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Monica Bellucci On Busy Street

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
This lay was around 7 weeks ago.

After taking a pause from girls to finish my Master's degree and start setting up a business, I decide to go out and make a couple approaches.

My outfit: White buttoned down with the first 2 buttons opened, exposing my chest. Blue jeans, white sneakers and a leather bracelet.

First 2 approaches yield polite but non-interested responses.

3rd approach is a cute blonde bombshell who excitedly gave me her number, only for me to never hear from her again.

However, this positive interaction lifts my spirit (at that point in time, I didn't know she would disappear)

The Approach

I'm walking down a busy street, heading to a mall where I plan to get lunch and approach more chicks.

A beautiful, sexy girl is walking in my direction.

She's wearing an elegant black dress that wraps around her attractive body. Her breasts seem normal but her ass... tight waist, fat ass.

I can feel the blood rushing in my southern region.

As she gets closer, I bring my eyes to meet hers. She was already looking at me. Quickly, she averts her eyes and has this bitchy look of disgust.

With less than 5 metres between us, she swerves to the right (my left) and ups her speed, seemingly trying to avoid me.

Despite what I consider textbook fuck off signals, I open.

Because, why not? She was hot. That's reason enough.

With my left hand, I wave deliberately but subtly, enough to get her attention.

Once she slows down and starts turning her face toward me, I speak.

Me: Excuuuse me...

She stops.

Me: Do you speak English?
Her: Uhm...yes.
Me: I mean... I saw you walking towards me...(I look over the path she had just walked and gesture)...and...damn... you look freaking gorgeous.
Her: Oh..uhm.. thank you!
Me: I mean...(I shake my head as if I'm confused and trying to make sense of this pretty girl)...look around (I gesture around, my eyes survering the surroundings but she keeps looking at me, as i can tell through my peripheral vision)...everyone just...blends in...and then there's...you (my eyes return to hers and I give her strong eye contact)

I did all of that a tad bit theatrically, which suits my vibe. The point is to make it slightly playful. It works.

Her: What about me? (she's smiling)
Me: I mean...(I look her up and down)...that dress...so elegant, so feminine you know? It stood out right away. You've got great fashion sense.
Her: Thank you! You know, I picked it randomly. But I didn't wanna attract too much attention, that wasn't my intention!
Me: I get you. It's a tough balance, right? You wanna stand out, that's normal, but you also don't wanna attract the wrong kind of attention.
Her: Exactly!
Me: You're doing a great job so far with that balance, tho, I must say.
Her: Apparently yes! (she's laughing now)
Me: So, what's your name?
Her: Lucia
Me: Pleasure meeting you Lucia (I extend my hand and she takes it)
Her: And you?
Me: I'm James.
Her: Nice to meet you James!
Me: Let's stand over here, we don't wanna get run over.
Her: Sure!

We move a few feet away.

Her: Where are you from btw?
Me: Hmm can you guess?
Her: No idea! Never heard your accent before! It's cute tho.
Me: Thanks! Well, I'll give you a hint: it's not India (that's cuz I look Indian lol)
Her: I figured! You sound very different! Ok, uhm, America?
Me: Gosh don't insult me (facepalm myself dramatically).
Her: Why is that an insult? (she's laughing at my dramatic mannerisms)
Me: Well, I'm not obese or stupid, so...
Her: Omg you're so mean! (she's laughing)
Me: Just kidding though. Never been to the US but it's on my list! Got great friends from there.
Her: I've never been too!
Me: Really? Where are you from actually? Please don't tell me US tho or I'll have to kill myself.
Her: Hahaha no, told you I've never been! Cm'on, guess! (playful smile)
Me: Hmm... well, you do look like a young Monica Bellucci so my guess is...Italian?
Her: Omg you're good! So smart!
Me: Well, I'm not American (wink)
Her: Stooop! But seriously, yes, I'm from Italy.
Me: Cool, which part?
Her: Corleone, Sicily.
Me: Nice! So lemme guess, Americans get all excited and start making dumb Godfather references when you tell them where you're from, right?

She bursts in laughter.

Her: Exactly! You seem to really know Americans for someone who hates them (looks at me from corner of eyes, a small smirk)
Me: Cmon, I don't hate them. When they're not busy shooting each other, they can be nice.
Her: You're so bad (shakes her head, laughing)
Me: Anyway (I felt the busting on Americans had run its course) what are you doing here, so far from home?
Her: I'm visiting my sister. She works here.
Me: Oh cool, so I guess you're crashing at hers?
Her: Yes.
Me: Cool cool, loving the city so far?
Her: It's great! Everyone is so busy tho, everything moves so fast.
Me: True, people are so robotic, absorbed in their screens. You really stood out, asides from being drop dead gorgeous, because you didn't seem plugged into that matrix.
Her: I'm glad to hear that! Yeah, I try not to use my phone when I'm walking but right now (she shows me her phone) Im using Google maps to find a mall.
Me: Which mall?
Her: It's (Mall Name)
Me: Oh, that's on the other side of that bridge (I point at the bridge). You cross it, then go down on the left. Walk straight ahead and the mall will be on your left. See that blue building there?
Her: Yes
Me: That's the mall's parking lot. The entrance is on the other side but you can't see it from here.
Her: Thank you!
Me: No problem. So, look, I've gotta run too, how about we get a cup of coffee before you leave?
Her: Sure!
Me: Cool, lemme write my number (she was already holding her phone out)
Her: Uhm, how about Instagram? We can talk there.
Me: (dramatic hand on my heart) That's an American company!

She laughs again.

Me: Hahah just kidding, I used to have an account but took it off last year. Keeps the distractions away, you know?
Her: I get you. I personally use it to find recipes only. We can do WhatsApp then but that's owned by Meta too! (said cheekily)
Me: Oh my goodness, it's horrible isn't it? Well, what to do, what to do?... (I pretend to think really hard while she laughs again)... Well, ok then! (said dramatically), we can do WhatsApp!
Her: Hahaha omg, too bad all the best messaging apps are from America, right?
Me: As much as I hate to admit it, that's true indeed.

She laughs again and we exchange numbers.

Me: I'll get in touch soon. Was nice meeting you Lucia!
Her: Same here!

And she leaves.


Not much to cover here.

We text to set up the date, which is two days from the day we met.

She asks to meet for dinner because her sister has another appoitment that night and it's her only free time slot. I say sure.

The Date

I pick a restaurant a few minutes walk near my place. I arrive a few minutes earlier. She then arrives, her phone in hand, following the maps location I sent her over WhatsApp.

She doesn't see me right away. So I wave.

Her: (big smile) Hey there! I managed to find it!
Me: Good job! Damn, you look gorgeous (she's wearing a tight red dress)
Her: Oh thanks (she smiles shyly) Uhm.. how was your day?
Me: Amazing! Did some work, hit the gym, caught up with a friend and of course, didn't run into any Americans. Could my day be more perfect?

She laughs, shaking her head from left to right.

Her: Let's hope the waiter isn't American! (she glances at the restaurant)
Me: If that's the case, he or she ain't getting any tips. (I direct her to follow me into the restaurant)
Her: That's so unfair!
Me: Maybe (said with a wink) Well, let's see.

An Asian waitress comes to direct us to our table. Lucia looks at me and supresses a laugh.

Me: (said in a whisper) Wait, she could still be from America.
Her: How will you check? (she's staring at me with a big, excited smile)
Me: You'll see.

We get seated.

Me: (to the waitress) Thank you and uh...(waitress turns to me).. I was wondering, where are you from?
Her: (confused look) Uhm I'm local.
Me: That's cool, thanks!

Waitress leaves. I'm aware that the waitress must have found it strange to be randomly asked where she was from. But Lucia seems to to be excited by this interaction.

Her: Glad she'll get her tip!
Me: Well, I better not see her scrolling on Instagram tho or I might change my mind!

She laughs again.

I realize I'm sitting across from her. I make a mental note to find a way to sit next to her as the date progresses.

We make some light chit chat and then I start deep diving her.

She reveals that she dropped out of engineering to pursue psychology and become a therapist. I qualify her on that. We talk a bit about travelling. She lists the countries she'd like to visit. When she mentions US, I make a funny facial expression, which gets her to burst in laughter again.

The meal arrives.

Me: Perfect, thank you (to the waitress). I'll go wash my hands, be right back (said to Lucia)
Her: Oh me too.
Me: Awesome, cmon. Your hands do look a bit dirty
Her: Oh shuuut up

We both stand up.

Me: Hope no one steals our food.
Her: Hahaha I don't think so.
Me: Well, you never know, what if an American is lurking around?
Her: He'll probably shoot the whole place down before eating anyway.
Me: Point.

When we return, I sit next to her.

From that moment, it's game on.

I escalate touch based on a touch ladder I created. I'll share it on the forum in a separate post.

After eating, we sip on ice lemon tea while talking. I'm sitting very close to her, my leg touching hers.

I run the good lover's gambit. She agrees heatily.

The vibe is ON.

The Pull

Me: Wanna get some dessert? I got ice cream at my place. We can have some and watch a movie.
Her: Hmm sure why not?
Me: Don't worry, I won't put The Godfather on (pains me to say this as The Godfather is the GREATEST movie of all time. And yes, I know it's American)
Her: (laughs) Sure sure.

I pay for the meal subtly. I don't mind paying but I don't like making a big deal out of it.

We walk to my place hand in hand.

As soon as we enter, I push her against the wall and start making out with her.

The rest flowed smoothly.

The Aftermath

I visited Italy 3 times already. She paid for the tickets herself (I tried to refuse but she insisted. She comes from a wealthy family and it wasn't a big deal for her)

She has a bi-sexual bestie with whom we had a threesome (my first official one. I had two almost threesomes in college)

It's been an amazing ride so far.

She's flying back to my city to visit me and her sister.

How far I can carry this on without getting attached is something I have to keep an eye on.

All in all, one of my favourite lays ever and goes to show that once again, cold approach is king.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
You could have pushed a little further and ask her to use her family's wealth to run a coup d'etat in the US. Otherwise good job.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
This is freaking incredible.

My outfit: White buttoned down with the first 2 buttons opened, exposing my chest. Blue jeans, white sneakers and a leather bracelet.
Love the whole outfit. I am frequently opening 3 buttons now out-of-hours (counting the top one as well, I don't know, maybe that's the same as you then). Maybe it's overdoing it and some people are snickering, but I don't care.

She's wearing an elegant black dress that wraps around her attractive body. Her breasts seem normal but her ass... tight waist, fat ass.
The perfect balance, if you ask me. The "violin" shape beats the "hourglass" shape every time.

I can feel the blood rushing in my southern region.

As she gets closer, I bring my eyes to meet hers. She was already looking at me. Quickly, she averts her eyes and has this bitchy look of disgust.

With less than 5 metres between us, she swerves to the right (my left) and ups her speed, seemingly trying to avoid me.

Despite what I consider textbook fuck off signals, I open.
I love how you don't take her facial expression at face value. Chase has a whole article about this, which I remember reading years ago:
I need to starting understanding how to do this. I usually take everything said or nonverbally gestured at face value.

Me: I mean... I saw you walking towards me...(I look over the path she had just walked and gesture)...and...damn... you look freaking gorgeous.
Her: Oh..uhm.. thank you!
Me: I mean...(I shake my head as if I'm confused and trying to make sense of this pretty girl)...look around (I gesture around, my eyes surveying the surroundings but she keeps looking at me, as i can tell through my peripheral vision)...everyone just...blends in...and then there's...you (my eyes return to hers and I give her strong eye contact)
Love it, love it, love it!!

Me: I mean...(I look her up and down)...that dress...so elegant, so feminine you know? It stood out right away. You've got great fashion sense.
Her: Thank you! You know, I picked it randomly. But I didn't wanna attract too much attention, that wasn't my intention!
Haha no of course not! She would never want to do that, right?

Me: Let's stand over here, we don't wanna get run over.
Her: Sure!

We move a few feet away.
A beautiful illustration of the "move her soon" dynamic: I love how it's totally gratuitous, but gets her complying.

Me: Gosh don't insult me (facepalm myself dramatically).
Her: Why is that an insult? (she's laughing at my dramatic mannerisms)
I like the whole act. You evidently manage to pull this off while remaining classy and avoiding any hint of clownishness, which is impressive.

Me: Really? Where are you from actually? Please don't tell me US tho or I'll have to kill myself.
Ah so you ended up completely ignoring her question and turning it humorously back on her, without ever actually answering? What a witty way to stay in command of the interaction!

Me: Anyway (I felt the busting on Americans had run its course) what are you doing here, so far from home?
Nice social finesse and pacing of the conversation.

Me: True, people are so robotic, absorbed in their screens. You really stood out, asides from being drop dead gorgeous, because you didn't seem plugged into that matrix.
An inspiring way to qualify her, using the context she brought up herself.

Me: No problem. So, look, I've gotta run too, how about we get a cup of coffee before you leave?
Her: Sure!
Me: Cool, lemme write my number (she was already holding her phone out)
Again, perfect pacing... I can learn so much from this.

Her: Uhm, how about Instagram? We can talk there.
Me: (dramatic hand on my heart) That's an American company!

She laughs again.
I love how you completely defang the last-minute resistance while making it seem like a joke. A lesser person would have lost the interaction completely at this point, and gotten slotted harmlessly among her social media orbiters. This was a particularly hazardous moment, and you somehow managed not to lose your cool.


Not much to cover here.

We text to set up the date, which is two days from the day we met.
That's the best way, according to the old articles that say text should be only used for logistics, right? I guess you were able to do that because you left such a memorable impression on the approach.

An Asian waitress comes to direct us to our table. Lucia looks at me and supresses a laugh.

Me: (said in a whisper) Wait, she could still be from America.
Her: How will you check? (she's staring at me with a big, excited smile)
It seems you already have total control of the interaction, not even 5 minutes into the date, and she is actively moving forward the inside joke!

I realize I'm sitting across from her. I make a mental note to find a way to sit next to her as the date progresses.
Ah, this one I always find tough. Can't wait to see how you do it.

When she mentions US, I make a funny facial expression, which gets her to burst in laughter again.
Beautiful use of sprezzatura by employing nonverbals only.

Me: Awesome, c'mon. Your hands do look a bit dirty
Her: Oh shuuut up
This is incredible. I am stealing it if I ever have the opportunity.

Her: He'll probably shoot the whole place down before eating anyway.
Me: Point.
Again, she's so into your joke she's taking it forward for you both... amazing!

I escalate touch based on a touch ladder I created. I'll share it on the forum in a separate post.
Yes please.

When we return, I sit next to her.
Aaaah! Really clever, although it's so simple.

I run the good lover's gambit. She agrees heatily.
What is this? Sounds interesting.

Me: Wanna get some dessert? I got ice cream at my place. We can have some and watch a movie.
Her: Hmm sure why not?
Me: Don't worry, I won't put The Godfather on ...
Her: (laughs) Sure sure.
This is beautiful. Again, so simple. Ice-cream ready in the freezer.

I pay for the meal subtly. I don't mind paying but I don't like making a big deal out of it.
Of course not.

I visited Italy 3 times already. She paid for the tickets herself (I tried to refuse but she insisted. She comes from a wealthy family and it wasn't a big deal for her)

She has a bi-sexual bestie with whom we had a threesome (my first official one. I had two almost threesomes in college)

It's been an amazing ride so far.

She's flying back to my city to visit me and her sister.
That's amazing. I am truly inspired, @James D ! Thank you for posting this and sharing it with all of us ❤️

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
That's amazing. I am truly inspired, @James D ! Thank you for posting this and sharing it with all of us ❤️
Happy it was useful @Marty !

I'm really behind on writing reports and it takes me a while to remember everything but I'm glad I could explain the main points.

Ah so you ended up completely ignoring her question
Yes hahaha albeit not intentionally!

The convo just carried on from there and she didn't seem that interested to find out where I was from.

But true, I totally ignored her question by accident.

You know, when she was buying my first ticket, that was when she asked me where I was from, to confirm whether I could enter Italy without visa LOLOL.

A beautiful illustration of the "move her soon" dynamic: I love how it's totally gratuitous, but gets her complying.
Indeed bro. Compliance was a major sticking point for me. I started out making these small requests mechanically until it became second nature.

I love how you completely defang the last-minute resistance while making it seem like a joke. A lesser person would have lost the interaction completely at this point, and gotten slotted harmlessly among her social media orbiters. This was a particularly hazardous moment, and you somehow managed not to lose your cool.
Yessir. I've been handling the Instagram thing for a long time now. First, cuz I'm myself not a social media person. Secondly, the one time I did get a chick's Insta, she had over 10k followers (I got 52 LOL) and she took forever to reply. From that time, I stick to WhatsApp only.

What is this? Sounds interesting.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Good Lover

Everything Alek writes is gold. I took a couple coaching lessons with him to nail down sex talk, which greatly helped.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
This was just beautiful, both generally and personally, as it looked like my ideal for an interaction starting from a daygame street stop.

Love multiple points, I think Marty highlighted most of them so I won't get into every single one. It also makes me see where my interactions are lacking, so I truly appreciate it.

Specifically about holding hands and pushing her against the wall when entering the apartment, this is something I still don't exactly grasp, because I feel if go to hold hands before getting sexual it will give a very boyfriend energy, and on the other hand I feel that if I start escalating the moment I enter my place it will feel like I am too much of a fuckboy.

I think there is something about calibration in these steps that I am missing, maybe holding hands while withholding kissing in public is fine. And maybe as long as you have held hands, escalating fast back home is also fine. They probably balance each other out.

I also loved how you genuinely complimented her from the beginning. I had started to lose faith in this personally, because of the reactions I've had to it, to the point I have been genuinely surprised lately when they take it well and want to talk more. Very good to see that it can work, and no negging, hard teasing, push pulling is needed right at the open.

The playfulness was also great to experience, and I enjoyed how you came closer to her. Which is another thing I am not doing if we start sitting opposite, thinking she will just tell me why I am coming closer and will be uncomfortable. But you had a very smooth progression through everything, so she is accepting your frames and moves very well.

One question, did anything else happen between you two sleeping together here and her sending you tickets? I am simply fascinated by the fact that she was so insistent to go and visit her. I always felt that they can find many more guys where they live, no way they would even fixate so much on someone they met when travelling miles away from home.

Maybe it's because I also feel like that for girls, that if we meet once somewhere far away, I won't be against meeting again, but won't really deliberately try, since I know I could find more like her around with easier access. Have not even tried to keep in touch much after wishing them a great time back home/ nice trip.

Maybe I have not realised how much effect we are having in some of these women. Or maybe I am simply not having as much of an effect personally, so I don't see this as something possible.

Anyway, thanks for posting, it was an amazing read!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 11, 2021
Inspiring report as always James.

I can feel the blood rushing in my southern region. Despite what I consider textbook fuck off signals, I open.

Imagine seeing this girl before the first 3 approaches of the day. In my case, I'll probably be in a very different state. With the first 3 approaches out of the way, logical brain is turned off. You're in caveman mode.

I'm taking notes - always get the first couple of approaches out of the way fast- to meet girls like this

With my left hand, I wave deliberately but subtly, enough to get her attention.

Once she slows down and starts turning her face toward me, I speak.

I noticed you usually approach girls walking towards you rather than letting her pass and follow like most daygamers do. Also, you don't use a stern policeman stop. Good work.

Me: Let's stand over here, we don't wanna get run over.
Her: Sure!

Compliance 👌

I run the good lover's gambit. She agrees heatily.

The vibe is ON.

Sexual Frame(y)

The rest flowed smoothly.

You didn't describe how she looked like once the red dress dropped to the floor. I got imagining her ever since you described her as a young Monica Belucci with tight waist and a fat ass 😉

She has a bi-sexual bestie with whom we had a threesome (my first official one. I had two almost threesomes in college)

It's been an amazing ride so far.

All from what initially looked like a classic Fuck off signals from an Instagram 10. From your description she's a stunner.

This is tight game.

Hats off to you.

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
This was just beautiful, both generally and personally, as it looked like my ideal for an interaction starting from a daygame street stop.
Glad it was helpful :)

on the other hand I feel that if I start escalating the moment I enter my place it will feel like I am too much of a fuckboy.
As always, it depends.

If she's clearly comfortable, the vibe is sexual and she's into you, escalating right away only helps the seduction.

If she's skittish, compliance is good but not that high, maybe you might wanna let her settle in before making a bold move.

because I feel if go to hold hands before getting sexual it will give a very boyfriend energy
This, though, I've never seen it like that. I hold hands usually towards the end of the seduction. It makes me horny actually.
had started to lose faith in this personally, because of the reactions I've had to it,

Remember that it's the energy behind a compliment that determines if the compliment lands.

A generic compliment leaves her flattered and validated. She thinks "Aww that's sweet, a cute guy falling for my looks. I'm on fire today yaay! That new dress/lipstick/hairstyle must be working wohoo!"

An effective compliment leaves her flattered and intrigued. She thinks "Damn who's that guy? He seems to see me in a way I'm not sure I see myself in. Or maybe I do? But I love it! I wouldn't mind feeling more of that!"

The words "You are absolutely beautiful" coming a frame of "If I compliment her enough, she'll like me and sleep with me"

is VERY different from the same words coming from a frame of "I'm naming what I find attractive about this woman because that's how I move through life. She's beautiful enough to stop me in my tracks and consider her. Will she be a good match? I'm excited to find out!"

Can you feel the difference between these two frames?

Which is another thing I am not doing if we start sitting opposite, thinking she will just tell me why I am coming closer and will be uncomfortable.
Gotta get closer man! That was another of my sticking points.

Proximity is in itself an escalation tool.

Just by closing in the space between you two, the vibe naturally gets sexual given the natural tension which exists between a man and a woman. How cool is that? Get closer and everything-touching her, whispering in her ear, kissing her- become ten times easier.

One question, did anything else happen between you two sleeping together here and her sending you tickets? I am simply fascinated by the fact that she was so insistent to go and visit her.
We spent the whole night talking, and went for breakfast hand in hand the next day.

When she returned home, she gave me a call on WhatsApp and we talked for 5 hours (didn't see the time pass)

After the call, she told me that it would be sad to see such a great connection fall flat and that she'd love to send me a ticket to visit her. She made it clear that spending on tickets wasn't an issue (after seeing her family home, I fully believe her.)

I always felt that they can find many more guys where they live, no way they would even fixate so much on someone they met when travelling miles away from home.
I think the same too.

I don't really understand it myself.

That girl, prior to meeting me, last had sex in November 2022 apparently.

How long I can keep that going without me getting attached (I already am, fuck) and not put myself in an unfavourable situation is something I'm in denial about (at least I'm aware of that denial LOLOL)

I'm a romantic. I love falling in love, sharing moments under the moonlight, taking long walks on the beach hand in hand, talking for hours about the vastness of the universe and the fabric of time, having sex and then eating together while cracking inside jokes.

It usually ends in heartbreak. Well, every man must pick his battles I guess...

but won't really deliberately try, since I know I could find more like her around with easier access.
That seems to be a much healthier view that mine.

Have not even tried to keep in touch much after wishing them a great time back home/ nice trip.
I should do that too. I'm terrible at it. Back in February, another girl I met via daygame ended up taking me to a wonderful holiday romance to Bali before returning to her country (also Europe). I tried keeping in touch but then she suggested we stop talking for our own good. She was right. I was devastated though. Took me time to recover.

Maybe I have not realised how much effect we are having in some of these women.
Time to realise!

We're not so special that we can't be replaced as time passes by but I do think we're exceptional enough that we outshine other options she had or has at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for posting, it was an amazing read!
Happy it helped man!

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
In my case, I'll probably be in a very different state.
Same! The cute blonde bomshell (3rd approach) definitely pumped up my state.

I noticed you usually approach girls walking towards you rather than letting her pass and follow like most daygamers do. Also, you don't use a stern policeman stop. Good work.
Great observation!

I'll do the letting her pass by and approach her from the side occasionally if I can tell she's noticed me before and if opening her face on wasn't an option.

It's not always convenient to open girls face on, actually. And it can be too direct, too in her face. I try to not face her body fully if I can.

The policeman stop is one I've used and got ignored by every single time with girls looking at me like I'm some creep. Maybe it's because I'm in a city where girls are shy and tend not to engage with men in public at all? Not sure but I took the feedback and adjusted.

You didn't describe how she looked like once the red dress dropped to the floor. I got imagining her ever since you described her as a young Monica Belucci with tight waist and a fat ass 😉
Some things better left to the imagination ;)

I find it a bit strange to get too graphic in my descriptions actually 😅

Think Monica Bellucci with smaller breasts and you'll have it ;)

This is tight game.
Appreciate it mate!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
If she's clearly comfortable, the vibe is sexual and she's into you, escalating right away only helps the seduction.

If she's skittish, compliance is good but not that high, maybe you might wanna let her settle in before making a bold move.
Yeah it's true, I've probably waited too much with girls I could go faster at the seduction location.
This, though, I've never seen it like that. I hold hands usually towards the end of the seduction. It makes me horny actually.
Interesting. I will do it if there is a stronger romantic vibe, usually not before we kiss though, and because I try not to kiss in public, I generally don't hand hold that much. But maybe it's not optimal.
The words "You are absolutely beautiful" coming a frame of "If I compliment her enough, she'll like me and sleep with me"

is VERY different from the same words coming from a frame of "I'm naming what I find attractive about this woman because that's how I move through life. She's beautiful enough to stop me in my tracks and consider her. Will she be a good match? I'm excited to find out!"

Can you feel the difference between these two frames?
Yeah I understand this, that's why I loved your approach here.

I try to do the second generally, it's questionable how often and effectively I succeed though. I mean I tend to approach girls that make me feel something unique in one way or another, I will even skip cute young girls because they all have the same clothes and makeup and they feel bland to me.

However with most women I will see a disbelief that I found something unique in them and a reaction of: " another random guy hitting on me because I am a hot woman, stay away ". I think only once I've said to a woman looking really incredible that she looked gorgeous and I had her stop and had an instant date. Most of the other times they feel very suspicious and don't even engage.

And it's interesting, because the most gorgeous women that I feel something unique about and express it seem to be the ones immune to it the most, like they hear same things all the time, are bored of them, and it makes no difference that another guy finds them special. With these ones, I wouldn't even be able to go further than the gorgeous compliment in your case. I literally did this thing multiple times last night walking around the city, and I received shut down after shut down, with girls being uninterested to even listen to me. I had some short interactions as well, with girls that had boyfriends eventually, so some do appreciate it, but I feel the vast majority sees it extremely weird that you saw someone randomly and felt something special about them.

One thing to note here though, is that these were not all truly beautiful women, but more dolled up, full make up, hair, shoes and clothes maxxed hot girls. Still with their unique style, vibe and beauty though, because I didn't approach whomever. I have felt that the more naturally beautiful girls are a bit more kind upfront but there still doesn't seem to be a difference result wise. Apart from the fact I rarely find them single, they will appreciate the genuine compliment but still not really engage. It surely feels cute that some guy appreciates them and has the balls to tell them, but not much more than that. And I never really tell them they look beautiful, I've complimented style, walk, posture, energy, vibe, presence, told them ecstastic, gorgeous, lovely, sweet, incredible, amazing, can't say that the nature of the compliment has given me much more than an initial better reaction sometimes.

That's why I said that it is refreshing to me that a woman can appreciate it, will stop and give time to interact with you and then things can go on from there as you show in the report. Especially when she is gorgeous, and not an average girl finding it amazing that someone sees her as special at last.

Proximity is in itself an escalation tool.

Just by closing in the space between you two, the vibe naturally gets sexual given the natural tension which exists between a man and a woman. How cool is that? Get closer and everything-touching her, whispering in her ear, kissing her- become ten times easier.
Yeah this is true, I suppose I should just take the risk and not worry she will react negatively. I've tried to close the distance in uncalibrated ways in the past and it didn't feel good, I should learn how to do it effectively.
We spent the whole night talking, and went for breakfast hand in hand the next day.

When she returned home, she gave me a call on WhatsApp and we talked for 5 hours (didn't see the time pass)

After the call, she told me that it would be sad to see such a great connection fall flat and that she'd love to send me a ticket to visit her. She made it clear that spending on tickets wasn't an issue (after seeing her family home, I fully believe her.)
Nice, yeah I see how it went now.
I'm a romantic. I love falling in love, sharing moments under the moonlight, taking long walks on the beach hand in hand, talking for hours about the vastness of the universe and the fabric of time, having sex and then eating together while cracking inside jokes.
It surely is beautiful though, we have to live our lives anyway :)

That seems to be a much healthier view that mine.
Or I just haven't found my own Bellucci yet, haha
I should do that too. I'm terrible at it. Back in February, another girl I met via daygame ended up taking me to a wonderful holiday romance to Bali before returning to her country (also Europe). I tried keeping in touch but then she suggested we stop talking for our own good. She was right. I was devastated though. Took me time to recover.
I can see that yeah. These very distant things are difficult. Wouldn't mind some small romantically adventurous trips like you are having though, they are truly memories for life.
We're not so special that we can't be replaced as time passes by but I do think we're exceptional enough that we outshine other options she had or has at the moment.

In fact I think I have realised it lately, because I had a date for a full day with a girl visiting my country, no sex but a bunch of making out, and she was extremely religious so even that was too unique for a first date for her. I thought we discussed that from now on we can keep in touch but make no promises, and then I knew she had plans to go around during the week while I was working, so I just told her to hit me up if she passed from my city.

Didn't really contact her again throughout the week, thought she was just busy, didn't feel like seeing me more and was fine with it. Then 2 days ago she posted this long what's app story, basically saying how sometimes you realise that no matter how close you came with someone extremely fast and how many deep things you shared, you have to accept that they won't be in your life forever and you have to keep them in your heart and go on. And was honestly thinking if she was talking about me.

I sent her a text yesterday to check what she is doing, because these are her last days around, and I would have checked on her anyway either now or when she left, but she doesn't even seem to be answering, although during the date she was all about how another guy got bitter because they didn't end up together, and it's so immature and people should be able to stay in touch and keep the good emotions.

Anyway, I hope she is doing well, but I am wondering how much I affected her in the end.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Compliance was a major sticking point for me. I started out making these small requests mechanically until it became second nature.
That just goes to show it can be overcome; thank you for the inspiration.

And maybe as long as you have held hands, escalating fast back home is also fine. They probably balance each other out.
What an excellent observation, @ChrisXKiss . I'm noting this for the future.

With my left hand, I wave deliberately but subtly, enough to get her attention.

Once she slows down and starts turning her face toward me, I speak.
I noticed you usually approach girls walking towards you rather than letting her pass and follow like most daygamers do. Also, you don't use a stern policeman stop. Good work.
Ah yes, I missed this the first time. Thanks for highlighting it, @Stark . I'm going to file it mentally under "left-hand wave". I agree that it offers the convenience of being able to gain the attention of an oncoming girl, while maintaining a degree of gentleness. It is also a way to pre-open and check for approachability. A neat device and a nice touch.

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Ah yes, I missed this the first time. Thanks for highlighting it, @Stark . I'm going to file it mentally under "left-hand wave". I agree that it offers the convenience of being able to gain the attention of an oncoming girl, while maintaining a degree of gentleness. It is also a way to pre-open and check for approachability. A neat device and a nice touch.

It's a small, deliberate yet subtle wave that barely goes above the waist, and without outstretching the arm too much.

It barely attracts any attention except for the person it's targeting. At times, they might not even notice it so you've gotta adjust if that's the case.

Can be done with right or left hand but now that I think about it, I almost always position myself to the right of the girl coming in my direction, resulting in the left hand doing the small deliberate wave.

It can be done


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
It's a small, deliberate yet subtle wave that barely goes above the waist, and without outstretching the arm too much.

It barely attracts any attention except for the person it's targeting. At times, they might not even notice it so you've gotta adjust if that's the case.
Thanks @James D , this is very helpful advice.

So just to be clear, even though she has already averted her eyes:
As she gets closer, I bring my eyes to meet hers. She was already looking at me. Quickly, she averts her eyes and has this bitchy look of disgust.
...you still calibrate it precisely to get her attention?

I ask, because I tried this a few days ago and failed badly, as I think I got the timing wrong on the eye-contact (it seems as if you only have a split second to make the signal). Probably I was staring at her too soon.

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
So just to be clear, even though she has already averted her eyes:

...you still calibrate it precisely to get her attention?

I ask, because I tried this a few days ago and failed badly, as I think I got the timing wrong on the eye-contact (it seems as if you only have a split second to make the signal). Probably I was staring at her too soon.
Actually, I didn't calibrate it.

I looked at her, probably instinctively, and she happened to be looking back.

I didn't intentionally trigger her to look at me first.

In fact, it's rarely the case that I can get a moving target to look at me first without overtly getting her attention.

And even when I do so, I'd still be looking at her first.

The majority of my lays have been moving targets in day game and I didn't have time or the skill to calibrate my eye contact.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 17, 2019
Wow, that was fire! How long was the initial interactions ? Seems like it's very very short! No need to make it long then ?
Also, it would be nice if you posted more about how you get the threesome 😁