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Need help with being interesting


Aug 7, 2020
Hello gentleman
I've been on a journey of self improvement and I've realised that I have been lacking socially. The main reason for this is because to many individuals I appear boring. This has also affected my results with women.This has made me avoid social interactions and has turned me into an introvert.

Plz guys I need help to become an interesting person so that I can be able to attract girls.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 11, 2013
Hey George

From the info you shared....check out these articles to get started:



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 13, 2017
I am really feeling this too. It is not that I cannot have very interesting convos with friends and people I know. However I day gamed 8 girls/sets today, some of them were fairly positive experiences, but making the convs interesting was often very hard, and that definitely came across a few times. I just start blanking on what to say mid-conv, loose my train of thought, etc.

I have zero success flirting yet outside of some kino if the conversation start to pick up.

I have had a fairly high approach to number rate (maybe 1 in 7), but in most cases the girl seems invested enough to help get through the awkward conversation or we happen to land on an interesting topic seemingly by chance.

I am trying to implement some of the advice in the above articles, but it is like trying to do tricks on a tigh-rope when you cannot even stay on for more than 5 seconds. I am 100% committed to getting better, I just need a gameplan as to how best to do so!
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 13, 2017
I think that I just had a revelation reading the post about having trouble with daygaming. Perhaps it is best not to try to deep dive during a daygame scenario unless the interaction naturally flows in that direction. It might be like trying to force a date on someone who didn't ask for it. Rather move fast between topics, compliment, tease, get investment. Keep the conversation like a whirlwind. Sounds very challenging, but it at least gives me a direction, and makes me excited to try it out. It sounds fun to be honest.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Hello gentleman
I've been on a journey of self improvement and I've realised that I have been lacking socially. The main reason for this is because to many individuals I appear boring. This has also affected my results with women.This has made me avoid social interactions and has turned me into an introvert.

Plz guys I need help to become an interesting person so that I can be able to attract girls.
Go out to bars meet ppl you’ll get into a flow after a little while go atleast once a week and u will be more socially savvy…something I read in one of Chases articles about being impressive almost works against you cuz then women want to boyfriend u which makes the road to sex take longer …I’ve been dealing and maneuvering this …my mantra for the month is being as unimpressive as possible…think about girls that are interested and try to impress u …they’re not close to as seductive as women who don’t give a fuck and make u chase..


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Another idea I had was read more man the more you read the better your vocabulary the better u can communicate because your mind isn’t plain and simple so read interesting things daily news finance investing spiritual stuff like Buddhism or Taoism I’m just throwing things out that have worked with me to become more interesting …yoga …things that girls find interesting the more u know how a girl thinks the more interesting u will becomes …read the art of seduction …it’s a great book and if u can follow it there’s helpful tools…also pay attention to details in women follow cues they say large part of communication is non verbal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Hello gentleman
I've been on a journey of self improvement and I've realised that I have been lacking socially. The main reason for this is because to many individuals I appear boring. This has also affected my results with women.This has made me avoid social interactions and has turned me into an introvert.

Plz guys I need help to become an interesting person so that I can be able to attract girls.

IMH the key to become more interesting as a person is to do and know more things, risky things and also gaining knowledge that not everyone has, like this forum and site has.

To get people to notice you, dress better, apply Law of Least Effort, go to gym, and so on. They ll be wondering what s the deal with you. On conversations, you should actually like talking to people and it will come more naturally. Start with small talk, different people, everyday, a cashier, anything, just to get more social. And smile. And don t worry about fucking up. It s fun to fuck things up and leave fun stories behind.

Also focus on having fun. The main thing actually.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
The most interesting thing about someone is themselves.
- Work on your general delivery skills. If you sound boring, you are boring.
* A calm and relaxed voice with hints of energy and excitement
* Varying pacing and pausing - as a start focus on doing it in a relaxed manner with pauses that make what you are saying a little more dramatic
* If you talk about something your are passionate about or she talks about something she's interested in, then display energy and excitement. Don't just stand and nod
* Use a lot of adjectives and adverbs and talk in terms for emotions and stimulation
- Ask them about stuff in terms of how they FEEL when x, or how it makes them feel when they do y
- Use cold reads and open loops
- When they ask you questions, you should use bait and vague answers to make them even more curious
- What would you do if xxx


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 5, 2021
I was an introvert. I decided to change that. I started approaching girls. I said only hi and smiled. After few months doing this, I can hold a lengthy conversation with a girl like I have never done before. I started enjoying it and I became addicted. I approach an attractive girl even when I am on a run. Curiosity is never boring. Be open to learn stuff. As stated above, women are interested in themselves. Dale Carnegie said talk in terms of other people interests in general and make them feel important. Topics could be anything but typically could be fashion/clothes, shoes/high-heels, arts, music, travel, almost anything.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
The first step to being interesting is to be interested

People's favorite topic is themselves and you can become incredibly valuable to others if you can master the art of getting people to share their favorite stories, beliefs and fears with you.

Also doing things like...
- Leading conversation in terms of emotions over logic
- Focusing on fun topics like travel, their passions, dating, relationships, sex, adventure, freedom
- Avoiding boring and risky topics like jobs, politics, social activism, religion
- Introducing sexual frames with jokes, stories, their sexual history, fantasies

And don't forget to live an interesting life or do your best to. If you're passionate about life it will bleed through your speech and make it easier to build similarity with others, because you will more reference points to connect on
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