarily become best friends with them).

Sounds like you're on it. That kind of mentality will take you far.

Cheers man,
Being in this journey of self-improvement (read PU), I've seen all kinds of guys. Red-pillers, blackpillers, bluepillers, guys who're clueless, guys who've given up, genuinely nice guys, guys who worship successful guys, guys who strut around with some success, guys who strut around with a lot of success, guys who think only his method works, guys who think they're the Don Juans, guys who strut around with NO success but have a library worth of PU knowledge, guys who think others are chumps who don't pickup chics/make money/popular/successful/muscular etc.

I've always thought, beyond all this, there comes a point when none of this matters. You're just serene amongst all the chaos around you. You don't think you're better than the world anymore cos he understands the true nature of all this and can relate to it rationally and think holistically. I think that's the pinnacle of success. It's like the billionaires who're philanthropists. Reading the above made me feel that. I wish I can get there someday. Reminds me of this guy's composure:

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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

What does he feel when he has seen it all and has got his process down-pat that he has become all meh when girls chase him yet losers are left dumb-struck when they see it(this).
I am going to go with another take more on the negative angle.....well you become at times numb, bored, indifferent, seen it many times with many guys...A lot of them quit and/or become suicidal.... So is not all roses...
