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LR  My first on this forum, and many other firsts too!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2014
Ok, here's how it went down.

at about 3:30am I couldn't sleep, decided to get on the motorbike and go for a drive, found myself at the 24/7 McDonalds near by which was empty when I walked in.
I order my food and as its cooking build up a little chat with the server, a couple walk in behind me, a Turkish guy and a cute Somali chick, I turn round, ignore the guy and open the girl with "there I was thinking I was the only crazy person craving a double cheeseburger at this hour" she chuckles, says something then orders her food, her guy pays, at this point I hear him say "I never buy a girl food, you know, I'd better get your number for this!" In quite an aggressive tone, I just laughed, couldn't help myself, I collect my food and take a table by myself.

Then I hear, "wait for me in the car, I won't be long" and see the dude leave, next thing I know, she's sitting at my table..

"your boyfriend doesn't mind you sitting and flirting with random guys?"
"He's not my boyfriend, we only met tonight, he's trying to get me drunk so I fuck him, but I can handle my drink, If I want to fuck someone, I will, him, well..."
"It's not happening for him tonight"
"NO! he's... well, he just doesn't get it!"
"I better get your number for this... nope, I'd say he doesn't!"
"so whats your story?"....

about 5 minutes and a lot of touch, sexual frames, tension building and blatant flirtation, I think to hell with it, I'm going SUPERBOLD here!

whilst holding her hand and strong eye contact "I'm going to the bathroom..."
"Ok, I'd better go back to 'HIM'"
"nah, you'd rather come with me..."
"what, to the bathroom?!"
"Why not?.."

I release her hand and walk to the bathroom, thinking, this is either going to work or blow up in my face, but hey, no risk, no reward!
The door didn't even shut behind me ;)

after a pretty passionate 30 minutes and a mutual orgasm later, we exchange numbers, I tell her she'd better get back to her "Friend" before he wonders where she's gone and she disappears, getting into his car for a lift home..

I get a text 20 minutes later to say she'd really enjoyed meeting me and we need to do it again sometime, I replied this morning, saying "what, in a different bathroom this time? ;)"

This is a number of firsts for me! First Black girl I've ever slept with, first time I've had sex in a public bathroom, first time I've taken a girl from under another guys nose, first time I've gone from meet to lay in anything less than 3 hours, let alone less than one, first time I've seen this sort of interaction as anything more than "she's just friendly" and a few others too.

this wouldn't have happened to me 2 months ago, its all down to implementing what I've read on this site... CHEERS CHASE AND THE GUYS!!! :D
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Re: LR, My first on this forum, and many other firsts too!

This is going to be a regular reaction of mine from now on - but it's quite applicable here for a multitude of reasons.


You got re-opened. You deep dove fast and well. You saw the window and balled out. Good shit.

- Anatman


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 27, 2014
Re: LR, My first on this forum, and many other firsts too!



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Re: LR, My first on this forum, and many other firsts too!

Casanovelis said:

Fan7as7icMrFox said:
whilst holding her hand and strong eye contact "I'm going to the bathroom..."
"Ok, I'd better go back to 'HIM'"
"nah, you'd rather come with me..."
"what, to the bathroom?!"
"Why not?.."

Boss status right here. I wonder how tussled up her friend was after buying her shit and waiting for her for 30 minutes to finish fucking some charmer she just met 2 minutes ago.

Yup, straight boss rapid escalation status.

This is fucking inspiring, and imagine how many men given that opportunity would have said "ah she probably wouldn't be down for having sex we haven't even gotten to know each other at all yet. I should probably just try and get her number (which would probably then flake)".

#1 way to prevent flakes- Sleep with her the day you meet her... or in this case the minute you meet her.

Keep up the posts and welcome to the boards Mr. Fox.

Your screen name is way too fucking long and since I'm Mr. Rob I'm just going to call you Mr. Fox.




Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2014
Re: LR, My first on this forum, and many other firsts too!

Thanks for the replies guys, It's great to share these experiences as I learn, I'm not what I'd consider highly successful with women, well, until the last few months after reading articles on the site and forum.

Mr Rob, Mr Fox is apt (and actually my name lol) thanks for your input. :)

I'm here to add an update, keeping the momentum from last nights escapades, I went out today with the intention of getting 5 numbers, first few approaches were shocking, but didn't knock the wind out of my sails, well, not entirely at least.

I had to buy a new pair of shades, I lost my last pair and driving without them is a pain, so I pop into a store local to my grans (was paying her a visit later this afternoon) and start trying a few pairs on, I'm checking how they look in the mirror and notice this really cute Indian chick that works in the store checking me out (the leather bike jacket helps, ALOT!) I hear "can I help you?" I turn round, make eye contact, smile slightly and retort "Actually yes, you strike me as the kind of girl that knows what looks hot and whats not, which pair do you think suit me better?" she picks a pair and comments on my bone structure "you've a really handsome face, your bone structure is AMAZING!" she then proceeds to ask me about my bike, telling me she loves bikes but has been to afraid to take her test, blah blah blah, I mention they're dangerous and I had an accident but are great fun she asks "Tell me about your accident, what happened?" "Its a long story......" "oh.." her face drops slightly, I think she felt I wasn't willing to open up and felt a little rejected at this point (I may be wrong, what are your takes?) "one I'll tell you over coffee later this week" beaming smile spreads across her face and without a seconds hesitation, pulls out her phone "yeah, ok, that sounds like fun!" we exchange numbers and she tells me she'll text me when she gets off work..

a few hours later (I'm still at my Grans at this point, minutes away from where she works) she texts me to say it was nice meeting me and she cant wait for our coffee date and that she was bored at work but only had an hour left before she finishes I reply "was cool meeting you too, I wasn't expecting to bump into such a cutie on what was a mediocre errand ;) thanks for your help with the shades, you've clearly got great taste :p what are your plans for this evening? I'm still local, if you're free we could grab a drink or something.." she replies saying she has no plans, she finishes at 7 and she knows a nice little place not too far from there, I should meet her from work and we'll grab a drink, she's buying..

I arrive at 7:10, just late enough that shes getting a little uncomfortable, wondering if I'll show, as I pull up on the bike (knowing she loves bikes and biker boys, giving her the chance to see me again as something she desires) park up and we head to the bar.

straight off the bat, I lead her, stop her at roads and within a few minutes I've got her by the hand, leading her to the bar. we arrive, she asks what I drink, then orders 2 of them, stating its another thing we have in common.

throughout the interaction I kept reminding her that she hit on me, kept hearing things like "I've never told ANYONE this before" "I can't believe I'm telling a complete stranger such intimate things about me" she asked what type of underwear I like and my favourite colour, told me about a gay fling she had that she hadn't told anyone about, how she hadn't had sex in 6 months due to a bad experience she had when younger (which she opened up fully about) was a lot of romantic touch, her qualifying herself and asking about my sexual desires etc (to which I said "It'll be far more fun for us both if I show you")

now the logistics were poor, I was quite far from mine and she still lives with parents and I didn't have another lid, we both have early commitments in the morning so a same day lay was out of the question, however I suggested that we meet for dinner at my place, she brings the ingredients and I'll cook on a day she has off and has the following day off (more time in bed the next morning ;) )

The date is set, she's got her shopping list and can't wait for me to pick her up on the bike (gets the adrenaline flowing right off the bat, easier to maintain that high when we're alone than to try and recreate it later) so next time you hear from me will be Friday with another LR ;)

In the meantime, I've a few days to get a few more dates lined up...
