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Need some thoughts and opinions re an upcoming Bumble date


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2024
Need some opinions and thoughts for someone experienced here re a bumble date I’m going on tmrw.

This is a hotter chick than I’ve matched with so far to date
whereby I had to overcome her objections to meeting me, in that I didn’t have LTR listed as an option on my Bumble Bio, ( casual fun dates and intimacy w/o commitment I’ve selected – must revise this) and she thought I was not looking for ‘serious’ or intentful dating.

I over came this and got her number and this is what follows;

It’s an Audio recording laying out what’s happened so far (hope this is allowed)

Question I have is – do u think she’s likely down to bang or not ?



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2024
Ps I will assess the situation regardless on the date and play it by ear,

if I detect interest I’ll likely try my moves on her and escalate from there :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
So you're asking us to click on some random link instead of just writing what she says?

Not sure this is even allowed as her voice could be identified.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2024
Wasn’t sure if it would be allowed tbh
I’ll delete it.
It’s just an audio clip I’ve uploaded on a audio hosting app called Vocaroo .. 🤷🏻‍♂️

would take me too long to type it all out tbh.
Maybe I can get some voice fo text app or something to convert to text or something for Efficiency.

I hate writing tbh I’m not much of a writer Soz


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2024
It’s just my thoughts and musings on an interaction from bumble and a date scheduled for tmrw . There’s no chick on if.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2024
All good I have deleted the file off the hosting website.

Basically the situation is
I marched a chick on Bumble
She pushed back a bit saying it was a shame I’m cute but she is looking for LTR and I have listed “casual fun dates” in my profile,
I overcame her objections to this , saying I’m just playing if wide re dating and looking for dates to establish chemistry and then move on from there. Im open fo an LTR.

she happy with this answer and flicked me her number.

i texted , she rang me (!) and was very keen to meet asap. Setup a date for tmrw.

so I’m wonderful has she switched her mind over to possibly banging me now somehow or is she still gonna be cagey and LTR focused,

her eagerness to set up a date asap. And even come to my locafion for the coffee date suggests she’s very keen to meet me,

which useually indicates a bang intention,

that was all really. Looking for opinions on how to play the date.

Ill just run as per usual I guess. If I see interest I’ll make some moves and escalate.
Worst she can say is no or tell me to slow down or bail on the date,

She looks quite hot is all so a lil bit nervous.
first date with a decent chick in a while.

the LTR objection then the keenness after threw me.
I’m not really sure I want to get into an LYR it’s just dates and bangs in after.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Oh I thought you'd uploaded a voice note from the chick somewhere.

As for your question, who knows? Each girl is different, and even the same girl is different on different days of the month...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2024
Oh I thought you'd uploaded a voice note from the chick somewhere.

As for your question, who knows? Each girl is different, and even the same girl is different on different days of the month...
A fair point,
That is true.
no point over thinking a coffee date anyway hey. I’ll just assess and run my usual Arousal game and my stock moves regardless. If she pushes back I just cut and run . She may not be that hot IRL anyway.

cheers Jim


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2024
Update -
The date went well. 2 hours of a coffee a walk and a drink,
She was flirty and we had a few pashes and she was into me afaics.
but she was cagey re me not being intentful for an LTR/ serious relationship and kept breaking my seduction moves

,An interesting thing she said was “ you’re not how I thought u would be - “ I asked for clarification she added “i thought u would have been a bit of a a Flog (dick head)”

so I’m wondering if she was initially was up for a bang as she was so keen to meet me, But now is putting me into possible LTR category.

this happens to me quite a bit . I’m TOO easy going and connect a bit TOO much sometimes I think,

Altho I intially to overcome her objections re my not being intentful for an LTR to begin with to get her on a date.

why would she want to meet a possible Flog/dickhead so quick unless she wanna bang him.


any thoughts from u real playaz?
Have I LTR -zoned myself by over connecting ?? She is pretty hot and v bangable.

Thoughts/opinions pls.