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Need help asap tips on how to respond to i have a boyfriend on text

William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
probably lost but. but it was a fun trip. it's Miss Rommel again. this is my last text here = last voice chat sound like someone wanted a (insert political beliefs) boyfriend ;) (insert name) . her response was very late and she respondeded with i have a boyfriend though-

best reply i could come up with is “You never mentioned this before (insert name). Can you tell me why?”

this boyfriend is someone across the globe the globe aka America. that she has never met in real life. she haven't met me in real Life yet.

the reason why i said insert political beliefs is that she was hinting that her parents would be okay with mine


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Not sure I understand your question very well, but to be honest, it sounds like you already fumbled the interaction by talking about politics (why oh why?) and what her parents would think of you (um, what? Are you planning to get married?). She sounds like she's already nexting you by dropping the boyfriend line.

FYI, when a girl does something testy like flake a date or say that she has a boyfriend, never start interrogating her or insinuating that you are upset, especially over text. This is needy behavior and hands her the lead in the conversation.

If pursuing a girl with a boyfriend is not your game, simply move on to the next one.

If the boyfriend is irrelevant to you, you need to communicate that by putting him down and showing your desire for her. In person, this might be "Well he's not here now is he..?" or for a softer one "Doesn't he let you have friends?" with a teasing smile. But since it's text, you are probably already done for, I would just throw out a hail mary like "Well he's there and I'm here ;) .. want to go out for a drink sometime?" but like I said your introduction of politics and her parents opinion to the conversation probably already killed the seductive vibe stone dead.

William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
Not sure I understand your question very well, but to be honest, it sounds like you already fumbled the interaction by talking about politics (why oh why?) and what her parents would think of you (um, what? Are you planning to get married?). She sounds like she's already nexting you by dropping the boyfriend line.

FYI, when a girl does something testy like flake a date or say that she has a boyfriend, never start interrogating her or insinuating that you are upset, especially over text. This is needy behavior and hands her the lead in the conversation.

If pursuing a girl with a boyfriend is not your game, simply move on to the next one.

If the boyfriend is irrelevant to you, you need to communicate that by putting him down and showing your desire for her. In person, this might be "Well he's not here now is he..?" or for a softer one "Doesn't he let you have friends?" with a teasing smile. But since it's text, you are probably already done for, I would just throw out a hail mary like "Well he's there and I'm here ;) .. want to go out for a drink sometime?" but like I said your introduction of politics and her parents opinion to the conversation probably already killed the seductive vibe stone dead.
i was referring a voice chat a Week earlier. i was joking about something and she brought up that her parents would be okay with my political views. i sendt her a valentine's message. we have talked for about a year.

btw i don't consider it a real relationship as they haven't met in reality one person lives on the US the other in Finland. and i live in Sweden kinda deal.

those lines seems really off for my need case
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 24, 2019
I agree with Will_V. Additionally, I personally would not expend more mental energy on this. You haven't met up with her either, but you've talked with her for about a year, thats a lot of energy for someone that you've never met. Not the advice you're going to want to hear, but I would focus on meeting people in person if possible. Besides, either she has a boyfriend and didn't tell you until a year in (red flag), or she's trying to next you and now its an even bigger uphill battle. I'd move on or engage in very low effort/energy communications. Definitely don't come across upset.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
A year? She probably already went through half a dozen guys while you have been chatting her up.

My friend, you have not just taken a one-way flight to friendzone land, you have migrated there and rescinded your nationality.

Time to go outside and start gaming some real opportunities.

William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
A year? She probably already went through half a dozen guys while you have been chatting her up.

My friend, you have not just taken a one-way flight to friendzone land, you have migrated there and rescinded your nationality.

Time to go outside and start gaming some real opportunities.
yeah, I will practice it in the summer do or die. id like suggestions for a non-hostile needy reply. Thank you guys for your feedback
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021

yeah i will practice it in the summer do or die. id like suggestions for a non hostile needy reply.
So what do you want to do with her? If you want to get together you better start moving things in that direction, by diminishing the boyfriend and suggesting the date - although it's probably not going to happen after a year. If you want to be her friend, well this is probably not the place for that kind of advice.

There is no such thing as a woman being interested romantically for a year over the phone. Women have no horniness for guys who text them endlessly without it going anywhere. If she ever wanted to bang, it's a long-distant memory now.

Accept that you are in the friendzone, and your chances of getting out are minimal. Do something drastic like suggesting the meet and drinks, for your own self-expression if nothing else, and accept that she'll probably go cold and stop replying.

Then find some new girls, and learn to move fast with them.


William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
So what do you want to do with her? If you want to get together you better start moving things in that direction, by diminishing the boyfriend and suggesting the date - although it's probably not going to happen after a year. If you want to be her friend, well this is probably not the place for that kind of advice.

There is no such thing as a woman being interested romantically for a year over the phone. Women have no horniness for guys who text them endlessly without it going anywhere. If she ever wanted to bang, it's a long-distant memory now.

Accept that you are in the friendzone, and your chances of getting out are minimal. Do something drastic like suggesting the meet and drinks, for your own self-expression if nothing else, and accept that she'll probably go cold and stop replying.

Then find some new girls, and learn to move fast with them.

I know that. your correct about what you're saying I've learned this lesson so hard. can't suggest a meet and drinks she lives 2 days[21 hours and 6min in a car] and I don't even have a car(borders closed to). I could just ask her to play something. be like alright you wanna play this vidya game with me


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
Grow some fucking balls, and see other girls. You have been chasing this girl for over a year now, and haven't moved forward. Hence, you can't. Since she lives almost 3 days travel time away from you. Move on and stop wasting your time.....

William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
Grow some fucking balls, and see other girls. You have been chasing this girl for over a year now, and haven't moved forward. Hence, you can't. Since she lives almost 3 days travel time away from you. Move on and stop wasting your time.....
Thank you for your harsh but truly kind words.

William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
alright heres the message i decided to send. going radio silent after this on. it's meant as a bye

Ok cool, if that changes let me know because I think we’d be good together.

Mr. Hawaii

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 30, 2013
you're kind of blowing it. that text just sounds sort of desperate. in the future try not to tell a girl you've made your mind up about her before getting her out. it just comes across as clingy and creepy, even if you genuinely feel that way.

William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
you're kind of blowing it. that text just sounds sort of desperate. in the future try not to tell a girl you've made your mind up about her before getting her out. it just comes across as clingy and creepy, even if you genuinely feel that way.
Alright i thats cool, i wanted to come off as Good bye and i'm fine mate
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake