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LR  New Girl - Escalation, Logistics, Fundamentals


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
fox21296 said:
She called her friend who she was supposed to tutor for Spanish class and said "I'm just going to be honest. I'm going to be late, I was having sex with this guy and he absolutely refused to orgasm. Took awhile, I'll see you!".

Well that was rather forward of her.

fox21296 said:
She then drove me to my house, still naked!

Not sure who was naked here. In either case, it seems interesting.

It seems everything here was "by the numbers", well done. Strange choice for a seduction venue, but hey, I guess you have to work with what you have.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
I kind of find it funny when I read something like this and realize.. She was gaming you just as much as you were gaming her. Hence why she was so open to sex and what-not, that was her overall goal too. When there is no resistance, she wanted it just as bad. Reason why I say this is based on the conversation. She was really deep diving you, all we learned about her is that she sometimes draws, while we learned a ton about you.

Her: So what do you do with your life Hunter? (Begins deep dive)

Me: Art

Her: OH! That's so awesome, like painting and stuff? (Qualifies you)

Me: Are you an artist? What kind of art do you do?

Her: I draw, not good all the time but I do it. (Ambiguous answer)

Me: Passion overriding skill yeah?

Her: Exactly, so what kind of art do you do? (Turning focus back on you)

Me: I actually love drawing. My talent is limited, but it doesn't stop me.

Her: What do you draw then? (Deep diving more)

Me: Eyes. Women's eyes. One of the best things in this world.

Her: Well do they come out good? (Qualifying)

Me: Well you know how your art turns out usually?

Her: Yeah? (Allowing for you to explain and talk more)

Me: I get that feeling where I like it for what it is, but unsure what others think. Probably just my ego talking though (sexy, warm smile) (You qualify yourself for her)

Oh well, it didn't hurt the interaction because she already wanted to have sex with you, and didn't care about getting to know you.

She began playing a game with me, where you hit the ceiling of the car every time a car with a headlight out passed by, and if you hit the ceiling before the other, they have to take an article of clothing off.

Pididdle! Man, I suggest that game to chicks and always fake seeing cars to get them to see my body. She probably suggested it to you so that she could reveal her body. More evidence that she was gaming you man.

After getting her naked, I told her to take my shirt off. She then preceded to remove my pants, and place her mouth upon me. I then searched for my wallet, grabbed my condom, and had her put it on for me just for fun, because I like having girls do things for me this way.

She pinched the tip, thank god.

I usually just let them take my shirt off without telling them. It's more of a team thing, I take off her clothes and she takes off mine. I usually don't trust girls with my condom, even when they ask. I just ignore them asking and do it myself, because I don't want them messing it up.

We then did the deed for an hour or more, her body becoming covered in sweat. I am still a beginner, so I am inexperienced and not used to the human body sweating so much! Didn't know it was possible!

Oh trust me, there is always a lot of sweat. Something you gotta get used to, plus it makes it easier to remove clothing.

I kept slipping out of her, a problem I had with the last girl I did. The girl I lost my virginity to I did not have this problem, so I know it's possible for me to fix. Another problem, even more important, is that I kept slipping out of her right when she was ready to come. I could feel her quiver and then it would fall out. Not good.

Remember to keep close to her so it stays in.

NOTE: The sex position that really brought her out the most was where she was laying on her back, legs propped up on my shoulders, and her pelvis tilted a bit in the air. This really made her wild, and would have pushed her to the edge had I not kept falling out.

My favorite position because it drives chicks wild. Having her pelvis tilted up in missionary allows for great g-spot stimulation, and I think she knew this.

So I could not orgasm, which would be a godsend if only I would stop falling out and could get her to orgasm. Looked for the deep spot in her, could not find it I don't think. Furthermore, my erections would go soft every now and then, which did not happen when I lost my virginity.

You still have two hands and a mouth man, use 'em.

We continued having sex until she had to go, and we were incredibly tired and thirsty as well. I lied about having an orgasm, she had made it her goal to make me orgasm before she left. Sucks, but I will learn and get over it. Sucks too because she wanted me to orgasm in her mouth which was very enticing. (Don't know if I am breaking rules here with language, I hope not.)

Logistics; always have water bottles in case of sex, as thirst happens all the time. What happened with time man?

In conclusion, she was basically very experienced and wanted exactly what you wanted, which made the interaction very easy. You did well in not screwing things up, and you got rewarded.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Very insightful on the conversation analysis. I am experimenting with conversation and answering a bit more questions to girls because, as another guy and Chase pointed out on another thread, my giving ambiguous answers to girls isn't fine tuned and leans more on the side of giving too little info about me, and I actually end up evading answering to the point where girls feel unequal in the conversation, a huge turnoff.

Yeah, it's just another side to conversation really. You played along with her without trying to force any new concepts, so it went along quite smoothly anyways; as I said, she wanted it and was trying to make you like her by keeping the conversation on you.

As far as knowing just a bit about her, I really wanted to use that excerpt to analyze whether or not I was answering too much or too little, which you helped me on! Learned loads about her in the conversation though,

I had a feeling you did, it's hard to assume everything based off a few lines of conversation.

She put them on good though, pinched tip and everything, so can further infer experience.

True.. But if she didn't know how to do it it wouldn't exactly be the smoothest thing. It's your judgment though; if she seems experienced, by all means let her, the risk just outweighs the reward for me.

Tried to no avail. Any tips?(;

Good way to experiment is to hold her hand with one of your hands, and when she starts to squeeze a little harder as you are stimulating certain areas it usually means go faster as she is sensitive there. And don't stop until she orgasms (well, unless she says stop, but sometimes they'll say that as a type of reaction but they really want you to go on.. complicated, I know).

If you're asking why we had to stop, she had to go tutor her chick friend. She says tutoring feels so dirty now, because she was speaking Spanish during our time together. Could have gone all night with some water! Gotta get my logistics down pat, been focused so much more on approach anxiety and moving girls, I haven't worked enough on this!

Hey man, she's thinking about you and sex during other parts of her life, that's good. She seems really open about sex, sounds like you can learn some stuff from her without her being judgmental and whatnot. You'll pick up tricks such as always having water, having somewhere to go, having certain things to do, etc. as you go along. Some things just can't be taught through saying it, you need to experience it.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Hunter,

Great job on this one. Seems like you really made the girl want it. Great hook up from your gay friend too; maybe she told him she just needed a sexy guy to get laid by, and he provided the connection. She seems pretty open about sex.

fox21296 said:
She texted me and I told her I would call her. I remembered Chase saying that you have to call girls who you truly don't know (such as in a 2 minute number close), and establish repartee over the phone, so I did. During high point of phone conversation (laughing, having fun), asked her what her schedule was like so we could schedule a coffee.

Good memory, and good call. When you're flying blind like this, it's often good to have a quick phone chat first just so you're already somewhat familiar with one another when you meet. Makes getting the date set up a lot easier, too.

fox21296 said:
She had found friends at the Starbucks, and girls whose friends you met are not likely to have sex with you, so I skipped introductions and took her into a private corner to chill.

Another very prudent move.

fox21296 said:
When sitting down with girls, move their chair or have them sit almost next to you, but at an angle (like have her sit 90 degrees to your side). This diffuses the "interview feel" on a date, which makes interactions clumsy and uncomfortable I feel, plus puts her in a more intimate space together. Your legs will likely be touching as well, which gives you incidental touch. Positive all around.


fox21296 said:
Began deep diving with her, asking her about her passions, what she does for new stimulation in life when things get stagnant (I feel this question has a subtle sexual undertone, and comes off very sexy when you add just a hint of sexy tone after you say "stimulation", but then return to neutral when you say the rest of the question).

I am CLUMSY when trying to dodge questions, so this time I answered more of her questions but with baiting. Excerpt from our conversation:

Agree with RTB, she's clearly deep diving you right back. You'll see this with experienced women; you need a fair bit of confidence to feel comfortable probing someone's background and nailing them down on slippery answers, and she's doing that to you here.

fox21296 said:
After this, I asked if she could drive me home. She smiled and said sure.

Sounds like she had something else in mind...

fox21296 said:
I pulled HER into me to kiss her on the neck. Then brought her over to my side of the car, and then shoved her in the back. Began taking her clothes off, beginning with her tops, then moved to her pants, and underwear. Not much resistance, she was pretty sold on me at the beginning, which I will get to in my Fundamentals section of this report, because it was those that made it this smooth.

After getting her naked, I told her to take my shirt off. She then preceded to remove my pants, and place her mouth upon me. I then searched for my wallet, grabbed my condom, and had her put it on for me just for fun, because I like having girls do things for me this way.

Well-played on the escalation here.

fox21296 said:
I kept slipping out of her, a problem I had with the last girl I did. The girl I lost my virginity to I did not have this problem, so I know it's possible for me to fix. Another problem, even more important, is that I kept slipping out of her right when she was ready to come. I could feel her quiver and then it would fall out. Not good.

This can happen when a girl is REALLY excited, usually the first time you have sex. Much of the time, the wettest you will ever feel a girl is on your first encounter, from all the build-up and expectation. That's also when she'll be at her most slippery.

It also happens with certain vaginal structures more often. I'm pretty good at avoiding this, but noticed that sometimes I still can't completely avoid it with girls with vaginas of shorter lengths.

All in all, solid lay, Hunter. You're doing great, man.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers