This is my daygame journal where I will type what I have learned from daygame sessions. This journal will include: what I did;what I did right,what I did wrong; what did I learn, and what I can do better next time.
About me
26 years of age. Black, tall and quite muscular. I live in London. This is first time I have daygamed in a year. I've had a few success, but now I am ready to take a seriously.
24th and 25th September 2022
On these two days I went charing cross to do some approaches. As stated, this is the first time I have daygamed in over a year. I was expecting myself to be more rusty that usual. In total, over the two days, I did 18 approaches.
What I did right?
I approached. I broke past the voices in my head, and paralysis that overcame my body when I was walking towards the set.
What I did wrong?
I am well aware this is first time I have done this in a while. However, my approaches were weak. I did not assert myself properly to the set, and I found that I was ejecting myself from the set too early even when I managed to stop them.
What did I learn?
I learned the following things. First, when you approach someone on the street - whether it is a man or a woman, they are not expecting it. So, they will have an abrupt shocked reaction. This is normal. We all have this. I need learn not to take it personally, and persevere through. Secondly, I learned that walking towards the set, and then walking around them to say your opening, weakens your approach. It appears timid and weak,
What I can do better next time?
I need to ensure that I walk directly towards with caution, speak loudly to ensure I stop them. Not to eject myself from the set too early unless I have been clearly rejected. And I need to improve the loudness of my voices. I am currently researching material to help improve with this.
I will next game this work or the next, and be consistent from then.
About me
26 years of age. Black, tall and quite muscular. I live in London. This is first time I have daygamed in a year. I've had a few success, but now I am ready to take a seriously.
24th and 25th September 2022
On these two days I went charing cross to do some approaches. As stated, this is the first time I have daygamed in over a year. I was expecting myself to be more rusty that usual. In total, over the two days, I did 18 approaches.
What I did right?
I approached. I broke past the voices in my head, and paralysis that overcame my body when I was walking towards the set.
What I did wrong?
I am well aware this is first time I have done this in a while. However, my approaches were weak. I did not assert myself properly to the set, and I found that I was ejecting myself from the set too early even when I managed to stop them.
What did I learn?
I learned the following things. First, when you approach someone on the street - whether it is a man or a woman, they are not expecting it. So, they will have an abrupt shocked reaction. This is normal. We all have this. I need learn not to take it personally, and persevere through. Secondly, I learned that walking towards the set, and then walking around them to say your opening, weakens your approach. It appears timid and weak,
What I can do better next time?
I need to ensure that I walk directly towards with caution, speak loudly to ensure I stop them. Not to eject myself from the set too early unless I have been clearly rejected. And I need to improve the loudness of my voices. I am currently researching material to help improve with this.
I will next game this work or the next, and be consistent from then.