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Observations  Most Underrated Tactics i know of.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Here are some of the most underrated things ever given by Chase, i used it for me and found a few things for myself. You might ask, this are things i know, but i realize after you progress, you tend to be automatic in what you do, thus make you less present and not natural.

1) Pregnant Pause
2) Speak softly, (Not too soft but slightly lower than the average voice level)
3) Let girls see you. (It's like the third person view effect. and i don't know why, it seems to amplify attraction well for me.)
4) "Age is just a number" (when meeting older women, delaying your age, asking hers and only answer her if she ask after she answer her age.)

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Whizzy said:
Number four is news to me, thanks zac!

Yea, i met a 15 year old girl a few days ago, who looks older. I delayed my age when she ask, I asked her instead, and waited a few seconds to continue conversation if she didn't ask again, but she did.

and it work well. She's a cool girl, Sad she's 15. Just one more year older!!!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
2) Speak softly, (Not too soft but slightly lower than the average voice level)

Yeah this is awesome! I've gained better results in daygame by speaking lower in crowded or small stores. If I spoke normally during conversation, my voice could be heard by other people.

Zac, do you think girls are more comfortable when less people hear the approach? I've had surprised/timid girls start looking around if anyone else heard my opener. I am starting to notice those types of girls feeling more comfortable when other people do not gawk.

4) "Age is just a number" (when meeting older women, delaying your age, asking hers and only answer her if she ask after she answer her age.)

I feel there has to be a follow-up to this tactic. Looking through my journal, I've said this to 15 girls during the approach after they bring up the age question. I received different reactions despite being the same type - independent/live by myself/early 30s girls. Only one of them were satisfied with the "age is just a number" tactic and I got the number with a date.

Here's a general reaction the 14 older girls said: "Well, I guess that's true. But I'm looking for the things that come with age, someone who's established, worked the same job for awhile, ect., ect."

Yes I actually get some older girls saying that after I approach them, despite having said nothing about myself. Talk about having a checklist! LOL

Zac do you use a follow-up after the "age is just a number" tactic? Btw, I'm 22.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

BarryS1 said:
Zac, do you think girls are more comfortable when less people hear the approach? I've had surprised/timid girls start looking around if anyone else heard my opener. I am starting to notice those types of girls feeling more comfortable when other people do not gawk.

If there's one thing i learn, you have to make everything seems normal. She needs that assurance. and most people will just bother with their own stuff after a min or two. They will thought you both know each other.

BarryS1 said:
"Well, I guess that's true. But I'm looking for the things that come with age, someone who's established, worked the same job for awhile, ect., ect."

I believe this is almost universal anywhere with younger women. IF she give excuses without knowing what you work as or what you even do, she's not interested. Chase has put this in broader perspective. I believe he noted in his article on "Dating Younger Women". :) That will help you. Check that out.

BarryS1 said:
Zac do you use a follow-up after the "age is just a number" tactic? Btw, I'm 22.

I never thought about it, I am working to be conscious of how i do certain things. I just let the conversation dial down abit, after that question. Most of the time she will start some random question, while there are times she will just keep quiet and i continue where we started off.

I haven't found the right recipe, or rather fully understand the dynamics of it and what women think during those moments.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
I believe this is almost universal anywhere with younger women. IF she give excuses without knowing what you work as or what you even do, she's not interested. Chase has put this in broader perspective. I believe he noted in his article on "Dating Younger Women". :) That will help you. Check that out.

Universal? Great, sounds like a topic worth looking into. Thanks for the recommendation!

For me, the excuse comes up after a trio of questions:

1) What do you do?

2) Oh really, how long you been doing that?

3) Not that long huh? Then you must be in/just out of college?

I play along by having her guess what I do and deep-diving about herself, but sometimes the questions turn to my work experience.

I haven't found the right recipe, or rather fully understand the dynamics of it and what women think during those moments.

I know what you mean. How can we roll past controversial topics during the conversation?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

BarryS1 said:
I feel there has to be a follow-up to this tactic. Looking through my journal, I've said this to 15 girls during the approach after they bring up the age question. I received different reactions despite being the same type - independent/live by myself/early 30s girls. Only one of them were satisfied with the "age is just a number" tactic and I got the number with a date.

Check out this article: Younger Men and Older Women
