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OR  New Focus


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
So in the past 2 weeks I've approached 35 girls and although one approach led to sex, which I'm still wondering if it were pure skill or just luck of the draw, I feel like I haven't been practicing as hard as I can.

My voice recorder has been a cool addition to my learning tools, though it can be pretty damn painful listening to yourself totally botch approaches... especially if you don't like your voice.
What I've learned about myself is that when I open a lot of times I have a really tentative voice and a very tentative opener. Almost like I'm walking on eggshells afraid to rock the boat. Though this is an exaggeration this is what it seems like to me. My vibe is quite inconsistent, being that I open some women quite confident and others like it's my first approach ever.
I also have a problem speaking in general. I use a lot of "uhms", "like", and "err" which communicate that I don't completely believe in my intentions therefore coming off incongruent along with not being completely confident.
I also need to reacquaint myself with touch. Touching women that are receptive to me as soon as possible that is.

On a less critical note there have been a couple openers recently that I've nailed so I know I'm capable of doing this. I just need to train myself to cut out all the uhms, likes, err pauses that make me sound stupid and replace it with clear concise thoughts that are annunciated correctly.

My goal for the month of January is to get this fundamental handled. That is opening and speaking clear, concise, and without hesitation or nervous pauses. In a way this is changing my vibe a bit since I will need to become more comfortable talking to women and being grounded in my speech in general.

All the videos of my favorite PU dudes that have infield approach videos have this fundamental handled and you never hear them talk shitty. Except Justin Wayne but he just talks shit in general so it doesn't really matter as much for him I guess.. he's weird.

This will up my confidence and I'm almost positive it will up my reception percentages.

My homework assignment the next time I go out to chat people up is to have a minimum of 3 interactions that I open and talk for the first minute without any nervous pauses filled with uhm, err, or like.

If I fail to do achieve this goal then I will have to approach a random stranger and tell them that I'm a pathetic sap.

Boom Shaka-laka mother fuckers!

Over and out,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Hey man, i have the same problems with "umm" and similar, it helps if you read a lot, i know i don't and that's the problem. Next thing that can help is talking slower , much slower. i tend to talk quickly which is on my to-do list for next few months.

Fundamentals are the most important for me too , and i aim to polish it and then go for verbal stuff like being good conversationalist.

Can you send me these videos you mentioned , i would like to take a look at it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
These are from the natural lifestyle crew and are probably the best on the internet in my opinion. James is super solid in his speech fundamentals and even though he seems a bit boring he uses social pressure and pregnant pauses to get women investing. Pretty good use of sprezzatura. He would probably come more under the headlines of smooth sexy.

This one is Justin Wayne he does a good job leading. If you read Chase's last article on flavors of sexiness this would be a good example of talkative sexy. Though he seems really insincere for me, although Chase actually recommended him to watch and learn from.

Hope you learn something.

Btw I definitely suggest you start reading books. Most all successful people always have a nonfiction book to read to gather ideas, insight, and wisdom.
It really helps with your charisma and having something to talk about plus more reference points in conversation.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Awesome , James Marshall was doing pickups in Belgrade , Serbia , where i currently live :D I noticed music was familiar somehow . His approach is really good in the first video you sent me, i like the "you can ask me one question since my friend is waiting for me" , indicating that he is in a hurry so she would not ask him "what do you do" or something similar.

I recently read "How to win friends and Influence people" which Chase and few other members of the forum recommended. It was one of the best reads in my life.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take