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New to Night Game, three questions.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2024
Went with my friend out for the first time yesterday night, and was super high energy and opened a ton of girls.

If you're talking to a girl and her friend is trying to drag her away, what do you do in this situation? Two different times throughout the night I was speaking to a girl and her friend either just looked at us extremely bored or was actively trying to pull her away while the girl was captivated. I just let them both go since I was confident I would either see them later or speak to another girl I could pull.

If you just have opened a girl and exchanged pleasantries and somebody else swoops in and engages in conversation with her, what do you do in this situation?

And if you open a group of girls and determine which one is interested in you, how do you isolate her?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Went with my friend out for the first time yesterday night, and was super high energy and opened a ton of girls.

If you're talking to a girl and her friend is trying to drag her away, what do you do in this situation? Two different times throughout the night I was speaking to a girl and her friend either just looked at us extremely bored or was actively trying to pull her away while the girl was captivated. I just let them both go since I was confident I would either see them later or speak to another girl I could pull.

If you just have opened a girl and exchanged pleasantries and somebody else swoops in and engages in conversation with her, what do you do in this situation?

And if you open a group of girls and determine which one is interested in you, how do you isolate her?

Night Game 101

1) Hotties are rarely alone.

1)a)If she is alone, ask yourself where are you?

If the answer is Bangkok or Medellin - she's a hooker. (don't ask me how I know!!!)

Anywhere else, she might be off her rocker. (Again, don't ask me how I know)

Women are scared, they don't travel alone in the night game.

2) Group Game is a must

Unfortunately, the most common "group" is usually a 2 set.

You have to engage both.

In my experience, others may vary - You can choose a primary, but the 3rd wheel/other chick - has to LOVE you as much as you want the target to love you.

Ambiguity as to who you're actually interested might work in your favor.

So classics like the "best friends test" - https://www.tsbmag.com/2007/04/05/styles-best-friends-test/

I actually use something I like to call the souls of mischief*

"Introduce your friend" & "Friend, introduce the target"

Have them talk about the other person. So much of their internal BS can come of one describing the other, that a student of human psychology can pick apart the weaknesses in their relationship. *on the flip, if you ever find a competent wing man - the best thing you can do for each other is to big up the other guy. It's a dishonest signal that comes off as an honest signal. I digresss....

*There's a Souls of Mischief song (The Make Your Mind Up Remix) where rapper #1 does rapper #2's verse, rapper #2 does rapper #'s verse, etc. It's such an ill concept...but my sense is that nobody in the scene cares about music or knows how to dance, except big homie @Skills .

Obviously having routines/canned scripts are nice in this situation, but you're always gonna run out of material unless you're autistic.

That said, there's always material in the relationship that a 2-set, 3-set, group-set has.
  • Are you guys celebrating something?
  • How drags the other one out?
  • Which one is the slutty one? Be honest!
But the key is being the person supplying the "energy" and having them comment and add their 2 cents.

Maintain control of the conversation.

The biggest problem with engaging groups is the damn inside jokes. It's very easy for them to talk about you and the situation, while you're standing right there. You gotta break that up. You're the alpha of the moment.

You have to be the center of attention.

Not wanting to be the center of attention is a massive problem for the person* that learns pickup from the internet.

*That person was me and is me. You are not alone.

You don't want to be in the middle of things, but you HAVE TO BE, IMO.

You've got to be the most liveliest thing in the bar/club - because she has
1) her phone
2) her peers
3) the music
4) the crowd/other guys

Having said all of this, you might have to (mentally) approach the night game differently.

Instead of a thief in the night, you might have to come in GUNS BLAZING.


KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Dial the 7 digits, call up Bridgette, her man's a midget, plus she got friends yo I can dig it

So many females, so much inspiration


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Went with my friend out for the first time yesterday night, and was super high energy and opened a ton of girls.

good! that creates momentum

If you're talking to a girl and her friend is trying to drag her away, what do you do in this situation? Two different times throughout the night I was speaking to a girl and her friend either just looked at us extremely bored or was actively trying to pull her away while the girl was captivated. I just let them both go since I was confident I would either see them later or speak to another girl I could pull.

Yes unfortunately most girls have friends, and some friends are a pain, but sometimes she may be giving signs to be rescue, and guys think is the friend, when she is the one that gave the baseball sign (no saying this is what happened to you)...

as you are talking, after hook you can ask, - who are you here with??? this is basic question you should always ask... and you can then ask oh sweet! oh cool! where are they? and depending on situation, introduce me to your friends.... or if they come and try to break it up, you say "hey i just meet your friend Sandra she is really cool, i am super, she said was saying how cool you are" even if is a lie, just displaying confidence and social intelligence....... "then how you guys know each other" look at this video example with Cajun... minute 2:54

If you just have opened a girl and exchanged pleasantries and somebody else swoops in and engages in conversation with her, what do you do in this situation?

And if you open a group of girls and determine which one is interested in you, how do you isolate her?

^ no always the need to isolate, but you can ask her "to talk outside" and even use "getting her a drink to isolate", you can tell the group "hey guys i am going to borrow your friend from a second we will be right there, real quick just getting her a drink".... But try to stay in set as much as possible, eventually at some point if you stay in set and you are cool, you will end up in isolation (that is how must of my pulls happen)...

I am not a fan of trying to isolate the friend like you are robbing a bank and the girl is the money and shit.... also you don't always need to isolate, you can mini isolate we call it a "bubble" in which even if everything around is going on is you and her in your own bubble feeling the vibe, chemestry, sexual tension with no need of isolation......

I forgot you can fuck around with the friend with "if you keep it up you won't get invited to the wedding" or " you are going to be the bridsmaid blah blah" and fun role play that works too....


KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
You have to engage both.

as you are talking, after hook you can ask, - who are you here with???

Do you guys still do neg theory? Not insulting negs but lighter teasing negs. I know it was intended for the 9's on pedestals, not 7's

Like if you aren't approaching the target alone before meeting the friends and are approaching the group... As I understand it, you ignore the target until you win over the obstacles, while negging if she interjects (I.e. "is she always like this" etc)... Then wait for IOI from her and then finally drop the negs and reward her with attention?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Do you guys still do neg theory? Not insulting negs but lighter teasing negs. I know it was intended for the 9's on pedestals, not 7's

Like if you aren't approaching the target alone before meeting the friends and are approaching the group... As I understand it, you ignore the target until you win over the obstacles, while negging if she interjects (I.e. "is she always like this" etc)... Then wait for IOI from her and then finally drop the negs and reward her with attention?

Personally, I think the whole idea of the "neg" is something that you could do a college semester on tbh.
  • 3 1 hour classes per week
  • 16 weeks
  • 3 unit tests
  • group project
  • individual essays
  • homework
  • Semi Final
  • Final
IMO, a neg is just a "break from the norm" that basically challenges the norm.

Most guys come at chicks in the same ways. Some try to chuckle their way into the panties, others try to alpha their way in, but for the most part guys have a set # of behaviors and ways to interact.

Because that's what she expects - anything that isn't up to that expectation can be perceived by her as a neg.

When you read how women describe being "negged" - you can tell that they're not negs, and the guys they're talking about aren't PUAs, just anyone that makes them feel something vaguely negative.

-Another girl would show me a picture of this girl and said I looked like her (didn’t see the resemblance). A week after she started mocking the girl - her friend! - for her looks. Promptly started distancing myself from her too because who knows what she says about me

-Another girl indirectly made me feel ugly. She was talking about how this other girl was out of this guy’s league because apparently she was too attractive. In the next sentence she suggests linking me up with the guy. I said “no” and have always declined her requests at matching me with a guy after specifically of my ethnicity.

^That's what they think negging is

The OG definition of the neg is to disqualify yourself from being someone that's trying to get in her pants.

It's saying to the girl, "You're not my type" or "I already have someone"

She's supposed to take it as - "Oh, this guy isn't interested in me."
  • What does that do to a girl?
    • Why is he not interested in me? Every guy is!
    • Ouch, I wanted him to be interested in me, but I'll respect his boundaries
  • Every girl?
    • I see right through this guy, he's trying to flirt with me
      • Maybe I'll flirt back
      • Maybe i'll be mean, because no one insults me
  • Every time, reliably?
    • at the bar - oh this guy is fun
    • During the day - this guy is a creep
  • How does she react?
    • Laughter
    • Anger?
    • Sadness
  • How do the friends react?
  • How does her reaction to your statement affect the dynamic between her and her friends..
^This sort of thing spirals out into complexity. The PUA can't actually know or predict how it's going to spin.

So when you use a neg - be it
  • a harsh put down (your breath stinks)
  • a back handed compliment (nice nails, are they real?)
  • an enthusiastic and earnest compliment about something she doesn't want you to notice/focus on (Those shoes look so comfy, I like the way your nose wiggles when you talk, it's cute. I love your sweater, my Gran has one just like it)
In my experience, you can't really rely on "neg hits" to give you a standard response.

And if you're pulling out a technique, hoping to get a standard response, you have to really have a lot of experience with the one you're gonna use.

There are other ways to think about negs.

Chicks are weird.

Sometimes you'll be genuine and want to compliment - and she takes it as an insult.
Sometimes just talking to her is a neg (how dare you even approach me)
Not talking to her is a neg. (I'm not cute enough to talk to...)

Too much attention, too little attention.

So a lot of times - if you're trying to "technique" to bring about a certain result - you don't get the result.

And that's the frustrating thing about PUA (or doing comedy, or acting, or sales) or any sort of performance). On a moment to moment basis - it's not predictable. But as a series of events - PUA (like sales, like comedy, like acting) is predictable.

Sometimes I will technique for self amusement.

Like, because I'm genuinely curious about some broads, but have no burning desire to add another notch (old age bruh) - i'll talk to a chick like I'm a scientist - because I want to know what her life is like. A perverse genuine interest - what goes through the mind of a hottie.

And because that's the frame I'm coming from - I'm not asking her the same stuff, doing the same things that other guys would do. There's some reciprocation on that level - but there's always a sense of when's the other shoe going to drop. When's a novel conversation going to change into something typical....

The novelty can actually attract but you have to make her chase, make her invest, get her to adopt your frame....(aka the essence of game).

It can also go absolutely nowhere, and you have to be good with that. The conversation itself is the prize, not a device to get into her panties.

Back to your scenario
  • Group of three girls
  • Opener involves all three girls
The typical pua
  • Engage the group, ignore the target
  • Engage the target, and dismiss the target
Should you ignore/dismiss/be critical of the what the girl of interest does or doesn't do - in order to get her to choose you, get her to fall into your attraction gambits?

The answer is that it doesn't matter because you can't really control her reaction. Not every time.

You can predict what might happen, and then respond accordingly, but you can't know ahead of the time.

There's a lack of certainty to group game (all game really). Hence, it's Pick Up Artistry not Pick Up Science.

Should you engage and encourage her, instead of ignoring her?

Again, you can't predict what's going to happen.

Both ways work, but neither works predictably.

The one thing that most guys (and all PUAs) have figured out - Engaging the target and only the target - usually triggers her defenses and the groups defenses.....

But RSD Julien used to teach that you can actually approach a group of chicks and spend 90% of your attention on the target.


So where does that leave the newb PUA getting into night game?

Trying everything out, and doing what they like doing.

Which means he's gonna use Option A when Option B would have gotten a better result. And then use Option B when Option A would have worked better.

A guy has to be good with not getting everything right every single time.

But we live in a world of abundance.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
The one thing that most guys (and all PUAs) have figured out - Engaging the target and only the target - usually triggers her defenses and the groups defenses.....
What are your thoughts on this article? https://www.girlschase.com/content/5-essential-insights-how-meet-girls-groups

@Chase seems to imply going for and targeting the girl you're interested in and only breaking circle if necessary.

My guess is that as long as you aren't weird when her friends show up is the most important part. But I could also see group composition playing a role (all girls vs mixed group vs 1 girl all guys-which has happened once to me)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Personally, I think the whole idea of the "neg" is something that you could do a college semester on tbh.
  • 3 1 hour classes per week
  • 16 weeks
  • 3 unit tests
  • group project
  • individual essays
  • homework
  • Semi Final
  • Final
IMO, a neg is just a "break from the norm" that basically challenges the norm.

Most guys come at chicks in the same ways. Some try to chuckle their way into the panties, others try to alpha their way in, but for the most part guys have a set # of behaviors and ways to interact.

Because that's what she expects - anything that isn't up to that expectation can be perceived by her as a neg.

When you read how women describe being "negged" - you can tell that they're not negs, and the guys they're talking about aren't PUAs, just anyone that makes them feel something vaguely negative.


^That's what they think negging is

The OG definition of the neg is to disqualify yourself from being someone that's trying to get in her pants.

It's saying to the girl, "You're not my type" or "I already have someone"

She's supposed to take it as - "Oh, this guy isn't interested in me."
  • What does that do to a girl?
    • Why is he not interested in me? Every guy is!
    • Ouch, I wanted him to be interested in me, but I'll respect his boundaries
  • Every girl?
    • I see right through this guy, he's trying to flirt with me
      • Maybe I'll flirt back
      • Maybe i'll be mean, because no one insults me
  • Every time, reliably?
    • at the bar - oh this guy is fun
    • During the day - this guy is a creep
  • How does she react?
    • Laughter
    • Anger?
    • Sadness
  • How do the friends react?
  • How does her reaction to your statement affect the dynamic between her and her friends..
^This sort of thing spirals out into complexity. The PUA can't actually know or predict how it's going to spin.

So when you use a neg - be it
  • a harsh put down (your breath stinks)
  • a back handed compliment (nice nails, are they real?)
  • an enthusiastic and earnest compliment about something she doesn't want you to notice/focus on (Those shoes look so comfy, I like the way your nose wiggles when you talk, it's cute. I love your sweater, my Gran has one just like it)
In my experience, you can't really rely on "neg hits" to give you a standard response.

And if you're pulling out a technique, hoping to get a standard response, you have to really have a lot of experience with the one you're gonna use.

There are other ways to think about negs.

Chicks are weird.

Sometimes you'll be genuine and want to compliment - and she takes it as an insult.
Sometimes just talking to her is a neg (how dare you even approach me)
Not talking to her is a neg. (I'm not cute enough to talk to...)

Too much attention, too little attention.

So a lot of times - if you're trying to "technique" to bring about a certain result - you don't get the result.

And that's the frustrating thing about PUA (or doing comedy, or acting, or sales) or any sort of performance). On a moment to moment basis - it's not predictable. But as a series of events - PUA (like sales, like comedy, like acting) is predictable.

Sometimes I will technique for self amusement.

Like, because I'm genuinely curious about some broads, but have no burning desire to add another notch (old age bruh) - i'll talk to a chick like I'm a scientist - because I want to know what her life is like. A perverse genuine interest - what goes through the mind of a hottie.

And because that's the frame I'm coming from - I'm not asking her the same stuff, doing the same things that other guys would do. There's some reciprocation on that level - but there's always a sense of when's the other shoe going to drop. When's a novel conversation going to change into something typical....

The novelty can actually attract but you have to make her chase, make her invest, get her to adopt your frame....(aka the essence of game).

It can also go absolutely nowhere, and you have to be good with that. The conversation itself is the prize, not a device to get into her panties.

Back to your scenario
  • Group of three girls
  • Opener involves all three girls
The typical pua
  • Engage the group, ignore the target
  • Engage the target, and dismiss the target
Should you ignore/dismiss/be critical of the what the girl of interest does or doesn't do - in order to get her to choose you, get her to fall into your attraction gambits?

The answer is that it doesn't matter because you can't really control her reaction. Not every time.

You can predict what might happen, and then respond accordingly, but you can't know ahead of the time.

There's a lack of certainty to group game (all game really). Hence, it's Pick Up Artistry not Pick Up Science.

Should you engage and encourage her, instead of ignoring her?

Again, you can't predict what's going to happen.

Both ways work, but neither works predictably.

The one thing that most guys (and all PUAs) have figured out - Engaging the target and only the target - usually triggers her defenses and the groups defenses.....

But RSD Julien used to teach that you can actually approach a group of chicks and spend 90% of your attention on the target.


So where does that leave the newb PUA getting into night game?

Trying everything out, and doing what they like doing.

Which means he's gonna use Option A when Option B would have gotten a better result. And then use Option B when Option A would have worked better.

A guy has to be good with not getting everything right every single time.

But we live in a world of abundance.
Wia, West i think you are mixing terms...

Disqualification is to lower the guard of the girl, to get her to relax lower butch shield..

Neg is just teasing/ busting balls .

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
@West_Indian_Archie duuuude thank you for the writeup. This is great. As always it seems the answer is to get in field and rack up lots of reference experiences while enjoying the randomness of it all.

I have done enough studying and essays hah time for the homework portion.

@Kvothe good find man he came out swinging in that article haha even touched on the "hey guys". These arguments make a lot of sense and are field tested. I don't want to derail too much but I think it's worth noting that MM is designed for like actual Hollywood actresses way up on their pedestals with major shields up. And not really with the intention of just pulling her. The goal was more like time bridging to a future date, or bouncing her whole group with his whole group to a diner.

@Skills it might be worth distinguishing the types of negs. Shotgun neg to IOD and make her wonder why you aren't going after her. Tease neg to stimulate and DHV. Sniper neg to make her feel vulnerable like she has done a DLV. Venusian handbook page 102


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@West_Indian_Archie duuuude thank you for the writeup. This is great. As always it seems the answer is to get in field and rack up lots of reference experiences while enjoying the randomness of it all.

I have done enough studying and essays hah time for the homework portion.

@Kvothe good find man he came out swinging in that article haha even touched on the "hey guys". These arguments make a lot of sense and are field tested. I don't want to derail too much but I think it's worth noting that MM is designed for like actual Hollywood actresses way up on their pedestals with major shields up. And not really with the intention of just pulling her. The goal was more like time bridging to a future date, or bouncing her whole group with his whole group to a diner.

@Skills it might be worth distinguishing the types of negs. Shotgun neg to IOD and make her wonder why you aren't going after her. Tease neg to stimulate and DHV. Sniper neg to make her feel vulnerable like she has done a DLV. Venusian handbook page 102
I see... Thanks


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Wia, West i think you are mixing terms...

Disqualification is to lower the guard of the girl, to get her to relax lower butch shield..

Neg is just teasing/ busting balls .

Not that internet defintions mean anything, but historically "neg hits" became "negs", and the meaning really depends on who's doing the defining.

Like the Mystery type Negs - "Nice nails, are they real" is one thing - it's very much a disqualifier.

But Style's version of the neg, which is more like teasing - "something that's meant to be met with laughter". He called them "pebbles" at one point.

They both used the term to encompass all of it, but given Style's comedian background, he definitely was thinking about busting a chicks' balls more than anything.

That said, teasing a girl, especially when you barely know her, is most definitely something that can get you disqualified - it just depends on how the other person perceives it.

I know I've taken gentle ribbing with a lot of offense from someone that's essentially a stranger.
"Don't Bro Me, if you don't know me."

Like I was saying above, the "neg" - what "we" mean by it, versus what females think is a "neg" would really be a college course.

But at the highest level of abstraction - the neg is something that breaks her expectation of what should happen, and how a man should behave, behave towards her.

All that said, I find that newbs and outsiders focus WAY TOO MUCH on "negs"

They also focus way too much on
  • Push Pull
  • Hold Frame
  • Sh!t Tests
  • Agree and Amplify
  • Looks vs Money vs Status
  • Race/Height
  • Being Funny
Everything has a place, but negs along with these other concepts attract way too much energy, imo.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
What are your thoughts on this article? https://www.girlschase.com/content/5-essential-insights-how-meet-girls-groups

@Chase seems to imply going for and targeting the girl you're interested in and only breaking circle if necessary.

My guess is that as long as you aren't weird when her friends show up is the most important part. But I could also see group composition playing a role (all girls vs mixed group vs 1 girl all guys-which has happened once to me)

The key with comparing different schools of thoughts, methods, and ideas - is that a lot of things work - just not all the time, and not in all situations.

Like Chase says here, "Groups aren't ideal, of course...."

I totally disagree. If I've captured the attention of a group of girls, getting the one girl is much much easier.

So a lot of how you do things is about what you prefer to do, not some sort of objective idea of "what works". (But shout out to @DoWhatWorks )

Chase - Meeting Girls in Groups is More Work

- Meeting girls in groups is more FUN.

- "I come from a background of optimizing things for efficiency. I don't like spending a lot of time on anything."

WIA - I also come from a background of optimization - and I learned that my take on optimization HURT my success with women. I had to turn my STEM brain off to get the type of results I wanted, the way I wanted to get them.

Chase - "it takes time in-field to learn how to recognize which women are interested in you" (Screening is more efficient)

WIA - It takes time in-field to learn how develop interest from random strangers. (Creating interest/Generating interest is less efficient and harder, but for me more satisfying)

Chase - Avoiding groups is usually preferential.
WIA - Looking for groups is preferential

Chase - Throwing Out Group Theory
WIA - Bringing Back Group Theory


That's what happens with this "group theory." It takes something -- meeting girls in groups -- that needs a bit of strategy applied to it to work best, and then just WAY overcomplicates things by introducing too many crazy wild attacks. And then it fails.

WIA - He's right!!!

But what's his focus? What's his aim?


What's my focus? What's my aim?

I don't think I've ever disagreed with anything Chase has said, but we don't have the same goals when it comes to the pull.

He takes the bullet train, and I walk to the destination AND I enjoy the walk.

@Kvothe and the lurkers reading, what's your aim?

Is it pure efficiency? You want the pull to be textbook, streamlined?

Or do you enjoy the thrill of the game?

YaReally said there were two types of players
  • Pleasure of the Sex
  • Thrill of the Hunt
I'm in the latter camp. My best pulls really come from my best nights out. And my best nights out have little to do with # of sets approached or concentration of hotties in any given venue. And when it comes to the game, I love a chick that says, "You're not really my type". Good.

Was the DJ playing the best music?
Was I feeling it?

Are other people getting hype because I'm hype?...

Where does what I'm saying fit into a standard "see girl, approach, qualify, get investment, get logistics, increase arousal, and then escape to the seduction location"?

My outlook, my type of approach surrounds the "seduction timeline".

But for me, it makes the seduction FUN.

Most people see this thing as a grind. All this crap you gotta do to get a girl.

Believe me when I tell you - 99 chicks out of 100 - no matter how hot they are - are not worth the work you put into THEM*.
You're not gonna get the emotional reward you think you're gonna get.

That said, pick up is not a grind for me. Dealing with groups, getting blown out, getting cold shouldered - that's part of the fun. A lot of those chicks that wasn't feeling you at 11 pm, start to get with it at 12:30, and then you blow them off cause they're lames..

When I first got into the game, it was all about getting a bj off a tipsy chick with a cute face.
I always wanted efficiency.

At some point in my focus on optimization, I started to like going out, started to enjoy meeting strangers.
I have a full run of the West Coast Avengers, I was reading Neal Stephenson and other Cyberpunk writers when they dropped.
I can probably still do some differential equations.

But I learned to enjoy extroversion, even if part of me finds people boring*. (See above)

My game got much better (my psychological affect on random females), more chicks, hotter chicks - because chicks aren't really going out to get banged, per se. But getting smashed on a smelly mattress in a ramshackle apartment can be part of the fun...

Becoming "that guy" made me understand my Ex* so much more. *The girl that put me on the journey, we'd meet again, and even she was entranced... She was always "that girl". She was always the live one in her crew.

To go into the fallacies
#1 Engage the Leader First - it's up to you. But I've had pulls fail by not addressing the leader. You can pay attention to the dynamics, or not pay attention to them.

It's like some girls you can be direct with from the jump (Hey I like you, you look good, come with me for a drink)
But that same girl that was with it will probably still be down if you chat her up and exchange some vibes first.
And there are some girls where being "indirect" will make you lose them, because you missed the escalation window.

We can't quantify which way is better - so you have to do the thing you like to do, the way you want things to happen.

#2 You must win over everyone in the entire group - I've been taken out of the play by not dealing with the pitbull in the group. Could be an ugly girl, could be a sister, could be the male orbiter, could be the male gay friend. The dynamics matter to me.

Is it possible to bolster a chick's independence to the point where she'll ditch the group of people she came with to go "eat a slice of pizza" around the corner?


Is it likely? Hasn't been for me.

Fallacy #3: You must ignore the girl you want until you've won over everyone else -

Definitely a fallacy. But if I frame things in a Us vs them, her vs her group - that framing alters the way I interact with the group - and that in turn "telegraphs" my moves.

Going directly for the chick, usually doesn't work, but it can

Like I said above, you can include her, ignore her, praise her, and take that praise away - but within the group dynamic lots of things are happening outside of your control.

If you want your game to be 100% control, which is an ideal not a reality, you want to decrease the amount of variables.

Eliminate or ignore the friends, get semi-isolation with a conversation, get some emotional isolation by having an "inside" conversation, and then use that emotional leverage to get physical isolation....

That's one path, but it's not the only path.

Chase goes onto explain how his group friendly game backfire.
I could tell you how my go straight to the target game also backfired.

Who's right?
Whos' wrong?

Is there only one 1 way?

My heavy clubbing days are behind me, but I still do the same types of things at bars and other social things that "grown ups" do. If nothing at all, it's because people don't really change.

And people prefer to be in groups.
They prefer to talk to the people they came with.
They don't like strangers.

To barge into a group of strangers, get their attention, hold their attention, and their attention is rewarded with something novel - that's literally the most powerful thing you can learn in pick up, imo.

Because that same skill set is useful in areas of your life that don't revolve around putting P into V.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
The key with comparing different schools of thoughts, methods, and ideas - is that a lot of things work - just not all the time, and not in all situations.

Like Chase says here, "Groups aren't ideal, of course...."

I totally disagree. If I've captured the attention of a group of girls, getting the one girl is much much easier.

So a lot of how you do things is about what you prefer to do, not some sort of objective idea of "what works". (But shout out to @DoWhatWorks )

Chase - Meeting Girls in Groups is More Work

- Meeting girls in groups is more FUN.

- "I come from a background of optimizing things for efficiency. I don't like spending a lot of time on anything."

WIA - I also come from a background of optimization - and I learned that my take on optimization HURT my success with women. I had to turn my STEM brain off to get the type of results I wanted, the way I wanted to get them.

Chase - "it takes time in-field to learn how to recognize which women are interested in you" (Screening is more efficient)

WIA - It takes time in-field to learn how develop interest from random strangers. (Creating interest/Generating interest is less efficient and harder, but for me more satisfying)

Chase - Avoiding groups is usually preferential.
WIA - Looking for groups is preferential

Chase - Throwing Out Group Theory
WIA - Bringing Back Group Theory


WIA - He's right!!!

But what's his focus? What's his aim?


What's my focus? What's my aim?

I don't think I've ever disagreed with anything Chase has said, but we don't have the same goals when it comes to the pull.

He takes the bullet train, and I walk to the destination AND I enjoy the walk.

@Kvothe and the lurkers reading, what's your aim?

Is it pure efficiency? You want the pull to be textbook, streamlined?

Or do you enjoy the thrill of the game?

YaReally said there were two types of players
  • Pleasure of the Sex
  • Thrill of the Hunt
I'm in the latter camp. My best pulls really come from my best nights out. And my best nights out have little to do with # of sets approached or concentration of hotties in any given venue. And when it comes to the game, I love a chick that says, "You're not really my type". Good.

Was the DJ playing the best music?
Was I feeling it?

Are other people getting hype because I'm hype?...

Where does what I'm saying fit into a standard "see girl, approach, qualify, get investment, get logistics, increase arousal, and then escape to the seduction location"?

My outlook, my type of approach surrounds the "seduction timeline".

But for me, it makes the seduction FUN.

Most people see this thing as a grind. All this crap you gotta do to get a girl.

Believe me when I tell you - 99 chicks out of 100 - no matter how hot they are - are not worth the work you put into THEM*.
You're not gonna get the emotional reward you think you're gonna get.

That said, pick up is not a grind for me. Dealing with groups, getting blown out, getting cold shouldered - that's part of the fun. A lot of those chicks that wasn't feeling you at 11 pm, start to get with it at 12:30, and then you blow them off cause they're lames..

When I first got into the game, it was all about getting a bj off a tipsy chick with a cute face.
I always wanted efficiency.

At some point in my focus on optimization, I started to like going out, started to enjoy meeting strangers.
I have a full run of the West Coast Avengers, I was reading Neal Stephenson and other Cyberpunk writers when they dropped.
I can probably still do some differential equations.

But I learned to enjoy extroversion, even if part of me finds people boring*. (See above)

My game got much better (my psychological affect on random females), more chicks, hotter chicks - because chicks aren't really going out to get banged, per se. But getting smashed on a smelly mattress in a ramshackle apartment can be part of the fun...

Becoming "that guy" made me understand my Ex* so much more. *The girl that put me on the journey, we'd meet again, and even she was entranced... She was always "that girl". She was always the live one in her crew.

To go into the fallacies
#1 Engage the Leader First - it's up to you. But I've had pulls fail by not addressing the leader. You can pay attention to the dynamics, or not pay attention to them.

It's like some girls you can be direct with from the jump (Hey I like you, you look good, come with me for a drink)
But that same girl that was with it will probably still be down if you chat her up and exchange some vibes first.
And there are some girls where being "indirect" will make you lose them, because you missed the escalation window.

We can't quantify which way is better - so you have to do the thing you like to do, the way you want things to happen.

#2 You must win over everyone in the entire group - I've been taken out of the play by not dealing with the pitbull in the group. Could be an ugly girl, could be a sister, could be the male orbiter, could be the male gay friend. The dynamics matter to me.

Is it possible to bolster a chick's independence to the point where she'll ditch the group of people she came with to go "eat a slice of pizza" around the corner?


Is it likely? Hasn't been for me.

Fallacy #3: You must ignore the girl you want until you've won over everyone else -

Definitely a fallacy. But if I frame things in a Us vs them, her vs her group - that framing alters the way I interact with the group - and that in turn "telegraphs" my moves.

Going directly for the chick, usually doesn't work, but it can

Like I said above, you can include her, ignore her, praise her, and take that praise away - but within the group dynamic lots of things are happening outside of your control.

If you want your game to be 100% control, which is an ideal not a reality, you want to decrease the amount of variables.

Eliminate or ignore the friends, get semi-isolation with a conversation, get some emotional isolation by having an "inside" conversation, and then use that emotional leverage to get physical isolation....

That's one path, but it's not the only path.

Chase goes onto explain how his group friendly game backfire.
I could tell you how my go straight to the target game also backfired.

Who's right?
Whos' wrong?

Is there only one 1 way?

My heavy clubbing days are behind me, but I still do the same types of things at bars and other social things that "grown ups" do. If nothing at all, it's because people don't really change.

And people prefer to be in groups.
They prefer to talk to the people they came with.
They don't like strangers.

To barge into a group of strangers, get their attention, hold their attention, and their attention is rewarded with something novel - that's literally the most powerful thing you can learn in pick up, imo.

Because that same skill set is useful in areas of your life that don't revolve around putting P into V.

come down to context both work but for most guys (general population) i kind of agree with chase.... But i done both, it depends like you say on the situation and dynamics, but more often than not, what chase says on the article is higher odds vs the group theory stuff.... Remember mystery stuff is a different goal with the 7 hours stuff, vs snl stuff...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

YaReally said there were two types of players
  • Pleasure of the Sex
  • Thrill of the Hunt
I'm in the latter camp. My best pulls really come from my best nights out. And my best nights out have little to do with # of sets approached or concentration of hotties in any given venue. And when it comes to the game, I love a chick that says, "You're not really my type". Good.

Yeah, I like those too.

My guess is the difference in group preference here is you enjoy managing group interactions more.

I get a kick out of groups where the girl I want isn't interested at first but I can rope her friends into helping me seduce her. Those are fun. Or the two-girl mixed set where the friend cheerleads you... or the mixed two-set where the guy disappears as soon as you hook her and completely leaves her in your hands.

If the group gives you an assist that makes it more fun.

I don't enjoy the other situation, where the group opposes you (jealous dudes in it; or a mother hen who's too frazzled trying to ward every single guy off her group of girls and you simply cannot get close), even if the girl herself is interested. Dealing with attempted cockblocks hitting you from different angles sucks the fun out of it for me. Doable but meh. (usually for those, if I can get the girl going to bat for me, then we can team up to make it happen -- much better. She can be the one to fight her friends off!)

Again, YMMV. You might be more extroverted than I am, enjoy some aspect of group management more, find it more of a challenge/victory, etc.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Went with my friend out for the first time yesterday night, and was super high energy and opened a ton of girls.

If you're talking to a girl and her friend is trying to drag her away, what do you do in this situation? Two different times throughout the night I was speaking to a girl and her friend either just looked at us extremely bored or was actively trying to pull her away while the girl was captivated. I just let them both go since I was confident I would either see them later or speak to another girl I could pull.

Super high energy is a lot more likely to trigger cockblocks.

Read this:

Also, you need to be getting the friend on your side. When you're gaming a girl with a friend, you're not just gaming the girl, you're also gaming her friend. Neglect the friend, lose the girl.

Devote 70-80% of your time to the girl and 20-30% to the friend and you've got the right mix.

If you just have opened a girl and exchanged pleasantries and somebody else swoops in and engages in conversation with her, what do you do in this situation?

^ from the second article (for random dudes trying to swoop; don't use on her friends unless you want them to drag her off):

You: [talking to girl]​
Him: [disrupting the conversation] Wow, your dress is--!​
You: [interrupting him] Give us a moment please. [return to girl] So! [gesture for her to continue]​
Her: [she continues what she was saying]​
You: That's amazing. [turning a bit to guy] All right chief, what'd you want to tell us?​
Him: [awkwardly] Ah no, it's fine, I just wanted to tell her her dress is really pretty.​
You: Cool, that's really nice of you. All right. Thanks man! [turn back to girl] So why did you blah blah...​
[use your body language to shut the interloping male out of the conversation]​

And if you open a group of girls and determine which one is interested in you, how do you isolate her?

"Hey, I'm going to borrow your friend for a minute. We'll just be right over there [point]."
