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FR  New to cold approaching


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2013
I've never cold approached girls before in my life until recently, and it's fun, because you're facing your fears. But when i do a cold approach, i can't help but get nervous. And then after that it's so much harder to perform and I feel it makes things awkward. Lately anytime I'm walking outside at my college campus and i see a hot girl, i'm forcing myself to ask them if they're single. I've done this 4 times in the past 2 months.

The first 3 times, they all said no, today though a girl said yes. I had asked her as i caught up to her on the sidewalk. She paused and smiled and after she said yes, i asked her her name and introduced myself, we shook hands. I asked her what she goes to school for. She told me what her degree was and i had her explain what it was to me because i didn't know what it was. I was nervous though and it was hard to relate to it. I think i was just nodding and at the end said, "thats cool". I had her tell me when she graduated HS, and what her next school plans are. Then she asked me what i go for. I simply told her, "I go for architecture" and she said something like "oh okay". Then i asked, "so what else do you do around here?" She told me what town she lives in. I told her thats where i'm from. Thats when she asked me, whats your name again? I told her again and then told her that she probably knew my stepsister (they both graduated from the same school, same year), she then asked me who she was. I told her and she said that yes, she did know her.

Thats when i said, "We should go grab some coffee some time, whats your phone number? I think she was like "I don't know". I said why not, it'll be fun. She said that she's very busy. I tried to persist (maybe i shouldn't have? idk). I said I'm sure we could find some time that would work. She kept walking ahead, probably wanted to get the hell away. I said, "so what's your number?" she said something like "I don't just give my phone number out like that." Thats when i finally decided to end it and said, It was nice talking to you, have a nice day.

So any advice for next time so it doesn't go so awkward? Should i just keep at it, and approach more often, so that i don't get as nervous? Btw, i am a 21 year old virgin but i think i am a handsome guy and can attract girls(after practicing this material on this site), but it's harder on the cold approach.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Good job persisting. Now one thing you will have to understand is this will happen with 90% of the approaches you do. You will almost always be nervous. The best advice I can give for AA (Approach Anxiety) is to accept the fact you have it, don't fight it and relax. A lot of guys meditate to help them force themselves to be calm. I embrace and accept then relax.

A few things to remember:

Don't ask for the number, pull out your phone and say, "put your number in my phone, I'll text you later."
Try to get the number on a high note, pause the topic, hey before I forget say ^ above. This will allow you to naturally continue where you were at.
There was more I was going to add, but I got sidetracked. I'll try to repost when I remember.

One last thing though: When gaming at school, social pressure is higher, they will see you regularily and you could potentially harm their status. A lot of the time girls are wary to give out their number if they sense you're unsure. You will be unsure starting out for atleast 100+ approaches.

I would work more on your social circle and social status, this way when you get numbers you're adding value and pulling them to your social circle.

Personally I learn the most from other guy's field reports. I'm not trying to plug another site here, but there are quite a few at http://www.rsdnation.com/forums/field-reports. There are atleast 15 guys on there gaming at university. There was one in particular I read that would talk about befriending girls and escalating later, but I'm not sure which one it was, sorry :/
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take