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FR++  my recent holiday. And, why can't i get laid?

lao che

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 21, 2013
this is gonna be a hell of a long post, gentlemen. i'll try to efficienticize it as much as possible, and hopefully it'll be quite interesting. there's certainly a lot going on ...

took a holiday to hainan island 'china's hawaii' ostensibly to surf ... been a few times before, once with a girl and once alone. this time wasn't much surf and i was with a buddy who was up for having a good time, and a lot of booze.

i use WeChat, a chinese whatsapp style IM tool. it has a look-around function which allows you to search for people in your area. it's very useful. this is important, as you will see .....

day one: my friend and i are talking to anyone and everyone. in the street meet 3 cute young chinese girls comparing leg tans. i go shove my leg in for comparison. they all jumped from fright then got into my vibe. very playful and i've singled out the one i like, arm around her etc. these girls are cute and fun. i take their details but it leads nowhere due to schedules and logistics.

we go to a western style restaurant i've frequented in the past. there is a waitress i recognize. we'll call her sissi. 'i know you!' i say. she was new the last time and she's changed her hair and gotten less awful at waiting tables, she seems to melt when i tell her this. i chat a little more as we have dinner, take her details then later send a message telling her don't work too hard and let me know what you're up to later. she messages back late on something about work, i tell her we are in the bar street then ... nothing.

day two: an unattractive chinese woman, wendy, friend-requests my WeChat. i accept and barely give her the time of day. she tells me about a beach party and after some back-and-to she informs me that she is with two friends. we go check it out. her friends are cute/hot depending on your point of view. i single one out, a beautiful, petite local girl called joy, and make a move. making sure to chat to the friends and give wendy some attention. "nice to make a new friend! cheers!"
joy is shy but after half an hour i'm dancing with her, lots of touching and smiling and fun.
this party is great, there's a lot of good-looking girls and i try to engage as many as possible. some loud-mouthed drunk chinese girl is dancing near us, wearing a ridiculous skirt and you can tell she's wearing shorts underneath it. i playfully pull at her skirt to try to look up it and she acts mock-shocked and tries to do the same to my shorts. just a playful friendly vibe.
soon after the three girls- wendy, joy and friend, all leave. i try to get joy to stick around but .. never mind.

by the way, i'm really able to "see the room" here. looking around i don't need to ask, i can spot the relationships between people just by looking. spot who's who. who's getting laid. who's shy. who thinks he's a player and all that jazz.

next, i find a hot mid 20s russian with curly hair. the vibe is on right from the get-go. i can't remember what the hell i said but soon she's asking about where i'm staying and telling me that she's leaving the next day. somehow got separated from her, she went to find her friend or something. i was to see her much later though ...

now i go down to the ocean and somehow start chatting to some chinese singer. we'll call her tina (after turner) she's a young looking 42, good body. again i have the 'it's on' vibe very quickly. we chat for a few minutes on the beach. soon she's taking me to introduce me to her friends. everything is going well and i'm thinking it's time to move, but i've still got the curly-russian on my mind. tina turner introduces me to a smoking hot young chick with short hair so i get distracted for a little while. trying to figure out if anyone has his claws in her. there's one guy who i guess could be my competition. he just looks like he fancies himself as a player so i keep half an eye on him. and fuck, he's better looking than me! better dressed! probably has better game, too.

i wander away from tina turner thinking i'll keep her as my second option while i find curly but i end up meeting another russian chick. 20yrs old and the most beautiful yet. i spoke to her about some stupid shit once or twice already but now i get her alone and AGAIN it's on! i end up spending a lot of time with this girl and develop a deep connection, while maintaining the playful vibe. i have a great time with her and then she tells me her friends are waiting. i tell her to tell her friends to go. she'll be fine. and come find me in a few minutes. she agrees. i wander off and a few minutes later young russian finds me,so as far as i'm concerned it's a done deal. we vibe for half an hour or so more. really good vibe and deep connection and then she tells me, again, that she has to go coz her friend is waiting. i grab her hand and walk over to talk to the friend, who has a pretty little 8yr old daughter. really easy for me to charm them and get them on my side. but my girl eventually doesn't have the balls to stay. she told me several times that she had a bad experience after being left alone. i can understand. it's a big ask to stay alone with a stranger but i know she was really into me and i didn't take her details! fuck

so now i go back to tina turner, her hot young friend seems to be available so i'm hedging my bets but then i see curly russian. she's with the player guy .. but then later, actually not. i befriend curly's girl friend down by the ocean. i tell her 'i like your friend. she's nice. you mind if i talk to her for a little while ... blah blah blah thanks! you're so nice you're a good friend' ... then i see sissi, the waitress from day 1. i guess she's just arrived after finishing work. i excuse myself from the russian for a moment to say hey, but sissi blows me off completely and leaves! hmm
there's talk about an after party amongst the group. i still have to hang back a little because i'm still not sure exactly what's up. my friend already left so i'm solo here if i don't get in with a group. groups split up and make their way to the next place so i take my time, walk up and meet up with curly. i grab her and we are walking arm in arm and talking all kinds of shit but she is staying a 45 minute taxi ride from here. we get to the bar and i'm getting a drink when i turn around and see she is sneaking away with her friend and without saying anything.

so, back to tina turner (i think hot young friend was carried away drunk). this goes badly as we drink together and talk some shit then she starts telling me how she's too old for me and she can see i like young girls ... i could maybe have pulled this around another time but i was thrown for a loop here after so much going on and so much boozing. next thing i know mister player has turner alone and i believe they left together.

day three: i message wendy, the unattractive girl from the previous night (who's WeChat tagline, by the way, is "looking for a soulmate"):
ME: hi wendy, i like your friend joy, i know she is free today. can you put me in contact with her or give her my details please? WENDY: can't without her permission. we do not like a person who lacks basic politeness.
ME: i ask you if you can ask her. that is all.
HER: if she wanted to she would have told you.
ME: who doesn't have basic politeness?
HER: basic politeness is behave well at a basic level. like don't touch people and what you did shocked us you even turned up that girls skirt. you totally a shit. if you did this to european girls they will hit your face.
ME: well, you have a real problem if two people having a good time bothers you so much. have a nice life. good luck being super-uptight.
HER: behave well in china no chinese girls like shit like you. haha i travel worldwide i know good guys behaviour


so, my friend and i go to visit a secret little surf spot which is very quiet. not expecting anything here. turns out the place i go to has just one guest. i'm getting ready to go in the ocean when said-guest appears. a beautiful 26yo sicilian. nice. as soon as we looked at each other i knew it was game on. we spoke a few words then i went down to the sea. i was gone several hours. when i come back we get talking and flirting. she asks me about surfing and i offer to take her out. we go down into the water and everything is great. her boobs fall from her bikini several times as well, so i teased her about that. later we are drinking and she and her friend, the russian boss of the little one-guest hotel invite us to join them for dinner, a traditional russian, and italian feast, which they had been preparing all day, the beer flowed, the sun went down, everything is going beautifully. i suggest a night swim which italy jumps at so on we go. down to the beach with some beers and we are getting quite romantic in the water. no making out yet but my boner is pretty fucking obvious as we are playing and splashing around. we go back and sit in the sand for a bit. my friend has brought us some haimajiu (seahorse wine, does not contain actual seahorse) which is supposed to 'make a man strong!' haha so me and italy share the wine then she wants to go back up but i take her hand and lead her down the beach to where i know there are some hammocks. i put her in a hammock and swing her side to side, which is of course lots of fun. then i get in and we are lying top-to-tail for a little. lots of talking bullshit and touching each other. next i lie side by side for a bit of a cuddle and then she flips over onto her belly. i jump on top of her and wrap my arm around her neck and start to dry hump her in a really comical and exaggerated manner. i tell her 'tell me you want it harder!' and she gets into it 'oh yeah, harder, bad boy'.. i say, tell me you want it faster, she whispers 'faster!' i say 'louder' and she yells 'faster' suddenly the vibe has changed from playfully exaggerated to full on hardcore sexy. in less than 10 seconds it went from jim carrey to rocco siffredi
various things happen, i pull her from the hammock and carry her, arms and legs wrapped around me, to a tree and make out hard and passionately like that, i put her down and flip her around and again up against the tree. we are still partially clothed. gotta take a break, time for skinny dipping.
we share lots of things about ourselves during this time, by the way. i tell her my deepest darkest secret which i'd literally told no-one until then. she told me about lesbian experiences, and having sex in the ocean. demonstrated the positions with me. this was a cool chick and one of the most memorable nights of my life. playing in the water and running naked in the sand we felt like adam and eve. really felt like the only two people in the world.
it starts to rain so we head back, where to my surprise, my friend has left and it's already 2am. i tell italy that i'm getting a room, and she' s gonna join me. she says ok. there was never any doubt.
later, she sneaks into my room and we have at it again but my god! she will not let me put my dick in her!hours going back and forth. i have been in this situation before (a girl a few years ago left me with a raging boner so after a 'are you serious? you're gonna leave me with this!!' moment (in good humour) i shrugged my shoulders, said, OK and rolled over to sleep. next morning there was no resistance) so in the end i did the same to italy. she tried waking me up by pulling on my dick but i ignored it. next morning i expect to finally get laid but, no! if you read the title of this post you can guess how it went.
she didn't even cook me the breakfast she'd promised because the staff member was pissed at her and wouldn't let her in the kitchen.
so that's day four: uneventful. my friend and i went back to our hotel. drank a lot.

day five (final day): it's been raining all day and we are drinking and relaxing in our hotel room. i check my phone to find a
WeChat message saying “zhuang xiao long, i know you!" it 's my chinese name, but the sender only has a picture of a flower. i accept the chat and lo and behold!! it's joy, the beautiful chinese girl from the day2 party. it's already 3pm now and i'm leaving tomorrow so no time to fuck about. the weather is clearing so i get her to meet me at the beach. again, like so many times over the past few days, i very quickly develop a great connection, and my god! she is spectacular. we swim, play, talk about everything, take lots of pictures together. i can't believe how easy and natural it is. later she wants to leave (but not really) we are going for dinner, i tell her. she complains about wet clothes. i have an answer but she counters with going home to change. i tell her to put on her prettiest dress then, and hurry up.
i really dropped the ball on this one, guys.
she shows up for dinner, (with me my friend and his girl) in a sexy figure hugging shiny blue dress. she looks incredible. in fact i had to go find her coz she was lost. i might have been a bit drunk. when i see her i pull her close and spin her around and around. then grab her hand and lead her to where the others are waiting. during dinner joy is on her phone. i tell her not to tell wendy she is with me because wendy will be upset. wendy doesn't need to know. this seems to bother joy. we have a great dinner and talk about going for a drink and some ice cream. leave the restaurant, walk down the beach and she just keeps saying- lao che, i go home. i go home. i keep trying to lead but she is saying no you just want to have sex with me. i think this is wendy's doing. she asks me direct if i want to have sex with her. and i was backed into a corner and failed this obvious shit test. i told her, of course i do, you're a beautiful girl and i like you but if we don't have sex that's ok too. come on let's go... but she dug in her heels and stayed, i walked away..... slowly. she didn't follow

as an aside, i have talked to this girl on WeChat since then. she's told me about only having one boyfriend before, who she was supposed to marry and she seems very genuine. she's a really sweet girl. but it could be a complete lie. she could be a total slut for all i know. i can't help feeling i fucked up big time with a girl who came looking for me..she was there for a reason.

after i left joy i went on a huge bender. drinking a lot. my friend took his girl somewhere so i'm left alone. i drink more in one bar then trawl down the beach looking for god-knows what then i almost bump into 2 boys and 2 girls. i'm pretty pissed off but stop to chat for a minute ask them where they had been and they asked me for directions to the late bar, and asked me to come. two dutch girls, a guy from germany and a guy from iran. i told them i was going home to cry myself to sleep and anyway my wallet was empty .. but if i could find a cash machine i might join them. i find a cash machine and get a second wind up. go to the bar, get a drink and proceed to mack away on these 19 and 21 year old dutch girls. i give the guys just enough attention and i am seated in the best position to naturally talk to the girls. the guys practically give up. in the end they even just stand up and leave. at one point the girls have a short conversation in dutch then look at each and both say 'yes' quite emphatically.

i'm wasting no time now. i invite them back to listen to some music and drink some seahorse wine. which they graciously accept. on the short walk back i show them a vid on my phone and tell them the story of how i accidentally killed my pet chinchilla. which is a horrible story. i wonder if this story is a good show of vulnerability? poor little fucker died in my arms and i cried like a baby.
back at the room one things leads to another, i'm so drunk i'm numb by this stage but even when this drunk i never lose my shit. but i'm definitely not freaking out having two young dutch girls in my bed as i make out with one and have my hand up the other's skirt. i have never been in a situation like that before! haha but i kept it together. anyway, i guess they freaked out a little more than me because they upped and left. never mind!

so guys! where the hell am i going wrong? i can't get laid!

a little about myself, by the way. i'm a young-looking 38 years old. i'm reasonably good looking. in great shape, athletic rather than bodybuilder-ish. like a sprinter. average height. i have a tendency to lean towards beach style fashion. shorts flips and a wifebeater are my go to clothes for most of the summer. i wonder if my being in shape counts against me as some might think i'm a show off. although as demonstrated i'm certainly able to talk to people and not just rely on my guns!

any and all feedback is appreciated.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers