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New to the community, want validation of the rules


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 12, 2020
Hey, Im Egor. I have stumbled into the seduction community in a round a bout way. I was downloading erotic literature as my cure to quit porn, and I came across a book called "rapid escalation", about pick up and quick anywhere sex. That piqued my curiosity, since then I have read numerous other books on seduction; notable authors include Bale and Im currently reading Straus.

Im not going to write about how sad it is that I have not fucked, because I am positive. I will write about my massive d. I have spent years practicing pe. So there is that. My problem, what I want validation about, is that if I practice (lets call it self pleasure), I lose my edge. Cold approach confidence plummets. Sexual tension is null. This happens if I do anything, even without porn or ejaculation. If abstinence is the key for seduction success, Ill do it, but its hard to resist when your making your d bigger.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 12, 2020
I am certain now that doing anything with my penis ruins my game. I went out today after having a self pleasure episode yesterday. I was putting out weird vibes and my approaches were totally ignored. Can anyone validate this phenomenon? I also want to add that I am reading now about evolutionary psychology and the 'ecological method'.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Yeah if you're new to seduction and don't have a lot of experience porn and masturbation can really impede the way you interact with women. You will lack some sexual energy and you will be more lethargic and have less desire to talk to women. Chase talks about it here https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-much-can-you-masturbate-if-you-want-get-laid

However you can still approach even if you jerked off the day before or recently. I have done it can't really stop you from approaching unless you allow it to.

Do you use porn? If you use porn you will have a tougher time relating and communicating with women because women in real life have clothes on and don't bend over at will for men.

Practicing nofap will help give you more motivation to get women,but it's not a magic pill.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 12, 2020
I don't use porn anymore, haven't in close to a year. However we live in a very sexualized society. The sexual revolution that began in the '60s and '70s is still roaring away. This whole seduction community and casual sex is a product of that. Society continues to get more and more sexualized. Just look at millennial girls' idea of a crop top compared to the gen z version; its almost like a bikini compared to just an alluring sliver of flesh. The point I am trying to make is yeah, I don't use porn, but social media and the web are so sexualized it is like anything could be porn. Your instagram is pseudo porn, tik tok, snapchat etc. But to answer your question, no, I don't watch porn anymore.

I have read that article from Mr. Amante and the point about maintaining functionality is important. I don't want to be non-sexual. I want to be sexual. I don't have a partner. I am trying to get a partner, but if I am sexual with myself I feel like I set myself back in the quest for a partner.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 12, 2020
I may have had a breakthrough with my problems. It is the conveyance of sexual energy through pseudo sexual openers and lines. Today I was getting naughty with myself and some old saved erotic pics. Then later I walked into the mall and had a weird vibe. So I opened a girl with one of my standard situational (non sexual) lines. Talked briefly but I felt my vibe was crooked. Ok then I bought a small piece of jewelry and said to the cute young cashier, 'thats an interesting outfit'. Immediately sexual juices were flowing and my weird vibe turned to a very sexual vibe. Ill update this thread if I can build off this.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 12, 2020
I think figuring out what you do with porn and or masturbation is a very critical part of fundamentals that isn't written about enough. (Does every guy have a battle with porn?) For me, it has been the most important fundamental and the number one issue that I have been experimenting with to get right. I feel like I am in a decent place now.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
If abstinence is the key for seduction success, Ill do it, but its hard to resist when your making your d bigger.
It's cool that you'll do (or at least say you'll do) anything for seduction, but I think you're obsessing too much about you dick size. As long it's not too small, it generally doesn't matter that much. Yes, girls prefer bigger Ds, for the most part (though some told me longer ones can hurt them too much sometimes and take away from the pleasure, they prefering thicker than longer lol).
Dominance, getting the girl confortable and following your lead (immersion), physical technique and this type of stuff is much, much more important in sex than your size (maybe your size can help you get laid if word gets around you have a big D, but I think that without being a good lover, or even having sex in the first place, that won't happen anyway, so...)

I think figuring out what you do with porn and or masturbation is a very critical part of fundamentals that isn't written about enough. (Does every guy have a battle with porn?) For me, it has been the most important fundamental and the number one issue that I have been experimenting with to get right. I feel like I am in a decent place now.
I've watched quite a lot of porn in my life and I still masturbate at least once a day.
I never got into the weirder porn stuff (like with animals, gay/shemale, whatever the fuck, piss/poopplay), and even just normal porn would become very much boring to me after a while, so I would switch to watching hentai, seeing just pictures of sexy girls showing off their bodies, or just fantasizing about girls from school/work/wherever else.
To me, I think I mostly just need something really sexual to get my erection/will to fuck going, but after that I would need to fantasize about actually fucking the girl and enjoying her body, dominating her and that type of stuff to get off. Like I would see (accidentaly) porn with guys with weird dicks or old men and just get turned off and not even be able to hold and erection, even if the girl was hot, because I felt really disconnected. But I still masturbate a lot, I think I must have a really high sex drive, or maybe I just got "addicted" to sexualizing things? Dunno, but I think it hardly hurts my ability to approach and then get sexual with girls, if anything, I think being so "sexual" and open about it actually helps me.
As an example, yesterday I was going out with a (male) friend, to eat and drink something, on this place where there's a bunch of posh hot girls hanging out. We always talk about approaching girls there, but I often don't and just chicken (I had some decent success with night game, having kissed around a hundred girls, almost all of which would have their asses squeezed by moi, I would even finger some on the dancefloor, and I ended up sleeping with around 10, even if I lived with my parents and had no money for a motel or a car for backseat sex or anything like that back then).
This time, though, my friend told me, "we're not leaving until you approach!", so I just went and opened the hottest girl there out of the blue and got her Instagram. But a few hours earlier (like 3?), I had just masturbated back at home, as I was on Tinder and there were some girls in really revealing clothes and poses, so I felt super horny and had to. So I think, for me, this doesn't hurt my seduction skills, but everyone is different. You should definitely try to stop seeing porn and masturbating too often for a while to see if it helps, specially so you can't use the "I just masturbated" excuse to not approach or fuck up your sets (which totally will happen, as our brain will create any stupid excuse to prevent us from doing something that we're not familiar with and maybe could be dangerous, such as approaching a girl or suggesting you should do whatever hehe).
But maybe I'm not the best example. When we were waiting in line to enter this place, like a little after an hour after having a good wank, I was almost getting hard looking at this girl right in front of us in line. This girl was wearing high heels (little boots?) and pantyhose with some really tight skirt made of some wool type of fabric, that reaally accentuated the big shape of her magnificient round ass. Like geeeeez, this girl was fine as hell, and I was super horny for her not even two hours after masturbating (to be fair, maybe being soo horny for her could have fucked up seduction, and I didn't even try to talk to her, as I was mesmerized looking at her ass and tights, but c'mon, this girl is an exception lol).
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