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FR  Mini Date Attempts and Non-English Speaker


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I set foot in my old hunting ground at the mall for the first time in a week, (Not the one I got kicked out of,) and my wing girl was there to give me some pre-selection.

Kami: I saw her at the custom T-Shirt stand with 3 other girls, and a guy. My wing girl and I were checking out the T-Shirts too, but I decided I couldn't let this opportunity slip.

Me: *To the guy* "Hey, who's boyfriend are you... out of all these girls?"
One of the Girls: "Him? None of us!"
Me: "Okay good." *I walk up to my girl* "Because I thought you were really cute and I wanted to come say hello! I'm AP, what's your name?"
Her: "Haha, ummm... thank you! I'm Kami!"
Me: "So are you all just here as friends?"
Her: "Yeah, kinda haha."
Me: "That's cool. I'm here with my friend too. *gesture at wing girl who's visibly uncomfortable* Just friend though, so don't worry."
Girl working the stand: "Okay, I give you mad courage props for doing this! This is literally the first time I've seen a guy try something like this." *high fives me*
Me: "Thank you! I thought since you took the time to make your hair and make up look this nice, I should at least give you a compliment instead of being one of those guys that just stares."
Her: "Haha, well thank you! That's really sweet of you!"
Me: "So now that I'm over here, tell me something interesting about you... I'm just totally putting you on the spot right now."
Her: "Ummm...."
Me: "Are you into sports? Music?"
Her: "I do gymnastics!"
Me: "Oh, cool! That means you're flexible!"
Her: "Haha, yep! I'm flexible!"
Me: "Hold up. This isn't the best place to be talking. Do you want to walk and talk?" (Next time I suggest and not ask)
Her: "Um... I'm not sure. I think I should stick with my friends."
Me: "Okay, I totally understand. I know this is totally random, but I'm not crazy, promise! I'm just a heterosexual guy who likes to make a pretty girl smile!"
Girl Working at Stand: "What does heterosexual mean? I'm just wondering."
Me: "It just means I'm attracted to pretty girls." *nudge her*
Her: "Haha, thank you!" *looks somewhere in the direction of my wing girl*
Me: "You keep looking at my friend. I can introduce you if you want you know."
Her: "No it's fine! I'm just looking for my friend. Oh, nevermind, I know where they are now." (They had all gone to hide after they saw me)
Me: "Okay, well I think I'll let you get back to your friends-"
Her: "Thank you."
Me: "But I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee like later today, or right now."
Her: "Um.. Okay, well we'll be here until 9 I think, so maybe I'll see you around, and I'll think about it!"
Me: "Okay, can I have your number?"
Her: "Um... sure!"

I ended up talking to them again later, but with the other girl that was by Kami. This was so that I could set my wing girl up with one of those girls in case any of them were attracted to females, so I got a chance to talk to the leader of the group very well. The girl still pretended that I had the wrong number in the end though.

Other Girl #1: From that point on I was paranoid to make sure her friends or her didn't see me approach anyone else. I spotted a very pretty girl, whom my wing girl thought was scary, and tried to talk me out of approaching. I told my wing girl to guard the exits as I went to approach.

Me: "My friend tried to talk me out of this, but I thought you were super cute, and I wanted to come say hello! I'm AP! What's your name?"
Her: "Haha, thanks! Um... (name)"
Me: "I know this is totally random and I know we're in the girl's section, but I wanted to say hello! My friend was trying to convince me that you'd claw my eyes out or something, but you seem really nice!"
Her: "Thank you! Haha, I have a boyfriend though, sorry!"
Me: "Oh, that's okay. Have a good day though!"

Other Girl #2: My wing girl and I sat down at the food court to talk because I was still paranoid that the girls would see me try to pick somebody else up. I then saw a girl with a bunch of guys around her, and out of curiosity to see what might happen, I went in.
Me: "Hey, are any of these guys going out with you?"
Her: "Um.. No."
Me: "Okay, well, I thought you looked super cute and I wanted to come say hello! I'm Don! What's your name?"
Her: "Um.."
Me: *to group* "Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
Guy: "Actually, you kind of are."
Me: "Okay, do you think I could have your number?"
Her: "No thanks."


After I dropped off my wing girl, I went to Rainbow Foods to buy water and hopefully meet girls there.

Other Girl #4:
Me: "I was filling up water when I saw you walk by. I just had to come find you and tell you that I thought you looked fucking adorable."
Her: "Oh thanks!"
Me: "So now that I'm here, I think I'll put you on the spot right away. Tell me something interesting about yourself!"
Her: "Um... I'm a music student!"
Me: "Oh really? What kind of music?"
Her: "Just general music.. I play guitar though!"
Me: "You too? Haha, can I feel the fingers on your left hand?"
Her: "Haha, sure!"
Me: "So how'd you get into guitar?"
Her: "Um... I don't know, just something I picked up I guess."
Me: "I can tell you how I got into it."
Her: "Sure!"
Me: "Okay, so my family grew me up with a bunch of videos of Vietnamese music, like Paris by Night..."
Her: "Haha!"
Me: "You've never heard of that have you?"
Her: "Nope!"
Me: "Well anyway, during one show, there was a guy by the name of Adam Ho who played guitar for the crowd... As he stood there on stage playing his solo, you could almost feel his rush yourself.. As if you were up there holding your breath as your fingers hammered on the fretboard... I'm not very good at explaining this! Here, I'm filling up water right now. Do you want to come with me?"
Her: "Actually, I'm just about to leave. I'm with my mom, and I should probably go find her."
Me: "Okay, well, you seem really cool, and I'd love to meet up with you sometime for coffee."
Her: "I have a boyfriend, sorry!"
Me: "That's totally fine. If you're cool with having a friend that finds you attractive, I'd still love to keep in touch though."
Her: "Mmm... no, my boyfriend's kinda weird about that kind of stuff, but it was nice meeting you!"

Angelica: I was about to head out, when I saw three Mexican sisters in the hair isle speaking Spanish to each other. I parked my cart full of water, and decided to go approach one of the sisters.

Me: "Hey, I just saw you there, and I wanted to come tell you that you were really cute! My name's AP! What's your name?"

They stared at me for a while, and after a while, it became clear to me that they couldn't speak English. My conversation then started by telling them I spoke Spanish, to which all their eyes lit up. The interaction was clumsy, going from me translating what I said earlier, to learning that she didn't have a boyfriend, where we both lived, and how long they'd been in the United States. Not much information was exchanged, but it was a long conversation due to my lack of Spanish skills. Half of my communication was Spanish, and the other half was random gestures.

They were so open to me, so I asked the girl for a cell phone number. Her sister suggested Facebook, so I wrote down her name and they wrote down mine. The conversation continued clumsily still, but despite the lack of information exchange, I still found it very interesting. I ended up telling them I had to go, hugging the girl, and leaving. The girl held onto my hand while I was leaving, so I think this could be a really good sign.

I'm currently talking to her in Spanish now. If I play my cards right, I might be going out on a date with a girl while I've got a giant language barrier to get through. Anybody have any tips for this?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Have you read Chases article on picking up foreign girls, its worth checking out I'd link it to you but I forgot my password for my account and my 10 free articles for the month are up. Think its called how to get foreign girls. It's made for those traveling to other countries and picking women up there but I believe it should apply to your situation as well. Pretty much talking about the language barrier and what not.
I then saw a girl with a bunch of guys around her, and out of curiosity to see what might happen, I went in.
Me: "Hey, are any of these guys going out with you?"
Haha classic cock block you know those guys were probably all wishing they were getting inside her pants and then you come along and drop your sack in front of them while shriveling theirs up at the same time (no homo if that came out wrong, little tired and not revising here) right on.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Haha, being around a bunch of guys is probably not the best angle to try something around, but I was a bit curious to see what would happen.. About the foreign girls article, I ignored that article the first time I saw it suggested, but as soon as this came up, I went straight to it and read it over about three times. I think I can use the language barrier to my advantage now.

Thanks Mr. Rob!