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FU  Non-responsive Bi-Sexual/Lesbian threesome, in a car, with HS girls?? What?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2014
Overview: Really confusing, I have no idea what to make of it... I got 2 promiscuous girls into my car, but I felt kinda bored and asexual, and the girls didn't seem responsive to me, even though they came to my car to makeout with me(their words), and even though they were fingering and kissing eachother and I kissed one of them. I would really appreciate some guidance.

I was strolling along in a mall, and I notice a pair of girls walking toward me, as we pass each other the cuter girl (Girl A) looks at me in a "Ah..he's hot" kinda way.

This is what happens to me at the mall, so I don't think much of it............. and then it starts...

An hour later I enter a store the 2 girls were in,

I hold up a ladies shirt that says "Sexy Bitch" on it as if I'm seeing whether its my size, it all went down a little like this:

Mak: Hey, do you guys think this is my size?

*girls laugh*

Girl A: Ya, I think it is

Mak: I think it would really look good on me, I am such a sexy bitch

*more giggles*

I hold the shirt up to Girl A and say

Mak: Hmmmm, it would look really good on you too, you're also a sexy bitch (sexual frame!?)

*Upon this welcoming reception, a fair amount of blood rushes to my junk (this might be important later)

We all banter for a minute, then Girl A asks my name, so we exchange names. She asks how old I am, and we banter about that for a while, she says "I'm any age you want me to be" (she thought I was 21, and didn't want to reveal her age because she was 15)

The girls and me begin walking around the mall, Girl A and I ask each other questions.

While we were walking around, and (SPOILER ALERT) once we got to my car I found out that
- these two girls have been smoking and drinking all week
- they go to alot of parties and makeout with guys just because (Girl A said she "had to" make out with some guy because Girl B was making out with some other guy and she and the guy were just waiting with nothing to do)
- Girl A has tried cocaine, has kissed a guy for marijuana
- Girl A showed me a picture of her and a 27 year old guy making out
- Girl A is "Bi-Sexual" and regularly kisses and fingers Girl B
- Girl A says she wishes she had a penis because she thinks blowjobs would feel good
- Girl A has a brother in rehab and she thinks he is hot
- Girl A talks to ghosts

Anyway, Girl A asks if I have a car, I say yes, she is like "Lets go to your car" !!JACKPOT!! .... not really

We get to the car, all get comfortable in the backseat, talk about nonsense, Girl A asks for my number and then proceeds to take like 100 selfies with us.... and then we go back to the mall?! (Was this an escalation window that I missed? I didn't feel sexually aroused at all for some reason, and I didn't feel much from Girl A either.... but Girl A wasn't receptive the next time we got back in the car, so it must've been a missed escalation window??)

We walk around for 30 minutes, I get moderate compliance from Girl A and continue getting some investment and relatability

Girl A says "This is boring, Lets go back to the car" and says that I should sit in the middle. !!JACKPOT!!

We get back inside and then it gets wierd....... my memory is really hazy but here is the gist:

We get inside (me in the middle), we have some light chatting

The rest is a hazey blur, I don't know the order in which most of these events occurred

- Girl A straddles me and sits on top of me, somehow I feel not sexually aroused at all, and I feel no sexual feeling of any kind from her when I touch her, then Girl A tells me to give her a hickie. I did the stuff I normally do when about to make out with a girl, but I felt nothing from her and nothing from myself, I didn't kiss Girl A at all.....

- Girl A and B make out, on top of me (Still no erection! and I didn't even want to have an erection, I was just bored!! WTF)

- Girl A begins to finger Girl B, while Girl B is laying on top of me, when me and Girl B got our faces close, I sensed some sexual energy from her and we kissed pretty naturally and easily ( I'm still not sexually aroused, I felt nothing but saliva when kissing Girl B...)

- Whenever Girl B touched Girl A, Girl A was very clearly sexually aroused, but whenever I touched Girl A... there was absolutely nothing

- Girl A asks in passing whilst fingering Girl B if I'd "like to finger" her(Girl A), I say "Sure" (still bored, not looking at them that much), the fingering of Girl A never happened

- [i]And they would constantly stop to text, and do stuff with their phones for a few moments before resuming[/i] .... as if they didn't really care about what they were doing

The end is more clear to me, Girl A mentioned that they had to leave soon and....

Girl A fingers and makes out with Girl B while laying on me,

I felt like this was going nowhere, so I might as well try some shit

*I move my head closer to them, and I start touching/caressing Girl A around her thighs and ass, in the hopes that I would get some sort of sexual response*

*Because this is obviously not working, I try to pull Girl A on top of me to try to get some sexual energy and kissing going*

Girl A blurts out that I need to stop doing that and that I'm "like a lion that really wants it, but doesn't know how to get it", they go back to it again

This made me feel kinda bad, but mostly even more bored than I already was. I turned away and started playing music through my Bluetooth(TM) and was otherwise playing with my phone (They were still doing the whole kissing/texting/fingering nonsense)

Girl A said she was about to go

Girl A : *noticing my increasing boredom* "Did you have fun?

Mak: *shakes head no*

*a few moments pass*

Girl A: [b]"I can make out with you for a few minutes" [/b] --- bitch please

Mak: "I don't want your charity" (I knew it would probably hurt my future chances with them, but I didn't care)

Girl A: "We only came to your car to make out with you" --- bitch please 2.0

At that point, there was a "its over, time to go home" vibe, they said they're going to go back to the mall, I wish them goodnight they tell me to "hit them up" and they get outa my car.

So, what happened and what did I do wrong?

[b]I felt like we were operating at different frequencies,[/b] maybe it was because of how sexually experienced they were or how emotionally dissociated they seemed to be from their sexual practices. The things I naturally do with girls that have always worked in the past seemed to have no effect, and girls doing things that would normally give me rock-hard erections had no effect on me.

Another thing is, it felt like they were doing all the work for me. They ask my name, they ask for my phone number, they ask to go inside my car to makeout.

I felt no sexual energy of anykind from Girl A, and only a tiny bit from Girl B. And while Girl A was aroused from just being touched by Girl B, nothing I did seemed to arouse Girl A (or Girl B, to a lesser extent)

This was the very first time I have been with a girl in a place where I could have escalated to sex, and there were two of them!... so maybe this was just so new to me that I made it wierd?

This all felt so out of synch to me, what went wrong?

On the bright side, this was technically, according to Wikipedia, a type of threesome so... thats fantastic
... one less thing to worry about
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 27, 2014
Re: FU: Non-responsive Bi-Sexual/Lesbian threesome, in a car, with HS girls?? Wh

It sounds like you either:

a) Plainly weren't that attracted to them.
b) It was too easy for you. (We are like women in that we like a challenge.)
c) Not comfortable in that type of situation because of your inexperience in that type of situation or they seem like some seedy ass girls.

Who knows, at the end of the day maybe you avoided some STDs.