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Noobslay3r's sick 360 no scopes (journal)


Jan 2, 2020

I wanna use this as a bit of an outlet for that desire to write shit while also reflecting on lessons learned, possibly getting some feedback, and having a tiny speck of accountability since I don’t really have anyone in real life to fall back on.

About me:
-30 years old
-6’2” and a decently muscular 240 lbs (makes up for an ugly face)
-Used to be an aspiring pro strongman
-Former oil worker turned bouncer turned unemployed, but bouncing may be in the cards in the future

After a lifetime of pathetic social skills and little success with girls, I've grown leaps and bounds in the past year and a half after starting work as a bouncer on 6th street in Austin (and from there moved on to a strip club and pool hall in a rougher part of town). You could count on one hand how many times I'd even been in a bar when I got my first job on 6th. The first time I ever actually went inside a strip club was my first day of work as a bouncer at one. I just went a bar by myself as a customer for the second time ever about a month ago.

So I built up a ton of muscle that I finally got to show off when I dropped 100 lbs and it has brought me a decent amount of female attention for the first time in my life. I've been really treating my body poorly the last few months and lost a good bit of muscle and put on some fat, but I'm still ahead of the curve physique-wise.

Slept with 9 women from January to July of 2019 then kind of took a break from dating (and life), but all were either girls who approached me at work when I was at that pool hall (poor prospects compared to 6th street) or from Tinder/Bumble. I'm tired of sitting around waiting for girls to come to me, especially when I know I've probably missed out on a lot of girls who were just waiting for me to approach them first (something I NEVER DO).

I discovered this shit in December and I got kind of a lucky LR out of my first night out after reading up on articles for a week or two. I'll share that soon I suppose.

I might post some random musings in here and maybe share a story or two....we shall see. For the most part I want to start setting goals, though, and posting about accomplishing those goals in here.

A big goal is to get back in the gym and get back on diet with consistency and to get SHREDDED for the first time in my life.


Jan 2, 2020
I’ve been Out of town at my parents’ for Christmas and New Years, but I got back to Austin yesterday and decided to go see my buddy who’s a bartender downtown. Bars really dead, which is awesome because I got to catch up with my buddy who I hadn’t seen since July.

Eventually a group came and it seemed like they were there because of my friend. Two girls and a guy....one girl was bangable. Bangable girl was pretty quick to engage with me (pre-selection with my bartender buddy helped I’m sure) and was very touchy feely from the start.

Even my noob ass could’ve made something happen or at least got a number, but I have a problem on getting hung up about the presence of other guys. All the signs pointed at the guy in her group just being a roommate, but in the moment my mind always has that “what if they’re together and you end up looking like an idiot for not realizing it” voice that chirps at me. Additionally, I didn’t know if my buddy had a thing for her or not. Then on top of it all, I’ve noticed more and more I have this weird sense of shame about making moves on girls when I have friends watching. I guess I don’t wanna get shit from them about possibly getting rejected.

One hang up that I’ve seen some people deal with is fear of going out alone. I definitely don’t have any fear of this....probably from my experience as a bouncer spending lots of time alone in bars. So at this point I’m thinking I might prefer going solo.

Anyways the bangable one eventually gives me a hug and leaves with her group that’s dragging her back home. My buddy filled me in that they’ve been there once before and the other (non-bangable) girl really wanted him. He also would bang the bangable one, but he was secretly rooting for me to do something as he could tell I was into her. So of course all those dumb thoughts in my head were hogwash. Gotta stop imagining all these problems that aren’t real and assume attraction.

On another note, I got offered a job bouncing on 6th again. I’m gonna be going on a trial night tonight. I’m hesitant about getting back into bouncing again, particularly on 6th....and I’ve been clear about this with the guy hiring me. I know my worth and know that I’m a cut above the rest when it comes to most bouncers on 6th street and the manager also knows this so they are willing to work with whatever kind of schedule I choose. This trial night is about deciding if I like them, not about if they like me.

I think I’m gonna make a more in-depth post in another section to discuss the potential pros and cons of being a bouncer....both generally and personally.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
Love it, keep it up, keep going out!

Game is all about consistency.