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New To The Seducer Community, Just Have a Few Questions.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
So I'm kind of a straight up Beginner in the Seducer community really lol XD. But I was hoping to ask a few questions and get some feedback from some experienced Seducers that could help me out.

Question 1) I've been trying to get really focused into Day Game just because Night Game is such a shit show half the time for me (Attention Seekers/Always have to have high energy/Always Bringing there Boyfriends ect.) So my question is this. I went walking around downtown and exploring on where the "high traffic locations" are in my City and I was also keeping an eye out on Approach Invitations too, from girls I walked past. But I was getting a lot of F**k Off Signals then Approach Invitations. I was wearing good fashion but I had my glasses on and earbuds in to listen to music while walking around. So I was wondering if wearing glasses and listing to music is giving me those F**K Off Signals just because it makes me look like I'm not interested?

Question 2) Do you ever have your good friends or best friends cock block you all the time. For me, I can't even bring my childhood friend around women that I meet, just because he will either cock block me or just try to flirt with them in front of me like I'm trying to compete with him. It's so annoying, I'm hoping I'm not the only person that suffers with this. I was hoping to get maybe some tips or advice to deal with this?

Final Question and Mainly Important) Should you ever "Shit where you eat"? I know you guys know that saying, meaning should you ever date girls at your work place?? Reason that I ask is because I work at a facility that I've been with for about 2 years now and practically everyone knows and I always see beautiful that work there that I want to approach badly. We are always hiring and there are always beautiful women coming and going all the time, and some of them stay sometimes. So my question is, should you date girls at your work place?

My biggest concerns are;
1) The place I work at is like a stupid high school drama b*llshit, They like to spread rumors, always want to know about your personal life and dating life, and want to get you in trouble if you piss them off. Just a big headache

2) There are Camera's every where in the facility, just because we handle peoples products that get shipped to the facility and they don't want anyone stealing.

3)Dating could cause trouble, just because I want to date and not have a relationship. So if I break up with a girl there, then that girl will see me dating or flirting with another girl there and she would what to spread rumors or cause trouble for me. And trust me, there have been multiple incidences where someone got fired for stupid stuff like this just because they didn't want to deal with it.

Sorry this is so long, but I'm really new to this and the other thing too is that this last question is really important and I would love to get feedback or tips for this one. Just because I work all the time and never have any down time to go and meet women. So think you for the time to reading all of this and I hope to get some feedback or tips.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Don't wear glasses and listen to music while you're out looking for girls to talk to. You're not gonna want to approach women and if you've never approached women before that will make it harder for you to do it trust me. I'd tell myself oh i'm not in state to approach women i'm listening to music and I don't wanna take it off. Women don't expect to be approached on the street so no you doing those things don't trigger fuck off signals to getting approached. Before you leave your house you should meditate and clear your mind. Visualize the things you want to do and who you hope to become.

Me personally I avoid spending time around any potential cockblocking/insecure friends or anyone who would pose some kind of burden like that. You need to find new ones. Unfortunate truth of life,but even people who you think are your good trustworthy friends can turn into snakes when women are involved and backstab you.

If you're not confident in your ability to hit on or escalate on girls in your workplace and you're worried about consequences avoid it for now. If you depend on that job to get by and you can't quickly replace it with something viable then don't. You're always going to worry about if you make the wrong move or not that's what a lot of guys in their jobs do and that's how i'd feel in this old retail job where a lot of hotties would work. If you approach women do it in a social manner not in a i'm hitting on you just cuz i think ur hot. Get to know them first,try to get them to invest and open up to you,make some teases, get some compliance and try to keep them from seeing you as a polite friendly nice guy (easier said than done in work environment). Then when a girl seems invested,interested enough in you suggest the two of you should hangout. Don't make a formal date request like can I take you out to dinner.

I worked in childish drama filled environments myself in retail.
Unfortunately the environment is like that because the barrier to working there isn't that high so not that sophisticated people will end up working there. Best thing you can do is be lowkey if you can avoid talking to hot girls in front of others about non work contexts.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
Don't wear glasses and listen to music while you're out looking for girls to talk to. You're not gonna want to approach women and if you've never approached women before that will make it harder for you to do it trust me. I'd tell myself oh i'm not in state to approach women i'm listening to music and I don't wanna take it off. Women don't expect to be approached on the street so no you doing those things don't trigger fuck off signals to getting approached. Before you leave your house you should meditate and clear your mind. Visualize the things you want to do and who you hope to become.

Me personally I avoid spending time around any potential cockblocking/insecure friends or anyone who would pose some kind of burden like that. You need to find new ones. Unfortunate truth of life,but even people who you think are your good trustworthy friends can turn into snakes when women are involved and backstab you.

If you're not confident in your ability to hit on or escalate on girls in your workplace and you're worried about consequences avoid it for now. If you depend on that job to get by and you can't quickly replace it with something viable then don't. You're always going to worry about if you make the wrong move or not that's what a lot of guys in their jobs do and that's how i'd feel in this old retail job where a lot of hotties would work. If you approach women do it in a social manner not in a i'm hitting on you just cuz i think ur hot. Get to know them first,try to get them to invest and open up to you,make some teases, get some compliance and try to keep them from seeing you as a polite friendly nice guy (easier said than done in work environment). Then when a girl seems invested,interested enough in you suggest the two of you should hangout. Don't make a formal date request like can I take you out to dinner.

I worked in childish drama filled environments myself in retail.
Unfortunately the environment is like that because the barrier to working there isn't that high so not that sophisticated people will end up working there. Best thing you can do is be lowkey if you can avoid talking to hot girls in front of others about non work contexts.
Thanks Starboy, that helps alot.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
If you’re super new I’d avoid trying stuff with girls you’ll have to see again. There’s a lot of nuance to interaction’s that you aren’t going to be able to recognize and it’ll be much harder to save face in a work environment.

Your best bet right now is maxing out your overall social skills, social understanding, and appearance. As well as your interaction style and the way you come across. Find the common mistakes that get men rejected off the back so you can speed up your learning curve.

Once your social skills are in order, and you come across in an attractive way appearance wise (not talking just looks or height), you’ll see success. You may get stuck at key points while learning but most of the stuff you go through will already be covered here somewhere. All the other tactics are just for boosting your probabilities overall they aren’t gonna boost your odds much if the more important stuff isn’t in order.

A technique like push pull for example, would give you a 2% increase in your girl getting skills. Where as having excellent social skills would give you 30%. That 2% won’t be much when you’re only at 40% overall, but that 30 would do a bunch. That 2% is for the guy’s who are stuck at say 85% because they’ve already maxed out the more important stuff.

Overall you’ll see the most success right now by boosting the basics I listed and putting in the right effort outside of social circle situations. At the end of the day your amount of growth will come down to how much effort you’re willing to put in.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
If you’re super new I’d avoid trying stuff with girls you’ll have to see again. There’s a lot of nuance to interaction’s that you aren’t going to be able to recognize and it’ll be much harder to save face in a work environment.

This ^

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Practice being charming in all aspects of your life. Be Warm and Friendly without being annoyingly intrusive...and Interested women will compete for your attention.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
So I'm kind of a straight up Beginner in the Seducer community really lol XD. But I was hoping to ask a few questions and get some feedback from some experienced Seducers that could help me out.

Question 1) I was wearing good fashion but I had my glasses on and earbuds in to listen to music while walking around. So I was wondering if wearing glasses and listing to music is giving me those F**K Off Signals just because it makes me look like I'm not interested?
Follow what the other guys said and ditch the glasses.
Question 2) Do you ever have your good friends or best friends cock block you all the time.
Get used to sarge alone.
Most "wings" are not committed to learn and improve.
You can still be friends, but if they are not helping, cut them off when it's time to sarge.
Final Question and Mainly Important) Should you ever "Shit where you eat"?
In my opinion, never.
The potential for a shit show is huge, plus you will be jeopardizing your only source of income.
At work, be as low-key as possible is the best advice I could give you.
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