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no more AFC - 365 day challenge!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
enough is enough. I guess after a successful start to the game I've become super lazy and inconsistent...woke up tho when i thought i wouldn't even need to keep condoms at home anymore. WTF!! a couple years ago before knowing about the game i wouldn't even go to school without one in my pocket now i don't even buy some, not even just in case. soo task one was to grab some goddamn condoms, which i did.

also, i thought it would be time to get back into the game again. actively and for an extended period of time (in other words: forever). 30 days, 90 days, 200 day, all not enough. if i can do it for an entire year then maybe ill believe that i won't fall back to those AFC habits. which do hunt you down lol. oneitis, excuses and lots of mental masturbation are all stuff i've mastered by now. not good. had sex twice this year only, that's not enough. pretty much has been the only action girl wise as well, i think i had one more make out but im not even sure lol

so my goal is
to actively do game each and every day for 365 days straight. no excuses. what is it i try to achieve? well, bed girls obviously. i'm not going to take one full year to learn how to number close. every girl i don't lay is a failure (but a valuable experience and part of the whole)

i'm not going with any numbers whatsoever. ofc i could say "do 2 hours of game each day" or "approach x number of girls each day" but it's gonna be different each day.
my guideline's going to be: make as much times as possible each day and actively seek to approach girls. learn from each encounter and try to correct mistakes next time out. i will do both day game and night game, and i will post daily in order to recognize my mistakes.

when will i start? well, i already have started. will post in a bit.

- nino


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Short term goals

Work on fundamentals.

I noticed I let myself go in that regard. looks wise i'm fine, i've always cared about them. got a new haircut as always and i've been rocking the 5o'clock shadow lately. i don't grow a lot of hair but it's enough to make my face look sharper, older and manlier. also, my eye contact game is pretty strong. i also got a sexy smile down.

things that i need to work on: voice (ive only recently noticed how high i start to speak when excited lol), talking speed (also an issue when excited/nervous) and most importantly: staying grounded and unaffected.

become a good conversationalist

i'm not the worst but it does happen pretty often that i run out of things to say with strangers. also: i'm one horrible storyteller!

find a good wingman

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together

lost my old one to a girl, darn!! tried one other friend as well but he sucked. whoops, no more excuses.. but yeah, the two of us just didn't get it done.

get a new job

waiting sucks. and doesnt pay the bills lol

learn how to beat box

i've been fascinated about beat boxing ever since i was a little child. even tried to learn it at age 13 or so but didn't stick to it. then i watched josh kaufman's ted talk about how you could learn everything in 20 hours ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MgBikgcWnY ) and well the first thing that popped into my mind was beat boxing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Day 1

task 1 was definitely to get them condoms. after my workout i paid a quick visit to my brother, took a shower and back into my stinky clothes lol whatever. grabbed the condoms and went to pay. there was a girl in front of me who checked out who was behind her (me) but then went on to pay. when it was my turn she was actually standing there and smiling at me and then took forever to get ready and leave. talk about approach invitation lol didnt do it tho as she was a 6 only. thinking back i should have still talked to her just for the reference.

at the gym i saw that hot girl i saw a couple of days ago for the first time there. no interaction whatsoever but i do hope ill have the balls to approach her in any way next time i see her. cant let that one go

hit main street to game now and saw a group of 4 girls walking in front of me. the one on the far right (and closest to me) ranted about how some girl gets upset so easily or whatever. i stepped in front of the group, now walking backwards, and asked how they can be so angry when it's such a beautiful day. after an initial shock they all started to laugh and i went on to say "no seriously, enjoy the weather. it's too sunny to be upset" which earned some more giggling but then i turned around again and went on. turned out they were like 13-15 lol but good enough to get me a little bit social and in a good mood.

a couple of minutes later one hot asian chick crossed my way (defo HB9). dressed all black: black boots, black leggings, black tshirt, a huge gold necklacke and a black leather jacket. damn she was hot, and smiling. didn't know if she was smiling in general or at me but at that moment i actually did think she was smiling at me, and i was full of energy so i had to stop her. so once we were close i said "hey hold on for a minute" (kinda like one of those people in shopping centers trying to sell you perfume lol). she kept walking(and smiling) so i followed her saying "i love that outfit. you look HOT in it". now she stopped and said thank you. then we had a little chit chat about where everyone's going bla bla but it wasn't going anywhere so i excused myself saying "anyway, just had to tell you i love that outfit" and then waved her goodbye.

couple of things i noticed: first of all, i was shifting my weight from one leg to the other and back all the fucking time. not even out of nervousness, just too much energy lol but pretty unsexy i guess. next, i kept my hands in my jacket pockets which is a sign of nervousness and also prevents me from doing any form of kino. lastly, i couldnt control my mouth for nothing. whenever i was speaking i got a big ass grin on my face and i couldnt stop it. tried to reenact that at home and you know what, it wasnt such a big smile after a all. it just made me look like a freaking gofer or something, WTF. desperately need to get that fixed lol

no more approaches after that tho. i kept looking for girls to open but i focused way too much on any possible signs they may give me that i didnt approach any one at all. i also caught myself staring at girls i found hot a little bit too much lol

plans to go out tonight were cancelled which i dont mind because i need to get some stuff done anyway

lessons learned

stop looking for any approach invitations and just go approach.

lower standards. it's good to have them but for now it's best to approach a wider range of girls to collect references

get body language in check (esp. that gofer smile)

on a side note and for later: learn to recognize certain opportunities. what i mean by that, the asian chick was on her way home from a meet up with a friend not stating any further plans or rush. in the future i need to use that to find out more about logistics and maybe seize the opportunity and take the girl out on an insta-date


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Day 2

Tried to do some night game yesterday. Went out with 3 female friends of mine, two who are pretty hot (great social proof). Once we hit the club we were in a great mood already and just enjoyed ourselves. Being with them, having a good mood and knowing about the game made me feel as if I was doing game already. lol! esp. since some girls were giving me looks every now and then. Frankly, that's been my mindset for the past months now which i finally came to realize last night. so i decided to roam around the club a little and talk to girls. nothing noteworthy last night. a couple of "hi's" and a couple of chats that's it. first time EVER tho that i roamed a club alone.

lessons learned

being in a club does not equal gaming. lol

make use of social proof. should have approached girls close to our group

thanks to alcohol AA wasn't an issue, but just approaching won't get the job done

Maybe i'll do some game day today, if not i'll be out tonight again anyway

- nino


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Day 3

Day 3 was awesome! started out very slow, wasnt social at all on the way to the club. there i got to know tons of ppl tho thanks to my friend and so i got social very quickly. when i then paid for my drink the barkeeper caught a lot of my hand, not sure if accidental or on purpose but i kinda have a mindset where i see everything as an IOI so i decided to talk to her a little bit (club was pretty empty still anyway). didnt get past small talk but maybe it comes in handy in the future. always good to get your face out there

we're a huge group now and ppl are definitely mirin. i saw quite a cute girl sitting on a stool looking at me all the time but she looked bored. i gestured a sad face and shrugged, to which she smiled and shrugged back. i beckoned her over but she would just copy that as well and not move so i turned to our group again. once our eyes met again i gestured to meet midway which she did. mocked her "who would go to a club just to sit in the corner all the time?" then talked a bit and made out. exchanged numbers, made out some more then two guys came over and she said she had to leave. told her i want to see her again (today i texted her: "hey X hope you got home save :) soo whats your schedule like? i know some great cafes to sit around at ;)" )

back with my ppl even one of the bouncers joins conversation now, and i start twerking. lol. spot a girl in a great mood dancing all by herself. strange outfit tho, a cocktail dress but nothing too sexy and running shoes?! whatever, i in my state started to dance toward her and then twerked right into her which she found hysterical. she was a high energy girl and it didnt take long til we made out. 2/2, yesss! asked for her number but she denied "noo just having fun." felt kinda awkward and i didnt know how to act and escaped.

spotted another girl standing around with 3 guys. all 4 not moving, and not talking at all. she looking around, sometimes at me. she wasnt dressed up at all but had a cute face. i approach from behind and asked why she was so bored. she said she wasnt and i kept at it but she said she was fine. duh! shouldnt have tried to whiteknight her.

no other approaches. what i noticed was that while i approached a couple of girls and even made out with 2 and got a number, those werent the hottest girls. i would say they all were 7s. the hottest girls still wouldnt care about our group, and the beautiful and high energy girls just got me paralyzed and i wouldnt dare to approach them.

lessons learned

social proof and being social are two powerful tools!

dont be the whiteknight

dont put the pussy on a pedestal

Day 4

imma include day 4, which was today in this post because its hardly worth mentioning. almost didnt go out because im tired as fuck (not hungover tho) but decided to do 30-60 mins regardless, staying in my area. did a couple of "hi's" but there was no effort behind it and i couldnt engage anyone in a real conversation. did learn tho that approach anxiety seems to become less of a problem already and i will have to start working on actual game (approaching isnt game in my opinion). also, the way you feel and how much energy/effort you put into it will definitely determine the outcome and influence the girl.

- nino


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Glad to see you back in the swing of things, nino! Looking forward to seeing how this progresses for you. Make sure to post any solid FRs (and especially LRs) in the field reports section for others to read and comment on. =)

- Franco
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Will sure do, Franco!

Day 5

today i decided to go for quality over quantity and try to hold some conversation. didnt go all too well and i dont really know why. tried indirect at first but didnt know how to root the question so i thought to go direct which earned some thank yous but no one would stop for me. missed one opportunity when 3 tourists asked me for directions. just told them without even asking the simplest of all things: "where are you guys from?"

lessons learned

need to transit from indirect opener as well as direct opener (which in case of direct opener def means to work more on fundamentals and persist)
dont let failures get to me. after a while of failing to make any conversation at all i kinda lacked energy thinking it simly isnt my day. not a good attitude!

also, later yesterday the girl from the club texted me back "haha ;).." thats it lol not gonna reward that lack of investment, guess it wouldnt go far anyway

- nino


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Day 6

were super tired today again but i still felt great. went out and got pretty much the same results as yesterday. only one little conversation happened when i was lost in my mind trying to list all 9 planets. couldnt figure out mercury lol i couldnt let go and wanted to search it on my phone but instead decided to ask the next passing girl. she was ok looking and i told her my problem, listed the ones i got, told her that i still consider pluto to be a proper planet and then she told me that i missed mercury and we parted ways.

two things i can take with me from that conversation: i should have involved her when listing the planets and maybe ask her about her take on pluto being a planet. just to get some sort of conversation going finally. do like the idea tho that i asked a girl for an answer, maybe i should make it a habit to instead of googling something, simply ask a girl.

- nino


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 20, 2014
Nino, I love the idea behind this, the "Game every day" aspect, now recently I've been doing a similar thing whilst going about my day (I've been unemployed for a while now, so often make excuses to leave the house and interact with someone, ANYONE, just to prevent falling back into old habits) but I never considered keeping a journal like this, detailing all the small things from each day, or even considered making it a challenge in it's self!

I'm going to borrow this idea, and just to add a little fun element to it for myself (I've started considering this as a game I play with myself, where I'm trying to out-do the "Old me") I'm going to add a weekly challenge aspect, or perhaps even daily one, just to keep it fun and not as routine. eg, as well as having your "get numbers" or "rejection challenges" etc, you can amp it up a little like "this weeks challenge, Try to get one phone number from a girl working a checkout!" or "this weeks challenge, to get the number of a woman 10 years older than me" or something, just something fun, another thing to aim towards that isn't really as important as your main goals and doesn't matter if it rolls over from week to week.

My first "week challenge" to open a girl in a bar, (I don't feel comfortable with night game, I'm not sure why but its one place that many people seem to thrive in, but I can't successfully interact with a woman in a bar, I think it puts me on the back foot, they're dressed to impress and expect to be hit on by every guy, get free drinks or play you along for their own validation, I know women who REGULARLY go out, just for the reinforcement of validation, plus there's far more competition in a small space, I just feel on the back foot from the offset!)

Keep up the work, this is a thread I'll regularly keep an eye on, I might even do one myself ;)

Happy gaming, Bro!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Thanks for stopping by, Fox. Love the idea with the challenges, will look to implement some in the future :)

Day 7

Day 7 wasn't all that great either, some AA occurred. Tried to go against it with the "hey, are you single?" opener but it just got me a "why?" and a strange look. guess i didn't deliver it all too well lol. it's funny tho, when i was completely new to the game it seemed to much easier to get some conversation going, and now i have scored one total number so far.

well, had an amazing workout today, feel full of energy today so let's see what the club brings tonight ;)

- nino


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
didn't have access to internet on the weekend so i'll summarize it in this post

Days 8-10

Friday and Saturday I did night game. Will later write a LR for Fri and a FU for Sat :)

Sunday i really had to drag myself to go out and approach girls. those 10 days have felt like an eternity now. results were accordingly bad, still struggling to hold any meaningful conversation. i think for this week, i'm going to focus on indirect openers only to learn how to transit from it to a more sexual frame. after i've learned that i'll focus on direct openers and how to get a conversation going from them.

goals for this week:
learn how to move to a meaningful conversation after indirect opener, hold conversation for at least 5 minutes.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Day 11

great weather today, felt awesome as well so, on to the streets. now i didnt really have time to do game by itself and instead decided to approach girls while going wherever i needed to go. once i left my house some girl crossed the street smiling at me, then walking in front of me. DAT ASS. damn. as we continued to walk i saw her checking me out through the reflections on the windows so i got confident and caught up with her. opened with some banter about how she is able to bear the heat with all those clothes, and that i heard that if a person cant feel temperature well, he/she is crazy. she responds well, saying i shouldnt assume anything, who says she isnt crazy. we kept joking a bit but i had to bounce so i told her "erm i know this is totally random but i actually think youre cool beans. and you do have a great ass! (she interrupted me saying that she knew i checked her out) me: i need to run but we should definitely hang out together some time". she agreed, gave me her number and i told her i would shoot her a text right now so she would have mine, which i did ("my number ;) - nino). she actually texted me right back asking why i could be in such a hurry. thinking it would be too obvious if i didnt answer back in time, i immediately texted back "errands".

well, after that success i saw a cute blonde girl, hoping for a similar approach invitation but she wouldnt look back at me and i didnt approach. need to stick to the script and not wait for IOIs as previously stated.

on the bus, another girl seemed to be interested in me (constantly looking at me, getting close, acting confused and so on). didnt have the balls to approach in such an intermediate environment tho.

no time for further game but on my way home i thought i need to approach at least one more girl today. tried the same thing about me not knowing about Mercury but it was kinda awkward. if im bad at one thing, it's acting :D

- nino


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Day 12 - Day 16

didnt bother to write last week because i waited for something noteworthy to post but it didnt happen. after school i would take a hot friend of mine and go like "hey look, imma talk to a girl now" and try to get some conversation going. was definitely helpful, but ofc it wouldnt lead anywhere meaningful.

did some night game on Friday , got to know a chick who was completely into me. unfortunately, after the cab right to the club i lost my beer goggles and naa, she wasnt even good enough to fuck once lol.

on Saturday i noticed two things, one positive, one negative. i dont know why, but so many girls were smiling at me. negative part, on occasion when i noticed a girl checking me out i would make weird facial expressions. need to keep that in check.

We'll see what today brings


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Day 17 - Day 21

I remember sunday i had lots of energy but got nothing meaningful going on. and i started to fall into a state of self-pity, doing game every day but not really working at it. so i decided to work on my game all the time. at home i would improve my fundamentals in front of the mirror, at school id talk to every stranger before class, around my friends i told more stories than ever before and i would also analyze how my high quality friends tell stories.

then yesterday, day 21, was such a beautiful weather and i got nothing to do. so i went out and wouldnt go home until i had 5 minute conversations with at least three different girls, which i managed and even got two numbers.

and now that im writing this i remember the number i got earlier last week, completely forgot about her lol. will shoot her a text now and see what happens.

today it's night game again.

- nino


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Enjoying the read, Nino. Excited to see how this challenge unfolds.

Also worth noting how fast you shook off the rust and produced some results - it'd been so long you stopped keeping condoms, and then 11 days in you slept with a new girl.

Skill's a big part of it, fundamentals are too, but so are numbers. Anytime a guy REALLY wants to know "How can I get laid as fast as possible?" my answer's always the same: go start meeting new girls and keeping meeting more of them until you find one to take home.

If you have decent social awareness and you're halfway decent/smooth at game and aren't afraid to make moves and pull, if you go out and really burn it down and approach until you have someone to take home with you you can pull it out reasonably often even, just by playing the numbers game.

Anyway, nice going, and if you keep this up you're going to see some big transformations over the next year.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Thanks for stopping by, Chase!

Days 22 - 27

Friday after pre-gaming with my friends (I had one drink only) I went out alone. Hit up a bar where I found a huge group of people. I joined, enjoyed myself a ton and got to know lots of people. Almost took one girl home but she then decided to stay in the cab and on to her apartment. Whatever, free ride home and it felt great being able to entertain so many strangers without a bit of nervousness.

Day game wise I've been improving a little bit. Like I said, I focused on indirect game. Did finally manage to hold some conversation but as usual it wouldn't go anywhere. Need to learn to go on from small talk. Which I tried yesterday but when I asked for one girl's number she declined. Don't remember exactly what went wrong but I think I should now start to post more regularly again so that I remember everything and thus can analyze my mistakes.

Also went on two dates. First was quite okay, not going anywhere but it wasn't awkward. Kinda something where you say, "Okay, spent two hours chatting with someone. No time wasted but nothing to add to my life either". lol Second date was with that one girl who had such a great ass (think day 11?). Wow she is lots of fun! High energy girl, we both had an amazing time and got along super well. But again, nothing that would lead to sex. I used too little kino (she actually did touch me quite often) and only added a few sexual jokes every here and there but I guess I didn't really indicate my real indications. Will definitely see her again, don't care if it will lead anywhere or just friends because she sure is a high value person to add to my social circle.
