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My gameplan for the year


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Alright then. The time for college to begin has almost arrived and thus for me to start socialising. To be honest I'm quite nervous and am already feeling approach anxiety before having even seen the girls there. But I guess that's the only way to overcome a fear. By grabbing it by the neck with trembling hands and then telling it to go fuck itself.

So here's my plan for the year:

1. Be as socially adroit as possible and make less faux pas. Sometimes I used to make the faux pas on purpose in an effort to either be funny or to own up to them. Now I realize that it would be best to try and avoid them completely considering how easy it is once you learn which ones are the mistakes.

2. Keep interactions simple. No need for me to start pulling off the advanced seduction methods yet.

3. Avoid jokes (over the top jokes. I'll still be playful though) as far as possible. (this was becoming a problem because it made me afraid of moments when it was time to get serious with anything). I will achieve a more desirous effect if I can get serious a bit more often and bring her into the moment.

4. Relax.

5. Have fun :)

My goal for the year is to bang at least one girl and to make as many friends as possible so I can have a bigass social circle. Even 3 or 4 friends would be an awesome start. I just wanna keep my expectations low for now so I don't overwork myself.

This gameplan is set to change over the year as I'd like to take the lover persona. If you see any holes in my plan then feel free to let me know. But otherwise, let's hope my fire gets em ladies hot ;)

PS: I already have a list of topics that I wrote down. I hardly ever use the full thing though as the interactions tend to swing in different unpredictable directions. I just use it to have the confidence that I won't be the mute guy that just approached her.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Cool man, wishing you the best of luck this year :)

A few things to add to your list:

- Keeping the focus of the conversation on the other person, or on the both of you. But very rarely solely on yourself.
- Only using humour when you need to break tension
- Being warm with people (so they know you care about them)

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take