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Norwegian journal


Oct 29, 2013
This is my journal where i write things down to get better.
Im from norway
18 years old
Avarage/good looking
I am not a quite person but i lived for the most on the country side and haven't gotten any chance to talk much to women, and i know i am pretty bad at it, even though Im not very ugly or very shy.

Excuse my english its pretty bad but it is my secound language.

I have recently moved to a smaller city about 50 000- 60 000 citisens.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Oct 29, 2013
There's a girl at the gym and she is pretty cute, i have startet to talk to her, and she seemed very interested, i wanted to ask her out but could not find the courage to do it. I have met her, and talked to her at the gym for about 5 times for 20 min or so. so at the fifth time i talked to here and we got to a peak, i was wondering (pretty casual) if she wanted to take a coffee or something. She smiled and said yes i would like that, and i didnt have my phone on me, and i messed up, instead of asking for here phone number i asked if she had snapchat..
She was happy to write down her snapchat to me but when i came home, the note on my arm were gone, but i remebered it, it was a easy name to remeber, so i sent her a snap about how lucky she was that i had a good memori (in a kinda funny way) and took a picture of the wanished pen writing on my arm. she didnt open it untill the next day, but she didnt reply, later that day i asked her what she was up to with a picture of my face.. but she never replied. maybe because she was afraid, what to do when she dosent text back article have some good points and she is even more likely to not send a picture to an stranger like me..
havent met her since, but i will meet here and try to catch up with her.

AND this time i will get her phone number!


Oct 29, 2013
I was on an party
i tried alot of different things:
Hi are you single?
yes are you?
Bet theres many singles here she said and walked off
did not work at a party

I sat down and talked to a friend and he went off and somebody wanted our tabele but i waved them off but said to one of the girls to come and sit down, and we started talking, this thing works, but my head wasent in the game, i try to deep dive, but i ended up talking about mu feelings and she talked abaout hers, pretty sad things, but she didnt walk off she asked me if i wanted to dance, i said yes, the danccefloor was full and she wanted to find here cusine, and i as dumb as a dog followed her for 5 min.. so she said she look at the girls bathroom. i walked off started speaking with other peeps
sitting down and asking another girl to sit down works good
but i was pretty bad at deep diving i did get to know what she does for a living but i didnt ask why she did that or what she likes about it so the conversation got more depressing..
later that night at closing time i didnt get any good interactions with any other girl so i met here again and i stupidly tried to kiss here (i was drunk) and she declined.. that didnt look very pretty haha but i was drunk, i will be sure not to drink as much next time.

So rest of the night didnt go very well, i girls i met ran off, and those i manage to start talking to, those ran off because i was just small talking.


Oct 29, 2013
i have been on two outings with the goal of talking with women, i go to the mall, but it is so hard! I cant seem to find a girl who isnt with her girl friend, and look attractive, and when i do i fail to stop here and talk to here. i beat myself up for it every time. i get intimidating with fear and i cant seem to do it, but il guess i just need to be alot more social and talk to everyone i run into!

So i went to another party/consert it was fun i had a little dancefloor game, i took the girl in here hand and spinned here araound and it worked most of the time, but i gues, i was too drunk this time too, i (scared off) alot of girls too, but it worked with aboaut 4 i didnt talk much with them though, i didt try either, just this one chic i tried to get away from the dancefloor very fast but she wanted to dance so i danced a little more with here..

So i only met one girl i talked to and deep dived with, it was great.. but all the other ones i eiter failed to start talking to or i got rejected or i messed up with deep dive so they went away.. i approached about 15-20.. -.-
the one i actually related to went good for an hour or so but then we got bored, so i gues i could be better to ask the right questions.

So i think i need to be a little bit less needy and not so eager.

So the whole night sucked actually.. my friends seemed to find themselves some girls, and i again did not, even though i am the best looking, and i wouldnt get in bed with any of those girls anyway, sure i could approach them for practise..


that night wasent all that good, i think maybe day game will be easier, so it defently gave me some curage to start being serious abaout day game!

sure u guys can read, and answer
i know my english sucks!
but this is mainly only for self education i write these things so i know what im doing wrong and fix it better!