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- Jul 5, 2013
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Posted this FR earlier this week and wanted to finish the story of the seduction.
Part I: FR
Part II: LR
I end up having to flake on her for the comedy show and we set up a time to cook dinner together at my place a few days later instead. She comes by and gives me a nervous hug. We talk and get relaxed then cook some stir fried vegetables. I'd been in my head before she came by -- reading philosophy and worrying about my business a bit too much -- but was able to pull myself out of my head with some meditation and push ups. She mentions that she likes TED Talks and I had one already loaded on my computer from earlier in the day and tell her when we finish dinner we should go watch it. We go to the bedroom and watch the TED Talk, which interestingly happens to be about seduction, a fact I had forgotten (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBIL2sdfoVc). She is a sociology masters so I figure she wouldn't be confused or wierded out by it, and I was right. I tell her about some Italian romancer friends I have and she says she wishes she knew people who were that uninhibited in their sexuality. I just smile. I pause the video before it's over and relate a movie that we'd talked about earlier to it and she takes the bait and suggests we watch it, which I agree to. I get up and go make some tea and she goes to the bathroom then comes over to the kitchen and, in between normal conversation, I manhandle kiss her. She tries to continue conversation with me after that but seems unable to string together a coherent sentence at this point. I tease her for trying to seduce me as we go to the bedroom. I pull up the movie on my computer and we sit down on the bed. I pull her into me and we immediately begin to make out, escalating quickly to passionate sex with no resistance.
A few hours later she leaves doe-eyed and happy, having gotten what she came over for and asking if she could cook me dinner over the weekend. Preselection and a sprinkling of chase frames is a large part of what made this one of the smoothest seductions I've ever had. I've been with a lot of entitled college age girls lately so it's refreshing to be with someone who's already gone through that phase. Her lack of entitlement may also have something to do with her lack of token resistance as well, as usually I get at least some. But for me, lots of resistance, no resistance, I think both are great
Text exchange this morning:
Me: Hey XX, fun hanging out with you yesterday; hope you have a great day today!
XX: You too, Oskar
You are excellent company indeed. I look forward to seeing you again soon..
Extremely grateful to GirlsChase for existing -- so here's to you, Chase. This site is like an island of good advise surrounded by a sea of hearsay and jackassery.
Part I: FR
Oskar said:At home on Sunday drinking wine and working on a freelance project -- a thing about narcissistic men -- and I look at my phone. A guy I'd met outside a coffee shop the other day had texted me an hour previously saying that my "presence has been requested at <some bar>." I'm curious, so I give him a call and a girl I met briefly at a party back in September is on the line. We chat and she asks me to come out. I say sure, but we should meet at the bar next door since I don't like the bar they're at that much.
Go out and run into the girl outside the other bar so we talk then go next door. She's fun but a bit distant and worried about where our mutual friend is, so she calls him and he doesn't answer. Eventually he comes over and only exchanges a bit of small talk with me and is rather cold, which I only subconsciously am aware of at the time -- being more focused on helping everyone have a better time from wherever they are at. After a bit the girl goes in the back and he seems to relax a bit and I jokingly ask him if he is trying to sleep with her (thinking that of course he wouldn't or else why on earth would he invite me out) and he says no. So I'm like "alright, you're acting weird dude. What's up?" And he says "nothing" so we go in the back and hang with the girl some more. She is clearly getting bored and mentions going home, so I say we should venue change and go somewhere more lively. We are walking and run into other people and they say they'll come with us. But when we are going they break off with another group of people and it ends up just me and the girl at the next venue. We have a drink and she warms up to me greatly and we are getting pretty physically intimate. We have a great time and she is telling me she wants me which means I need to move it along. She gets a text from my friend which she shows me -- apparently he went home and he wanted her to come by when she was done. This is the first time I realized that he was actually trying to get with this girl! He was annoyed at me for coming and it was she who invited me, not him. Poor guy, I think. I jokingly tell her she should go sleep with him and she laughs and says that they made out once but he was passionless so she won't, even though he is good looking and cool. She wants him as a friend now...
Here's a fun exchange I just remembered:
Her: How old are you?
Me: I don't know, how old are you?
Her: I'm 29.
Me: 29! Ugh, you're old enough to be my mom
<she hits me playfully>
Me: But really, when do you think your business will finally be ready to launch?
Her: I'm still trying to work out...
Some guys at the bar gave us free tickets to a comedy show for the next day and we decided that we'd go. She keeps telling me I'm turning her on so I get her out of there fast and have her walk me to my bike. I try and get her to walk me home but she wants to get some food first, so we walk by a food truck. She is a bit nervous and I see she is cooling down fast so I start making out with her, but I can tell she has decided to not come home with me this night already so I don't push anymore and leave before she does-- saying I have to get up early. We confirm that we'll be going to the show together then part ways.
I'm guessing that there will be a good bit of resistance tonight (if she doesn't flake) and that I'll need to think outside the box to get her home with me. I'll let y'all know what happens
Part II: LR
I end up having to flake on her for the comedy show and we set up a time to cook dinner together at my place a few days later instead. She comes by and gives me a nervous hug. We talk and get relaxed then cook some stir fried vegetables. I'd been in my head before she came by -- reading philosophy and worrying about my business a bit too much -- but was able to pull myself out of my head with some meditation and push ups. She mentions that she likes TED Talks and I had one already loaded on my computer from earlier in the day and tell her when we finish dinner we should go watch it. We go to the bedroom and watch the TED Talk, which interestingly happens to be about seduction, a fact I had forgotten (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBIL2sdfoVc). She is a sociology masters so I figure she wouldn't be confused or wierded out by it, and I was right. I tell her about some Italian romancer friends I have and she says she wishes she knew people who were that uninhibited in their sexuality. I just smile. I pause the video before it's over and relate a movie that we'd talked about earlier to it and she takes the bait and suggests we watch it, which I agree to. I get up and go make some tea and she goes to the bathroom then comes over to the kitchen and, in between normal conversation, I manhandle kiss her. She tries to continue conversation with me after that but seems unable to string together a coherent sentence at this point. I tease her for trying to seduce me as we go to the bedroom. I pull up the movie on my computer and we sit down on the bed. I pull her into me and we immediately begin to make out, escalating quickly to passionate sex with no resistance.
A few hours later she leaves doe-eyed and happy, having gotten what she came over for and asking if she could cook me dinner over the weekend. Preselection and a sprinkling of chase frames is a large part of what made this one of the smoothest seductions I've ever had. I've been with a lot of entitled college age girls lately so it's refreshing to be with someone who's already gone through that phase. Her lack of entitlement may also have something to do with her lack of token resistance as well, as usually I get at least some. But for me, lots of resistance, no resistance, I think both are great
Text exchange this morning:
Me: Hey XX, fun hanging out with you yesterday; hope you have a great day today!
XX: You too, Oskar
Extremely grateful to GirlsChase for existing -- so here's to you, Chase. This site is like an island of good advise surrounded by a sea of hearsay and jackassery.