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Observations  Not necessarily Women are unhappy with work. Perhaps we are wrong


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

There's a tendency of men to want to label women as mothers, 'they belong in the kitchen', 'you suppose to take care of the baby instead of me'. I find that i was actually getting sucked into the realm of the feminism and men who think women feel happier when they are at home (and there's research that there is).

Then i was thinking about a mental model that i posted here in the past. About consciousness, beliefs.

What if we are wrong? What if... we are taking women at surface level? What if we are too ingrained in what we believe in?

Here's why i am trying to break the mold here. Because this points break the mold for me.

1)Women are genuinely confused when friends ask what they want in a guy
2)Women don't feel 'biological urge' to be mothers
3)Women are consistent with work

I thought to myself. In life, principles always comes first. You can plant a tomato in cornfield and you can pray all you want with law of attraction. IT still not gonna work most of the time. What if we are looking at "beliefs" about women and it is a fundamental flaw? Just maybe, it is the principle?

Women are the "feeling" aspect of things. Men are the "object (end result)" aspect of things.

Give men.... porn and he completes the feeling aspect of him. Give men.... football(soccer) and he forgets about women. He doesn't need women. But reality, it hurts him if he wants to find a real women. So how does it plays for women?

Give women jobs ("object"), and she goes in a cycle.
Give women to park a car, she can't park it as well as men because of end result of parking the car. Her "object" is parking the car, there is no end result.
Given women sperm, and she breeds a baby. (Hilarious as this can be)
Give women inspiration, and she is inspirational
Women attracted to passion because it represents feelings. (which is them)
Women attracted to popular rock stars because it represents pillar, status and feelings/passion (which is them)

What if we were wrong all this while? Human history shows we are adaptable. Just maybe women replace men (object) with work?

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Well, work is not a replacement for men any more than video gaming is one for women. It's a poor man's replacement.

Women work to increase their security. It's safer to depend on yourself than it is to depend on someone else. But work is rarely a source of meaning or happiness, unless maybe she's a scientist discovering new things she's passionate about, or she's a writer crafting books with characters she loves, or something like this.

While a woman isn't always happy all the time with a boyfriend or husband, a good one provides enough of an emotional arc that she's happy some of the time, and he contributes to her feeling of meaning by giving her children and a purpose to hitch her cart to (if he's a purpose-driven man).

For many women, college and a career is a way of putting themselves around the kinds of men they want to mate with and marry at some point. Girls who want men with office jobs work in offices. Girls who want to date surfers work in surf shops. Etc. In the 1940s they called a woman going to college "Getting her MRS degree" - that's "MRS" as in "Mrs." (missus). She's husband hunting. Nowadays women put marriage off longer, but a whole heck of a lot of them still don't last longer than 5 or 6 years in the corporate world before they drop out to raise a family, and only work part-time or not at all after that.

Work is a means to an end for women, just like it is for men, except in rare cases (for both sexes). It's only that the ends are slightly different; both use work for more security and lifestyle construction, but women also use later on it as a vehicle for meeting future husbands, while men use it later on as one for supporting their families (women may do this too, but not nearly to the extent men do).



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

i noted a response to you. I hope you understand. :) Anyway, i feel it is a cultural thing. I have seen women who happens to want to get married just for the sake of it, only because they felt like it was time at a very very late stage or the "urge" suddenly appears, or another reason is seeing something that "awakens" them.

Otherwise, i hope you read my personal opinion.

Chase said:
For many women, college and a career is a way of putting themselves around the kinds of men they want to mate with and marry at some point. Girls who want men with office jobs work in offices. Girls who want to date surfers work in surf shops. Etc. In the 1940s they called a woman going to college "Getting her MRS degree" - that's "MRS" as in "Mrs." (missus). She's husband hunting. Nowadays women put marriage off longer, but a whole heck of a lot of them still don't last longer than 5 or 6 years in the corporate world before they drop out to raise a family, and only work part-time or not at all after that.

any article links?
