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Observations  Needed to tell you guys this. "Glitches in Reality. Girl on 3 different moods!!"


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
It's the first time i experience this.

I walk into a clothing store. Looking at a t-shirt, a salesgirl come to me and all this 3 things happened between few seconds interval. It's like it happened at the same time.

1)Girl wanted to help me out with finding clothes
2)Girl was nervous and nearly went into auto-rejection
3)Girl was showing resistance as her body language and brain fights between each other.

The 3 point is very funny. Honestly, she finds me sexy but she also thinks, "Hey, who's this fucker? who does he think he is?" I do believe this is value imbalance thing. Her brain was literally pressing the "emergency button", i guess. :)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers