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FR  nice ass

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I meant to get this up on Wednesday but I forgot about it.
Anyway, when I first discovered pickup I was reading some random blog and I specifically remember the guy saying that you should always compliment with beautiful, gorgeous, etc because girls hear sexy, cute, pretty all the time when guys are trying to holler at them. He was saying that I'd stand out using compliments like this and I remember back then in 2008 (I was in 8th grade) I tried to work beautiful and gorgeous into my vocabulary because I was not comfortable saying them.
Throughout 2009 when Facebook was starting to rise, I specifically remember commenting on many girl's photos with these compliments and seeing the reactions I'd gotten.
They were always like: aww! You're so sweet! Thank you!
It was such a big deal. Over time I feel like I've used these words to death and I've worked 'cute' into my vocabulary...and until recently I've been tryi g to work 'sexy' in as well.
Here is one the the few interactions I've had using 'sexy'

Girl working at kiosk in the mall. She was wearing a tank top and jeans and had her hair short and messy. What caught my attention was her ass. It wasn't amazing but there was something about how she carried herself and how she moved her hips when she walked that turned me on. Her ass reminded me of the porn star Francesca Sinn's in her onion booty video. Lol
Actually she looked like a prettier version of francesca but with a cuter face.
Anyway before I even approached I was standing in front of her kiosk coaching my friend about his approach anxiety.
While I was talking to him I noticed her looking at us from the corner of my eye and I made eye contact with her and smiled.

I sent my friend on his way and told him to meet me on the opposite side of the mall and he better open at least 3 girls.
Then I approached her.
Me: hey, this might sound kinda shallow but...you got a really sexy ass.
Her: (laughs) oh thank you!
Me: I couldn't help but notice it.
Her: yea, I get that a lot actually. haha
Me: (examining her face) hmm...I can tell you're not just white...you're mixed with something.
Her: haha yea, I'm Italian and half black.
Me: what!? I would've never guessed that...you don't look black at all.
Her: well yea, I am haha.
Me: well as you can see, I'm just black. Oh..my name is Wes.
Her: (her name)
We shake hands.
Me: so what's up, besides the bored look on your face from having to stand here?
Her: I'm actually going to get off soon.
Me: oh awesome, what are you planning on doing after that?
Her: I have to go and take my senior photos for my school.
Me: oh so you're going into senior year...at what school?
Her: blah blah high school.
Me: oh okay..I know a few people who go there.
Her: yea, I was going to go take my photos earlier this week but my dad wanted me to dye my hair a 'normal' color. Lol
Me: what was it before?
Her: bright red. You can still kinda see it in my hair still (points to her hair)
Me: aw..what a shame..you probly look cute with red hair and now I can't see it.
Her: I have a picture of it. (shows me picture in her phone)
Me: oh wow...not only do you have a sexy ass but you can work the red hair look. Haha
She smiles...
Me: I'm going to be honest you, I really want to touch your ass but you probably wouldn't let me (ugh..I CAN'T believe I said this. This is obviously chasing and raisi her on a pedestal)
Her: haha..I don't think my boyfriend would be too happy about that.
Me: he doesn't have to know.
Her: but he's picking me up when I get off and he could be here any second.
Me: oh okay. Well I actually don't even want a girlfriend right now...and I'm not about that 'stealing' girlfriends life.
I'd only do it if a couple just started dating two weeks ago...but if they've been dating for awhile I'd leave them alone.
Her: yea, we're going on 6 months.
Me: okay well maybe we can be friends. Haha do you have a Facebook?
(she pulls it up on her phone, I search myself, click add, give it back)
Me: it says we have two mutual friends...oh you know Jeremy?
Her: yea..I had a class with him once...we didn't talk much.
Me: oh okay...well I gotta go meet my friend on the other side of the mall...it was nice meeting you.
Her: nice to meet you too.
We hug.
(when I got home I added her but I have yet to do anything about that...I usually don't talk to them ever again)

Overall I think the 'sexy ass' compliment went pretty well.
Things I need to improve on: stop worshipping a girl and putting her on a pedestal.
More touching. More deep diving.

I always have been using: youve got some really sexy legs on girls who obviously play sports or work out.
Works well. They don't seem to hear it that often.
One girl was like: haha! Well nobody's ever complimented my legs before!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Me: oh wow...not only do you have a sexy ass but you can work the red hair look. Haha
She smiles...

without seeing her body language it seems to me all went wrong here, did you notice any change in her body language around this point? im nowadays focusing on looking at people speaking to/flirting to girls and try to decide if the guy is doing right or not. i definitely see the overwhelming pattern of ultrafriendly+nervous guy / closed body language politely smiling girl interactions.

would be good to have a video collection of actually experienced & successful guys` interaction with girls because its really hard to find good clips & in real life its not possible to watch the promising ones obviously.

i agree with kickboxer, she won with this boyfriend card eventually - personally i just quit from interactions like this because its too much effort. actually, i quit all interactions very fast anyway, dont like challenge/difficulties/hassle at all.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
stratvm said:
Me: oh wow...not only do you have a sexy ass but you can work the red hair look. Haha
She smiles...

without seeing her body language it seems to me all went wrong here, did you notice any change in her body language around this point? im nowadays focusing on looking at people speaking to/flirting to girls and try to decide if the guy is doing right or not. i definitely see the overwhelming pattern of ultrafriendly+nervous guy / closed body language politely smiling girl interactions.

would be good to have a video collection of actually experienced & successful guys` interaction with girls because its really hard to find good clips & in real life its not possible to watch the promising ones obviously.

i agree with kickboxer, she won with this boyfriend card eventually - personally i just quit from interactions like this because its too much effort. actually, i quit all interactions very fast anyway, dont like challenge/difficulties/hassle at all.

She was crossing her arms and leaning on something the whole conversation actually. I assumed it was because she was shy or not comfortable getting too close to me yet. I think conversation went great aside from the over praising and the way I handled her having a bf. thanks for your response though

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Kickbomber said:
Good job with the bold opener.

I would suggest dropping all the compliments and sexy talk for a while after that though. It just becomes too much, and instead of being intriguing it just becomes monotonous. After the opener, just have a normal light conversation. Especially if she's working, she's not going to get so riled up that she's going to just drop work and go somewhere with you. I'd also drop the 'stealing girlfriends' bit. If a girl mentions the boyfriend, and then you respond with that, you almost guarantee she's going to say 'more than 2 weeks'. And then by your own admission, you have to not hit on her anymore. Boxed yourself in.

Good point. I don't really know why I was thinking I'd be able to pull a girl who's on the job. Lol


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Wow, Wes. Usually, I say the banal "You're cute" opener but your work has inspired me to be a bit more creative and daring. Thanks.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
TomGray said:
Wow, Wes. Usually, I say the banal "You're cute" opener but your work has inspired me to be a bit more creative and daring. Thanks.

Awesome TomGray. I always try to find something specific that I like about a girl since they receive compliments all the time.(if they're beautiful) it certainly makes you stand out.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take