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Videos  Movie Seduction: Meet Joe Black


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
I read Ricardus' Epic Movie Seductions post and I like it a lot. It inspired me to post a scene which I really love (if I like a seductions scene I download the movie and cut that scene, jeje).

First, take a look at the scene (the best I could find in youtube that is complete): Coffe Shop Scene

Well, I'll try to break it down the best I can. Let's go!

At first we hear Joe (Brad Pitt) talking over the phone. Susan (Claire Forlani) overhears everything. Although this is not part of the analysis (because is not part of the interaction), it's a good quality for a man to be a rock for a woman, someone that makes her feel good when things are not going well (positive light in her life).

The other thing I want to point out even before the interaction starts is Joe's fundamentals.

• Good walk : kind of a short distance but he is mostly straight although he is just about to sit
• Good posture while sitting (not slouching)
• Good gestures: when he coughes he doesn't use her open palm to cover her mouth, instead, he has his hand closed. This is way more masculine. Try to use manly gestures and avoid feminine ones. Also, when he thanks the guy bringing his plate, that gesture of open palm (fingers apart from each other) you would use to someone wanting to refill your cup of coffee when you don't want to is way more masculine than having it with the fingers closer to each other (as an stop from a traffic police).
• Deliberateness: meaning how he has relax moves, not fast.
• Well groomed and dressed

On with the interaction.

When Joe notices an attractive woman he just opens her in the most casual way. No BS, no trying to be interesting. A simple "Good morning". Susan responds out of politeness. He knows this (the kind of response you pretty often get in street/day game) and just takes her compliance and starts talking about the recent situation like nothing. Right now, he is just a social guy who is not affraid to talk to a woman.

After some small talk he gets to a point where he just says:

– J: "That's the way it is with men and women, isn't it?". Susan is very curious (women are).
– S: "What's is the way?"
– J: "Nothing lasts" (look at his gesture while saying this)
– S: "Yeah, I agree"

She has qualified Joe's frame and he really gets interested about this and starts something that we all in this forum are familiar with: Deep dive. He asker her why while changing his body talk (he kinda leans towards her). This throws Susan off because she says she was just being agreeable. What is great here is the way he makes her feel comfortable when he sees she is thrown away/confused. He makes her know he is actually curious about that with an open-sexy smile™ (yeah, trademark, jaja: I love this kind of smile! I've commented it before. Is very much alike a sexy smile but you show some teeth. I think a sexy smile is great while listening to a girl in general, while this one is great when you kinda like something she said. It's a very warm smile, still sexy, and not as friendly as an open-mouth one). After she tolds him she was just trying to be agreeable you can watch Joe do a perfect slow wide smile in action.

Later, when she ask Joe "So, you are a one girl guy" he uses a great small sexy smile and a very relax low pace response. Very sexy indeed.

This is when he starts making his intentions very clear to her ("Looking for it right now actually" -a girlfriend-, "Who knows, you might be her": He is using the power of suggestion and building sexual tension) and gives some information without showing to much ("I just got in town, got the new job, trying to get to this apartment"). The way he says this sentences are really relax and slow paced. He really uses punctuations marks while talking (Remember, to help yo talk slowly: you should talk like you would write. Use punctuations marks).

After this, he knows he was very forward with his intentions and wants to tone down the tension. He just tries a cold read to start a new thread. Perfect way for her to relax for a moment and think about something else. During this phase of the interaction keep paying attention at his gestures while talking.

He then plays with her about how she could be her doctor. He does this very well using pauses. The sexual tension is increasing with the way he makes eye contact in this moment. He doesn't break it, he deals great with this tense moment, she can't. She starts talking about something else to release some tension.

And he doesn't stop! (I love it). He just keeps pushing it when he knows she likes him ("This is a lucky day. Just get in the big bad city and I don't only find a doctor but a beautiful woman as well"). She can't believe what is happening! And starts to feel a little uncomfortable and I like the what Joe says to her:

"Do you mind me saying that?"

She says it's okay but he senses it has reached a point of high tension. She could leave (she is only having a cup of coffee). He doesn't want her to go, so he tells her if he can invite her a cup of coffee (this is a well thought move so they can still be together). She declines with and excuse ("I have some patiences coming…"). Joe doesn't want to let her go and he employs a tactic you can read in this post, which is: Take her idea and make it yours. He says he also has to get going but persists:

"Yeah, I gotta get to the apartment and get off to work *pause*, but I still would like another cup of coffee" (ending with an open-sexy smile)

She complies (I'm a guy and I would have!) I find it interesting how he imitates her (he is looking at her) her while she prepares her coffee. We don't need to trick someone to think we have something in common like this if, but, it's a nice move if you want to.

Now we are way up on rapport. The first thing you'll see here is that she is leaning in and he is locked in. Really comfortable. Look how he is holding his head. It's more a more masculine way than doing it with your head resting on your open palm [1][2][3].

Joe starts to prepare to leave as soon as Susan starts to. This will make it more natural than her just preparing to do it and he just continues talking there. Remember, make her ideas seem like yours. He then launches another suggestion of them being together (as a married couple) so she pictures it in her head.

I won't cover the thing about "Lighting could strike" because it is phrase her father says before (that's why she is shocked to hear that coincidence). That's why she react the way she did.

After they go out we can see a perfect Push-Pull moment:

– J: "You know, I was thinking. I don't want you to be my doctor. I don't want you to examine me and…" (Push…)
– S: "Why?"
– J: "Because I like you so much" (and PULL!)

(Note: Remember that usually, at the start of an interaction, you should do it the other way around: Pull, then push - ie. "I like the way you tell your stories. You have very magnetic way of capturing my attention… just don't try to brainwash me to get in my pants. I'm not that easy")

The way this moment goes is great. How he talks, how he gestures with his facial expressions, the pauses, the way he waits to build tension while looking her before delivering the last line.
She melts. And she looks down (he is higher value than her).

Then it goes like this:

– S: "And I don't want to examine you"
– J: "You dont. Why not…"
– S: "Because I like you much"

I like the facial expression of his response. The tone is great too: A mixture of tease/serious.

The bad thing is he didn't get her number! Come on Joe! Well, he was talking so much about girlfriends, wife, family, that he is clearly boyfriend material. When she complemented him and still said she had to go, it was pretty obvious to him that she had a relationship. He could have pushed, for sure, but then the movie would have been different, right? jeje (love the music of that scene and the movie in general)

I think it is a great scene you can learn lots of stuff. Although, he talks a lot about girlfriend and that kind of stuff that we know is not what we should aim for (risks of failure increases). Nonetheless, great scene, I'm sure.


How not to rest your head on your hand:
[1] http://goo.gl/r5QUK
[2] http://goo.gl/Gf9h0 : In this same movie Brad Pitt holds his head this way ( http://d.pr/i/mJLE ). He is not the sexy fellow before. And, I still think you shouldn't use this gesture as it look more femenine.
[3] http://goo.gl/6TUJp : this is not that bad because the hand is closed, but I think is better to hold your head more like Brad Pitt in the coffee scene.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take