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FR  Mini beach game


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
It's been like 5 days since I've gone out to meet girls so I knew it was definitely time to get back on the field. Short day today it was windy and not super appropriate beach weather. I don't know if any of yall ever start off your day of approaching to a slow start, and by that I mean you miss a few opportunities due to A.A. or getting the first approach out of the way, but today was one of those days. At the first beach there was a girl suntanning by her self and a set of 2 cute girls near her I walked past both of them twice without much A.A. just couldn't break past the inertia. Pretty pussy shit honestly especially the girl by herself, i'm just gonna make myself make a habit of approaching the first girl I see no matter what I feel, i'm usually good after the first approach. Anyway nuff yakin onto the action!

Girl Uno- at the main beach strolling around I see a girl by herself pretty cute walking towards the foot of the pier bending down to pick up shells periodically. I start walking next to her and pretend to just notice her and get her attention "Oh. Hey there." warm inviting smile like I just saw a friend I knew. Then I tried a directish opener I thought of earlier today "you really look like someone I should know..." sexy smile/eye contact, btw I've never seen Chase mention that opener but I feel like used correctly could be pretty effective. Im going to test out and patent it as my own if it works ha! Like Ricardus is too "Are you single?". Anyway as soon as I said that I think she got the feeling I was some player and got kinda spooked, she didn't seem being used to being hit on so directly and started speeding up her pace. Her "I don't think so" quickened pace. I persisted and asked where she was from blah blah. She was from Mississippi and with family (probably not even 18 by my guess). I said playfully "you run away from me like im a serial killer. Your starting to hurt my feelings!" upon which she quickened her pace and was off.
  • -preopen
    -trounce her feelings of discomfort better by introducing myself after and becoming an acquaintence

Girl dos- Set of two girls drinking and tanning, sisters. Upon walking up on them they were giggling and laughing at me so that made for an easy opener. I think I said "anything you find funny over here?" they said something that didn't really progress the interaction to a point of inviting me to talk so I took the opportunity of them being warm open the cuter one indirectly direct. As I gave my opener I gave some really sexy lingering eye contact with a smile that let her know I was fucking with her and she smiled. Pretty stoked on the good fundamentals. I settled myself in and asked where they were from and batering, also stoked on i've had pretty bad banter lately. Then they started drilling me with shit like what do you do this and that, how old are you. I answered and mirrored back the question in a dramatically interrogative way such as they had which I don't think they were expecting. We got on some light topics and the vibe of the conversation was these girls semi drilling me this guy 4 years younger than them like they knew what was up and expected me to crack yet I maintained a good frame throughout the process. Anyway highlight of the convo- my best chase frame yet!
Girl 1-"Stand up so I can tell you what the first thing that comes to mind when I see you is."
Me-"I think im going to have to pass on that offer but I can sit a little more sexual if thats what you want."
Girl 1-"I don't think we want to see that"
Me-"I didn't mean i'm going to whip my dick out in the sand, but you must have a dirty mind if thats what you took from that."
Girl 2-"eww dick are gross"
Me-"wait, so your a lesbian?"
Girl 2-"Omg no! I just don't think there sexy!"
Me-"You just haven't seen mine yet..," Sexy eye contact plus big warm smile. I cut the frame there and resumed to what Girl 1 wanted to label me as. haha silly and cute girls. Had a couple more chase frames, Girl 1 thought my pants were dickies even though they weren't and I told her it must be because she has penis on her mind now or something like that. Anyway great interaction even got the girl I like to run down the beach and get me a beer and then she asked for my number after stating she wouldnt go out with a younger guy. Should have gotten her phone and put it in there myself and called myself instead of her just take it down. She was semi drunk and I dont think she's going to hit me back up but great practice anyway. The one thing I wish I had clear on being alone and approaching a set of two girls is when your talking to them do you want to mostly single out the girl you like? Or do what I did and talk to both the girls as one girl except treat the girl you don't want more platonically and the girl you want with more sexual innuendo, and chase frames. Curious to if anyone has any words of wisdom on that matter.

Anyway short but awesome daygame today. Tried out new opener, did some of my best chase framing (even though it was probably meager), and established more of a bad boy image from the get go which im super stoked on (If I can do it once I can do it again!). Here's to an awesome weekend of meeting women fellows hope to see some good field reports from everyone.

Personal note- the girls in the second set pointed out that I was looking around at everyone upon approaching them. Something I definitely need to correct and get better at surveying the venue naturally with my peripherals so I don't look insecure.

Cheers Rob
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake