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FR  night out


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Dang, I got rejected all night lol I could use some help guys. I went to a bar to get a drink and approach some cuties, I saw two latinas look at me. I got some beer in me (just one) and approached them, first approach of the night.

The bar was just too loud for me, I had to repeat myself alot.
Me: Excuse me, I got a problem.
Her: what? (Its loud)
Me: I got a problem, I am looking for a spot to pose.
Her: what? pose? well right over there *she points to my original seat*
Me: well I have been working out at the gym and I wanted a good spot to show off my muscles (haha I got this from roosh, although it bombed)
Her: she gives a weak laugh, and tells her girlfriend and she smiles like a WTF kind of smile
Me: *I smile, since I was joking* Im oscar
Them: cinthia and *I forgot her name, call her lesbianWIfe lol*
Me: what brings you out here tonight?
Them: girls night
*Cant remember what esle I said ,Little more banter from me, no investment in me at all from them, there body language was bad*
Lesbianwife: you know I am married *shows me ring*
Me: oh really? real husband or imaginary lol
Lesbianwife: rea....actually she and I are together, were lesbians *Serious tone, btw she is trying to get rid of me*
Cinthia: yeah...wait whaaa?

I said ok and just left, ouch that stung a little bit, man that girl was a bitch, but I didn't disrespect her. I just moved on.

I saw two cuties come in. I waied to see if they were expecting there boyfriends and made a move.

Me: hey, i just thought you were cute and I had to come meet you (had to get close to her ear, damn that music is just too loud)
Me: Im oscar
Her: erica (she was a fine ass latina, with some big fake boobs lol)
Me: so erica, have you been here before?
Her: yeah, this is my spot.
Me: oh yeah, well we got something in common
Her: I guess (she was texting somebody and she was just not looking at me)
Me: you live around here?
Her: yeah pasadena, I work over there at brewings, I am a bartender.
Me: oh yeah, think you will do that forever?
Her:no, I want to do make up.
Me:eek:h okay like comsotolegy
her: yeah
Me so that means, you will be cutting hair too?
Her: no just make up.
Me: what you drinking there?
Her: *marijuana something, it was green*
Me: so that can give you a good buzz lol
her: yeah
*I ran out of thing to say, waited like 10 sec*
Me: dang I dont know what else to say erica lol I dont want to creep you out
her:youre ok
Me: what you doing after you leave here?
her: I don know, just go home
Me: well do you know how to dance salsa?
Her: yeah, i know how to dance to that
Me: you know haciendas will have some dancing, you know where its out?
Her: yeah I know where its.
Me: well thats where I am going, you should come.
Her: maybe
Me: here give me your number
her: *she gave me a WTF smile* and said no, why dont you give me your number* oldest trick in the book*

I just strait up left and didnt give her my number to her because that was just pathetic on her part.

went dancing and I was blow away on how good everyone was, man I could only dance was style of music really, I managed to dance with one girl, but she danced with me and went back to her table. I tried asking this other girl to dance and she gave me the ewww look and pointed at her friend and she also said no.

The night was getting late and I was just watching people dance, god there were good, I realize I need way more lessons.I ended up dancing with this other girl and she also gave me the eww look, but her friend convince her. I danced with this girl and she was just too damn good for me, she had a different style that I didnt know and after the song was over she quickly dismissed herself.

erghh what a night, I realize how much I hate loud music and I think I may prefer daygame instead.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Been here and it sucks. Keep working on your.fundamentals look and keep approaching you are on the right track, only experience will allow you to realize interest and non interest. Your brain is so.focused on everything at once. Just focus.on.one thing at a time once you get that down, move.to.the next and once you get to a certain.level go back and re tweak certain aspects its a.never ending cycle..dont.get discouraged. When I started fove years ago, I was being told.to my face that I was ugly and they would never date me. I was in a rush to.get things.done. now im.more of a devil may care personality and get called handsome.... all the time dating.girls most guys dream of. There is.hope.man keep at it. You know all this but.its always good to.hear these stories, for.inspiration. :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
maximus6004 said:
Been here and it sucks. Keep working on your.fundamentals look and keep approaching you are on the right track, only experience will allow you to realize interest and non interest. Your brain is so.focused on everything at once. Just focus.on.one thing at a time once you get that down, move.to.the next and once you get to a certain.level go back and re tweak certain aspects its a.never ending cycle..dont.get discouraged. When I started fove years ago, I was being told.to my face that I was ugly and they would never date me. I was in a rush to.get things.done. now im.more of a devil may care personality and get called handsome.... all the time dating.girls most guys dream of. There is.hope.man keep at it. You know all this but.its always good to.hear these stories, for.inspiration. :)

Thanks man, yeah I got to keep moving foreword.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
bump, could you some feedback guys.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Oh, I.wouldnt use the looking for a place to.pose thing, sounds try hard they know your trying.to hit on them, and you put yourself in the situation to be seen as every other guy. Guys who can.pull this off, are usually good.looking and have their fundamentals down tight and say it with a smile, and a wink tonmake it known it was a joke. For example at work I drive a truck a box truck and ill say to the flight agreements sometimes. Hey I have candy in my windowless truck. Would you like to come see, smile, and wink. I had one flight attendant with self esteem issues, who was probably emo in her high school years get insulted but her hot friend.laughed and said, uh yea lets go see and she laughed. Got her.number. so id just generally say stay away from that approach from.now.