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Multi-LR Cruise Story


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Hey y'all, Jay here.

I just found a post I put up before I left for my cruise in December, and it reminded me I never threw up a lay report for it, because it was certainly an interesting time, and I feel like I need to close out that post by placing my results here.

The cruise was, in fact, over Christmas and it was a pretty great time actually. Gaming aside, the Bahamas were beautiful, the food was pretty good, and I enjoyed the hell out of some blackjack and poker in the casino (Now I know what you mean by the revenue coming from the casino and stuff bought on the ship Chase, we spent easily twice as much on the ship as my parents did on the tickets). That being said, on to the female aspect of my journey.

I read over the slew of info in my previous post, and I think I did about right by it.

Both me and my friend were able to lay a couple girls on the trip (. Not the girl numbers we were aiming for obviously, but the circumstances made up for it; I love to travel, and fucking in exotic places is the height of sexual thrill for me. It ended up being 21+ to drink on the ship and 18+ anywhere off of it, so we got our fair share of both sober and drunk gaming in (we were offered drinks many times on the ship, but they were hella expensive, so we only gamed on the ship buzzed). The ship was also a family-based cruise (parents fucked up choosing, but hey they did their best, and it was a surprise so I didn't have any say in the particular type of cruise). However, there were just two problems with the girl situation on the ship;

1. Due to it being a family cruise, there was a shortage of young (but not too young), single girls.

We spent the first day gambling and getting the lay of the land by walking the ship, and quickly decided that we would expand our age range for lays to include 16 year olds and mid-twenties girls, which left us with an attractive girl pool of about 60. Most of the girls 21 and over were with boyfriends, and we didn't want to fuck up a relationship on a ship we would be stuck on with the boyfriend for 6 days, so we quickly eliminated about 20 girls right off of the bat. Left with 40, we spent the second day at sea screening. Through this process we were able to knock most of the girls under 18 out of the running due to lack of maturity, leaving us with a pool of about 25. With this pool of 25, we sat down in the casino, our go-to base camp, to stake claims. I narrowed my list down to three girls; a particularly mature 17 year old with an amazing ass who had came with her older 19 year old friend, a 24 year old who had a kid back at home (wasn't entirely sure how I felt about that yet, but she looked like a Spanish model), and an 18 year old petite girl with an amazing body and not quite hot but cute face. My friend, as he has been known to do, set his sights on a single girl; the best friend of the 18 year old on my list.

So the third day we turned up the heat. I could go on for days about my process that morning but I will compress because this post is going to be long anyway; basically while my friend played his whole hand on the girl he had his sights set on, I managed to rule out the 17 year old by noon (she was attached at the hip to her older friend, who was particularly unattractive and was feeding her alcohol constantly, so she got sloppy ass drunk very quickly and was completely incoherent before lunch). This gave me an opportunity to completely switch frames and grab lunch with the 24 year old (who was under the impression I was 22). She made it clear right off of the bat that all she wanted was to have a fun time on the cruise, and didn't want me to be freaked out by the kid (who she literally, I shit you not, referred to as 'my little accident'). Still, I was slightly turned off by this, and decided to write her off by spinning a fallacy about coming on the cruise with a girlfriend, and not telling her originally in order to not hurt her feelings.

At this point, I had a huge stroke of luck when my friend walked in with both his girl and the girl I wanted, who I promptly greeted as my girlfriend, whispering in her ear for her to go along with it. We said goodbye to the young mother and went up to the pool area to chill. I spun another story about how I had been at lunch with her without knowing she had a kid when she dropped the bomb on me, and thanked my girl profusely for 'saving' me. She loved this, and the four of us chilled the rest of the day. From there it was easy; we spent the day with them, got to know each other, had a couple drinks, then split off into couples. I took my girl to our cabin and fucked her while my boy and his girl were in the casino, and when we were done we went to chill in the hot tub while my boy and his girl did their thing in the room. Later we toyed around with getting some sort of foursome going, (keep in mind this dude has been my best friend since elementary school, we have run train on a girl twice before, and given each other a high five while being blown by two different girls on the same couch before) but decided in the end that it wasn't worth the risk of seeing them again if they weren't in to it (we joked about it for a bit, and got a vibe they weren't having it, so we dropped it). Therefore, we just decided to each fuck our respective girl one more time, hit the tables, then call it a night; which we did in the same way as before.

Now, the fourth day we woke up in the Bahamas, and disembarked fired up to get shitty and look for other cruise groups of girls go for, but we promptly ran smack into our second problem....

2. We had made an impression on our girls from the day before. They wanted more, and because of the way the excursions were set up, this was unavoidable.

We ran into them on the gangplank and they very quickly separated us and started talking about all of the crazy places we could fuck. I tried to gently express my desire to see what else the island had to offer to me...but some of the things she was suggesting started to sound pretty damn tempting (we had only been able to fuck in our respective rooms thus far on the ship because due to the high concentration of families around there was a distinct danger of children running across us if we decided to go at it in almost all public ship areas); plus I looked around and wasn't seeing much competition at the docks. We actually were the only cruise ship there. So I told the girl to hang on for a second, got my friend, and deliberated. We ended up deciding that we would stick with these girls for the day, since there weren't any other cruise ships at Nassau that day, and the place was much smaller than the island we were going to the next day (we could drink without worrying about gaming, and take advantage of the seclusion of the place to have sex in some interesting places).

With that decided, we all went to the bar near the bus station to get a little tipsy before the snorkeling outing. Condensing again, but basically the water was so cold it almost ruined the snorkeling experience, and totally nixed our options for fucking in the Bahaman water at Nassau, so we had some more drinks at the bar at the snorkeling beach and both received discreet head down the beach a ways (we decided to spare the families in our outing group this sight).

After that we went back, drank some more, and got back on the ship. At this point all four of us were pretty intoxicated, and my boy and his girl wanted desperately to fuck in a hot tub. This sounded great to me too, but it was virtually impossible; at all hours of the day and night there was always someone in the tubs, and they were very centrally located. With this in mind, I thought up a quick solution...all four of us got in the same hot tub as a couple early teenage kids and were able to successfully drive them off without incident by beginning to make out. Afterwards, we waited for a bit and ran the tub until the pool deck cleared a bit, then the girls gave us a little bit of underwater head, then sat on our laps for a couple minutes of full fucking. We finished in the tub (gross, I know, kids play in that shit, but tis the danger of public hot tubs for everyone), then went to get more drinks.

At this point me and my boy implemented morally questionable tactics, because the sex with these girls was getting stale and we needed to get rid of them. So, we took them to the bar with the tender that didn't care we were under 21 and bought shots to take with them until they got so fucked they had to go back to their room and throw up. We made sure to take care of them, had one in their bathroom and one in ours and made sure they were both safely back passed out in their room when they were done yacking (we couldn't just leave them anywhere, there were a couple creepy ass old dudes (50+) who were kind of lurking in different corners waiting to take advantage of the opportunity they thought we had created for them). Afterward we (pretty damn shithoused at this point) stumbled back up to the casino and played blackjack (we tried poker but were waaaay too fucked up to play) until we were ready to pass.

Day five we woke up in Freeport, and (according to plan) took off for Atlantis before the two girls had time to drag their hungover asses up after us. We were fired the fuck up, and we rolled into the place ready as hell to go. As usual, we began the day with some mixed drinks at the casino (huge) and at about 11 set off to look for girls. Boy did we find them. Atlantis is chock full of sexy girls, there was barely a fat person in sight (no American waterpark bullshit here). We did a couple laps around the place (huge) and marveled at all the stuff there, went on the vertical slide drunk, etc. When we were done with that, it was around 1, and we really needed to start, so we rolled out to a circular bar in the center of a lagoon placed smack in the middle of the park.

Here we saw a couple good options, but when talked to they all mentioned rich boyfriends and tried a name drop or two on us, then went auto-reject when we didn't recognize the person/people mentioned, or were too young, and a couple were actually too old (30 is my cutoff point right now). So we headed back to the drawing board (the park map) and decided that our best bet was to walk the two expansive beaches (both me and my friend are particularly proud of our physique, and the beach is were I cut my teeth pulling randoms in high school, so we felt most comfortable there).

At the beach, we had a narrow almost run in with the two girls from before (we were forced to take to the pretty frigid water to escape), but eventually warmed up with a few very receptive girls, and started opening together. After awhile (maybe 3 or so) we found two very sexy girls from Florida who we decided were our targets, so we led them to an empty, secluded cabana area and started getting to know them.

Up until now, me and my boy had pretty much been in agreement on everything, but we actually had a quick, heated argument in the bathroom about who got which girl. We both wanted the taller one, who was about 5' 8", had a nice ass and legs, small but enjoyable tits, and the face of a model. The other girl was about 5' 5", with a better ass (as shorter girls tend to have, in my experience) and nicer tits, but once again, a face that was cute rather than hot. Neither of us wanted a competition because those tended to get too intense, and the girls tended to come out the other end of those things pretty bad off emotionally, and we didn't want to piss each other off too much and ruin the last leg of the journey (not to mention I would have buried his ass, like always). I argued that my boy had taken the one with the pretty face last time, so it was my go at it this time, and pointed out that the girl of our choice had a much less desirable body than the other one. He retorted with the good point that I didn't care all that much about the face, only the ass, and as long as a girl with a perfect body didn't look like someone took to her with brass knuckles as a toddler, I was usually into it. This was infuriatingly accurate. In the end I chose to concede to him and take the shorter one, because I felt like being ridden again (the shorter girl on the ship had turned me back onto that shit), and being ridden by a girl an inch taller than me weirds me out.

With this issue resolved, we went back to the cabana and worked them for about an hour (we had to roll out to the ship at 6, so we had limited time, then I took the short one to the cabana next door and we each closed. After this we both got their numbers because we planned on being in Panama City for spring break, and high tailed it to the bus. We spent our last hour taking advantage of the cheaper alcohol in the city of Freeport, and managed to smuggle a couple fifths of local rum back onto the ship. That night we went to see some show, gambled more, and pretty much drank ourselves into stupidity (my friend was fucked up and tried to pick up a 15 year old and her friend; we had to run from the father, apparently a six foot three dude with a beard decked out in polo shit and a visor talking to your freshman in high school daughter is sketchy...). We eventually ended up passing by the pool.

On day six, we woke up hungover as fuck next to the pool during a storm. We rolled back inside and sat down to dry off and set up a game plan for our last day. Eventually we decided to go find our cruise girls, but switch this time. After dragging ourselves to our room and changing we found the girls in their room chilling. We made up some bullshit about being completely shocked we didn't run into them in Atlantis, then we set to work reframing each other and ourselves to appeal to the opposite girl. That took from about noon to five, and at that point we split apart, and I decided what the hell, might as well take this girl to dinner at the nice place in the center of the ship. I deep dived at dinner, and she actually told me some really deep shit about her mom dying, deeper than I usually get into the past (I usually just like to focus on the future, keep things optimistic). Still, the deep dive served its purpose and I took her to her room (luckily my boy had the other one in the our room) and closed on the balcony (there was no balcony in our room, so I was doubly lucky he chose ours haha). After we were done she actually fell asleep, so I went up to the deck and looked out at the ocean for a bit with the rest of my fifth and reflected on the trip. After awhile I went back down and slept with the girl in her room.

On the seventh day we woke up right outside of Charleston and disembarked. We got the two girls numbers (one went to USC and the other to Coastal, so both of us were pretty nearby both of them) and disembarked. We hung out in Charleston for a day after as well, and it turned out to have some great opportunities too, but this post turned out to be a fucking novel so I'll save Charleston for another time.

If you made it to the end of this shit, congratulations. If I could give someone advice on what to do on a cruise pickup wise, I would say; pick a singles cruise, don't get tied down to one girl, and fuck underwater (because it is awesome). Hope you learned something about cruise game situations, and if not, hope you at least enjoyed the story. Just felt I had to put it down in writing.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
Signing myself up for a cruise after reading this! Probably one my favourite LRs so far. Great job man!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 7, 2013
I thought this was a great read, and wanted to bring it back to the front page so other guys would get to read it.

Jay, how are you doing these days?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers