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FR  Never Too Late. . .2 Set


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Backstory: I was at Barnes and Nobles today picking out a book for Just_Mom for Christmas. I saw a girl wearing a hoodie that a had the name of her college in it "Green Hood". I wasn't able to find just the right moment strike up a convo without sounding cheesy, so I met another girl in line "Thirsty Girl"

*Just Dave in line to check out, Dave notices cute girl behind him*
Just Dave: *Points at phone, I opened her standing side ways and talked over my left shoulder* Hey, what kind of phone is that?
Thirsty: It's a blah blah blah, does this and that and blah blah blah blah
*Someone during this exchange without me saying much her phone ends up in my hand*
Just Dave: Hmm...*now normally I would put my number in this girls phone and exchange but I needed to find out more about her, puts phone back in girls hand* so what brought you out today?
Thirsty: Well shopping for mom, dad, etc . .. . waaaaay to much info for me
Just Dave: Nice, so what all did you buy for mom, dad, boyfriend . . you know?
Thirsty: Well, I got this for my sister, that for my dad, that for my mom *didn't mention a boyfriend*
Just Dave: So are you a student?
Thirsty: Yeah, go here and study this and that, but i like this and that *Dave notices Green Hood standing next to him somehow, but she wasn't in line details . . . whatever* So what about you?
Cashier: Sir, we can help you!
Just Dave: Well, nice meeting you! *Just Dave vanishes like Houdini*

After I checked out, I got Just_Mom's gift wrapped up it was free so whatever. I looked around the store for anymore possible prospects and didn't see any. "Well that blows." I thought to myself, I started walking back into the mall to see "Green Hood" and her friend walking towards me. I had the perfect line already in mind

Just Dave: *Waits for Green Hood to get closer and does the stop sign technique, but with two fingers instead of five* Wait, you go to *insert school here*?
Green Hood: Yeah?
Just Dave: Oh Cool! My friend was asking me about that school the other day, but since I don't go there couldn't really answer, let me get your thoughts about that school
Green Hood: Starts talking *Just Dave locks in on a bench behind him* Mentions something about a boyfriend in another school. Where do you go to school?
Just Dave: I go to blah blah, *notices her friend looking bored and what not* is this your sister?
Green Hood: Nope, just my friend she goes to blah blah blah *Just Dave no longer interested*
Just Dave: Well cool, *extends hand and gets their names* well, I got somewhere else to go, so I won't hold you guys. Take care

Notes from author:
It just goes to show even when you're on your way out, you can still do a last minute approach. Talking to girls with friends is pretty basic but you want to push for a close fast or else you're more than likely to get cocked block. I don't go after thirsty girls . . . well cause I think there's something a bit off about a girl who's just "too friendly". If a girl brings up a boyfriend on her own, I take she's in a stable relationship so I don't waste the time. If a girl doesn't mention either the boyfriend does or doesn't exist I usually pass up on her just cause there's more girls to be bothered with. I rather deal with a girl who can mentally focus on me and not another guy.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Whats up Just_Dave! One question on your ending statement that I don't know if I'm understanding your thoughts completely.

If a girl doesn't mention either the boyfriend does or doesn't exist I usually pass up on her just cause there's more girls to be bothered with. I rather deal with a girl who can mentally focus on me and not another guy.

If a girl doesn't mention either a boyfriend does or doesn't exist wouldn't this be most all situations. Personally I try to avoid that subject and just move things forward until he (if he exists) is mentioned... he being the boyfriend.

Also in your field report you asked the girl what kind of shopping she was doing and that she must be shopping for her boyfriend. To this she didn't acknowledge or dis-acknowledge the fact about a boyfriend being present. If I'm grasping what you said in what I quoted above correctly that means you NEXT that girl?

I don't understand Dave... why wouldn't you try to keep the interaction moving? Or am I missing something?



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Mr.Rob said:
I don't understand Dave... why wouldn't you try to keep the interaction moving? Or am I missing something?


Hey Rob,

I'm actually happy you asked cause I get this question a lot both in real life and on the forum. It's my favorite controversial topic. I'm not a fan of mixed results, I always attempt to go after the best candidate possible. More specifically there was something in particular that I felt was off about this girl, I didn't want to pursue a girl I wasn't 100% sure about. It also it was about 2PM when the interaction took place, so there was still enough time in the day to find another suitable girl.

As far as the boyfriend concern, I intentionally screen early for a boyfriend, I've run into way too many girls who were seeking emotional validation. I've slept with girls before who either had boyfriend or used me to cheat on their boyfriend, I do my best to avoid that these days. If I'm a farmer with plenty of live stock, a don't see a point in taking some poor dudes sheep.

My personal success rates of gone up because of my heavy screening, it's just a personal preference nothing special. I've actually had girls hook up me up with their friends just cause I respected their relationship boundaries. Some girls can just naturally be friendly too, so I try not to get too caught in a particular girl. After all, I could just meet another one who fits my tastes better.