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FR  New girlfriend


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
Today was a good day I was talking to a female friend of mines during lunch break (we are not that close). She didn't even try to engage in a conversation with me, saying she got nothing to say(she has a boyfriend but it doesn't matter). I persisted a little then I left her and joined my male friend for a quick chat. While I was going to class I hugged and small talked every female friend I saw. I felt great, my confidence boost and my knowledge soared. It wasn't until 8th period that I decide to make a move because I couldn't go home and do nothing the feeling is to horrible. The classroom chairs were in groups of four, usually in rows apart from each other , because we were going to play a stupid game to help us on the exam next class, a study guide but in game form ( high school learning is never fun ). This chick who I took interest in who I saw as a long-term, my guy friend was at her table and the chair next to her was unoccupied. I place my ass next to her and see was giving me strong body language of interest ( it's crazy how much signals a woman gives a man). Unfortunately, I cannot remember what type of body language she was giving off nor can I remember the interaction that well nor can I express the details on words, I am not a strong writer. Anpther girls sat at the last unoccupied seat. We talked blah, blah, blah she was being really playful yeah, yeah. The bell rang and I was trying to catch up to her, which I did. I called her name she turned around and I ask:

Me: Are you single?

Her: Why?

Me: [with a sexy smile with a raise eyebrow, and with sexual power in m voice] Because I find you interesting.

Her: Oh I'm too crazy to be with you.

And I can't remember after that, which sucks! We talked, I walked her a little out of the school campus. Then I asked her out:

Me:[girl's name] Will you go out with me( I grab her arm so she could stop walking, she kinda of pull my hand off her wrist)

Her:[She looks down ] Maybe, I don't know we still need to get to know each other--

Me: Look I know I'm moving fast, but we could do that stuff while we go out( I said something, Don't remember)

Her: Yeah, Ok ( said something I can't remember)

I then grabbed her number, I spend about 13 minutes talking to her and i was very smooth. I didn't know I was smooth like that in really life, Wow. Maybe it's because she was engaging and doing most of the talking.

I texted her at 3:01, I got home at 2:49( my power went out so I texted her because I had nothing to do). I saved the text, here:

David: What lunch you have tomorrow? 3:01

Sherta( I think that's how you spell her name): Second. Always second lunch every day. 3:27

David: I have 2nd lunc only on 2,4,6. What building u are in during 7th period (I want to meet up with her to get to know her and kiss, fuck her) 4:07

Sherta: One thousand

David: Oh Cool. Can you meet me by my 7th period, room 1207, after school? I might not be able to see u because you're so short ;) (trying to build investment)4:34

Sherta:Lol ok I'm be upstairs in the front on th class room next to Ms. Starr ( Ms. Starr our 8t period teacher)4:36

David:Ok so be it. I like ur personality ur gentle, unpredictable, and ur are alluring. We'll see each other tomorrow, bye :* ( Big fuck up their I think)

Sherta: Bye ( I wanted more than bye :/ ) 5:15

I kept thinking about her but know she is a little. An tips on not being to attached. I'm going to talk to other girls, flirt with 'em , and fuck them (shhh). This girl is uncomfortable with me and she is still cautious. I need your guys help, tell me what I did wrong, what should I do, everything. Also, I need tips on my grammer, vocabulary, writing , and my shitty memory I can't remember my interactions with women word for word. You guys are the best, I don't know where I'll be without you guys. Thanks for reading ;)

(I want a gf so I can lose my virginity with and I'm addicted to porn, which means I don't get hard off real girls. I'm rebooting my brain and a girlfriend is exactly what I need to get my brain in shape. I also want to try some stuff out)

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take