A Life Loquacious said:
However, I am a bit unsympathetic for the ones that whine about getting passed over for being 'nice' but basically show themselves up as shallow sexists when answering the questions as it basically undermines the whole 'nice' fantasy they've created for themselves (women "are obliged" to shave, or act in a certain way etc) anyway. I think for anyone that's read the blog it's pretty self-explanatory why it's bad to present yourself in public like this but could probably still act as a valuable wake-up call for newer guys that are still in the 'woe is me' victim phase.
To be fair, those "sexist" questions are "damned if you do, damned if you don't"
Women are obligated to shave their legs?
=> Yes: you're a chauvinist pig
=> No: you're a pussy-whipped brown-noser
There's really no right answer. The right answer would probably be "MY women are obligated to shave their legs. The rest of them can do whatever they want!" but I doubt they give you that as a choice.
The best thing those guys could do for themselves would be to NOT answer those questions. But, if they knew things like that, they probably wouldn't be using their profiles as vent sessions and thinking that was going to make some girl's heart melt for them.
It's really a lack of basic understanding / empathy / social awareness of how a woman would think about a man. These guys just aren't able to put themselves in a woman's shoes and say, "If I was a girl, and I saw my profile complaining about how women always choose men over me, would that make me crazy with desire?" What they seem to be fishing for is pity, but that won't get them what they want; pity and desire are two very different things.