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FR  My first newbie field report


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 9, 2014
Hey guys,

First off, there is nothing much going on but my first newbie FR.

As a 3rd. year College student I went to my College University today for enrollment. The whole morning were Psychological Test, and plenty of back in forth in the Deans Office and Guidance Office, so plenty of talking which I believe that it served as a stimulant for me and increased my energy. In the afternoon, I went to the College Clinic for which they give you a referral for medical test in some Medical Laboratory Center for a medical test e.g urinalysis, stool exam, X-ray and blood check.

So went in the College Clinic, a minute later one of my old classmate (Juanito) arrived who happens to have already finished the medical test and is submitting his medical results. We sat there for a bit while waiting for our turn, we chat and we have a couple of jokes and laughter.

Next, it me and Juanito's turn...I sat next to a cute Asian aid nurse (working student) with Juanito sitting in the mini bench. My description for her is that she's somewhat a tiny bit serious, and she's not the type of person who smiles alot but she have a pretty cute face, when she talks it's nurse-like, and I can see her white tiny teeth too. lol


me: Hi! Good Afternoon (smiles)
her: Good Afternoon, please take a seat
me: Thanks
her: So how may I help you?
me: I just want to get a referral for my medical test
her: Okay, I'll write a referral for you
me: Thanks (smiles)

While she's writing the referral, me and Juanito were still talking and have a couple of laughs (the cute asian noticed), then I saw this blood pressure checker called Sphygmomanometer lying in front of her desk. I kinda squeeze the head bulb a bit then she took it away from me immediately with a tiny smile and so I just simply smiles back while she's telling me this...

her: Are you hyperactive this morning?
me: Nope (smiles)
her: Oh, I thought you were

After she finished up writing the referral...

her: Okay, here is your referral (handing me the ref. slip), would there be anything else?
me: No and thanks (smiles)
her: Your welcome

Then I stand up, then Juanito's is next (handling over his medical results) to the nurse aid - we have a bit of a chat he and I then I take a look at his X-ray result...and made a bit of a joke out of it.

me: So this is your X-ray result eh?
Juanito: Yeah
me: You got a problem friend
Juanito: What? Where?
me: I can't see your lungs. lol
Juanito: lol

Then the cute Asian nurse talks to Juanito...

her: Your friend here (referring to me), he has a high sense of energy
Juanito: Agree
her: and his a happy type of person too
Juanito: Yeah lol
me: Yeah, I just took Enervon this morning lol
Juanito: lol
her:So would there be anything else?

Then she finished up filing the medical results, me and Juanito leave the College Clinic with a smile on our faces. Then we proceed to the next step.



She never really smile (except when she took the Sphygmomanometer) nor laugh at our jokes, I don't believe that she's annoyed either but I still think that she's cute that way. I still do have a requirement to pass this coming Friday so this might be continued but depends.

1. Have you guys ever encounter this type of women?
2. Does she really mean it when she said that I have a high sense of energy? or was it just because it's a part of being a nurse aid?
3. Why is she telling this things to Juanito instead of telling it to me personally?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake