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Nonverbal Beckons to Use with Girls


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Just a little thing here, nothing too revolutionary, but not every guy does this all the time so I figure it's worth a post.

I'm a big fan of nonverbally beckoning girls. It generates compliance and is generally difficult to say no to.

  • Sit down while talking to a girl, and if she doesn't also sit, pat the seat next to you for her to sit down.

  • If you want a girl to follow you, wag your finger at her in a "come hither" motion (can have her take your arm once she reaches you)

  • You can also use this to open new girls you haven't talked to yet. If there's good eye contact and you're both standing in a bar, for instance, use your finger to beckon her over. You will be surprised how often this works... and now the whole venue has watched a good-looking girl approach YOU (very nice for preselection)

  • If you want her to kiss you, lean in close to her, smile mischievously, and tap your lips a few times with your finger

  • Can also ease into that by doing the same, tapping one of your cheeks for her to kiss you there, then the other, then your lips

  • If you're further along with her and want her to sit on your lap, use both hands to slap your thighs like you would for a dog to jump up

  • If she's seated instead of standing, use your hand to motion for her to stand up first; then after she does so, do the lap pat for her to sit on your lap

  • If she asks you how she looks, make the "spin around" gesture with your finger to have her turn herself around for you to inspect

  • If you want her to undress, you can motion for her to do this -- pretend to lift up your shirt, then point at her; or pretend to unbutton your jeans, then point
The fun thing is if she tries resisting verbally ("No, haha, I am not doing that!") you just keep insisting nonverbally while smiling mischievously. You insist nonverbally; she resists verbally; and she can feel the power shifting your way because she is using the higher effort response.

What if she still resists after you've insisted a bit and you don't want to push it?

Just shrug, nod your head in a "Eh, oh well" way and go back to whatever you were doing. It costs you virtually nothing.

But, overall, compliance is higher to nonverbal beckons than verbal requests or commands in my experience.

Plus, they are more entertaining.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
You can also use this to open new girls you haven't talked to yet. If there's good eye contact and you're both standing in a bar, for instance, use your finger to beckon her over. You will be surprised how often this works... and now the whole venue has watched a good-looking girl approach YOU (very nice for preselection)
Helll yeaaah
she resists verbally; and she can feel the power shifting your way because she is using the higher effort response.
yess... I can feel the darkness flowing through me


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I like these ones.

When I was starting, I had a season where I made a point of using as much non-verbal communication as possible.
If you are not used to it, you quickly realize the interesting power dynamics that you can create just by creating a big difference in how much you speak vs how much she speaks.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Most simple thing you can do when you both are walking side-by-side (usually after the first bounce on a date):
- just offer her your arm
It's not as big of a compliance as holding hands, but it's very useful to quickly achieve leadership and comfort.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Most simple thing you can do when you both are walking side-by-side (usually after the first bounce on a date):
- just offer her your arm
It's not as big of a compliance as holding hands, but it's very useful to quickly achieve leadership and comfort.
yeah this one is the one i do the most also when there are 2 girls i do similar(each side by side) here is what @POB is saying guys:


Humble brag i used to snap fingers and point at my dick with some of the girls i was sleeping with and they would blow me, BUT last girls i been seeing specially mrs. skills did not work in fact totally backfired...lol...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
So going off the idea that this is a dominance gesture that works with people in general, I tried using almost exclusively nonverbal gestures to lead my wingman around the infield today while we did recon and carried on a conversation about our next expedition tomorrow. It works really well if your dominance has already been established.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

So going off the idea that this is a dominance gesture that works with people in general, I tried using almost exclusively nonverbal gestures to lead my wingman around the infield today while we did recon and carried on a conversation about our next expedition tomorrow. It works really well if your dominance has already been established.

While this is a funny anecdote, I will just caution you against using PUA techniques on other PUAs.

This is one of the big complaints I have heard (and have had myself) from guys with more natural leanings from hanging out with PUA guys: "I always feel like that guy is trying to use PU on me."

Girls who like you like this stuff, because they like being dominated and seduced by a guy they like.

You should really only use domination tactics on other men if you're trying to tool them / push them down in rank relative to you.

I mean, I don't know the relationship here... maybe your wingman is a real social climbing dick and totally had it coming.

Otherwise, best to save the domination tactics for girls who like you and guys who are jerks.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
While this is a funny anecdote, I will just caution you against using PUA techniques on other PUAs.

This is one of the big complaints I have heard (and have had myself) from guys with more natural leanings from hanging out with PUA guys: "I always feel like that guy is trying to use PU on me."

Girls who like you like this stuff, because they like being dominated and seduced by a guy they like.

You should really only use domination tactics on other men if you're trying to tool them / push them down in rank relative to you.

I mean, I don't know the relationship here... maybe your wingman is a real social climbing dick and totally had it coming.

Otherwise, best to save the domination tactics for girls who like you and guys who are jerks.

Fair but it really wasn’t like that. It wasn’t intended as a gamey way to force dominance but more as an efficiency hack to let us continue talking and observing crowds, girls, and terrain without interruption. I usually decide where we go anyway, as the taller, older, and slightly less green partner.
I’ve also been told by other friends that I have a “powerful presence” so it might come off differently than if someone else were to do it.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

While this is a funny anecdote, I will just caution you against using PUA techniques on other PUAs.

This is one of the big complaints I have heard (and have had myself) from guys with more natural leanings from hanging out with PUA guys: "I always feel like that guy is trying to use PU on me."

Girls who like you like this stuff, because they like being dominated and seduced by a guy they like.

You should really only use domination tactics on other men if you're trying to tool them / push them down in rank relative to you.

I mean, I don't know the relationship here... maybe your wingman is a real social climbing dick and totally had it coming.

Otherwise, best to save the domination tactics for girls who like you and guys who are jerks.

yeah super annoying, same with chats, forums and groups! i usually call it out! and when there are actually genuine problems or concerns in good faith! the pua guys think you are running some type of game or tactic, vs a genuine concern, total projections so you go in circles and circles never getting to a solution,..... When neil pointed this out about tyler in the book the game, i thought he was making it up to make the book more entertaining, then i realize this is a reality, sad tbh....


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
yeah this one is the one i do the most also when there are 2 girls i do similar(each side by side) here is what @POB is saying guys:


Humble brag i used to snap fingers and point at my dick with some of the girls i was sleeping with and they would blow me, BUT last girls i been seeing specially mrs. skills did not work in fact totally backfired...lol...
If you don't have a pocket, just put your hand on your own belly button.

Never do this because you will get tired fast:

Possible transitions:
- hand on her shoulder
- hand on her waist
I avoid hand-on-hand bc kinda of weak and BF vibes, but that's just me.
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