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Non-verbal magic (touch and visual escalation)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
It's been a while since I have written something.

I wasn't planning to go out yesterday night. I forced myself to do it and I played with something today for the first time in a party and it's been incredibly powerful.

I've been going out a lot and yesterday night was the first party since I started to. A nice BBQ. I came in with a great vibe, relaxed, not paying much attention to anyone (just as I behave) and focusing on one thing at a time. After a little while I introduced myself to everyone (we all were near to each other). Then I was kind of quiet most of the time. I just focus my attention on whoever and didn't even moved. Just listened.

Of course, girls start chasing you because you aren't noticing them.

With girls that are next to you

Touching will be easy to do. In fact, they will start the process. You are so fucking focus that they must make you notice them. They will touch you first. Some kind of nudge in any part of your body.

And then it's all about mirroring her while keeping your attention on the same thing you were. Touch her the way she did it to you. The escalation will go from less to more intimate body parts. The first touch will be initiated by her if you successfully didn't focus on her and continue to concentrate on whatever you were paying attention to (you could jump start the process by touching her first if you want. Just don't start touching to quickly).

Once she touches you, touch her back (do not do it immediately so it doesn't looks like you are reacting, make her crave for your touch). Touch the same part of her body she used to touch you (if it was her foot, touch her with your foot, her arm? use yours, you get the idea).

Then wait. She will again seek for your touch. When she does, just repeat. She will start escalating, I assure you. Next time she will up the intensity of the touch. Match the intensity. Eventually she will use a more intimate part of her body -she will do so each time she escalates. Of course, then you will touch that part of her body. It could go something like this:

• Her foot, your foot, her waist, your waist, her arm, your arm.

If for some reason you wait some time and she is not touching you back, it means that you did something that made her feel uncomfortable and she had to end the non-verbal interaction. Probably it had to do with intensity. You used more than hers to a degree which make her feel umconfortable. Don't worry, just touch her again and see if she will restart (you may even ignore her and she probably would start it again). For safe, touch her in a less intimate body part -one step back, two steps back tops. Escalation will be quicker up to the point where she felt uncomfortable. Then just escalate slowly.

Eventually you will be touching all the time. It may be in this time when she could stop escalating. Any time she stops escalating by herself do it yourself -softly, gently. In this case, because you are touching all the time, you might brush against her, very gently, with a less sexual body part of yours. She will do the same and you'll continue mirroring.

Then you'll probably have her ass near your hand. The same, brush, let her come to your hand. She may feel umconfortable at many times and will do things. Just remember to keep your body part you are using to touch her in the exact same place every time you touch and she gets away (unless you are doing something very sexual with your touch and you don't want someone else noticing your, like your hand caressing her ass).

With girls that aren't next to you

This is some magic stuff, really. Whenever a girls is not close to you or is no longer close to you (she left somewhere and didn't stand next to you when she returned, or felt uncomfortable and move away from you) you will do the following.

First, if she moves away from you, you should keep your attention and focus on the same thing you where paying attention to just before she did so. You should not even react when she moves.

After a while you will shift your attention to her. To do this you should move your body to a position where is natural and comfortable to look at her direction. You will look at her shoes. This is where the funny thing happens. She will flirt with her legs. Just continue looking. She will move the position of her legs. Just keep looking there. She will flirt again and move away. Now, you don't have a tactile feedback. It's not as easy to detect her signals when there is no touch feedback. You will have to learn to detect visual feedback. She will pose for you, and then move, then she will return to posing, then move, then you escalate. To do so, just start looking up. Look at her thighs, after a while her crotch, her waist, near her tits -it's more classy than staring at her breast-, neck, hairline, face in general, eyes (although, in the field report I have posted, I never made eye contact when doing this type of visual non-verbal escalation -when we weren't close to each other).

With this, girls will want then to get closer to you for sure. If she does it when you are alone, talk to her. It doesn't make sense to escalate non-verbally and not say a single word. You will have a warm reception for sure. Talk and escalate in the same fashion we talked about in "with girls that are next to you". If she does it when you are still with people you just need to keep your attention and focus on the same thing (a guy talking, etc.) and start your non-verbal escalation.


PS: I have posted an outing report in the Field Report board where I apply all these.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers