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not ready for relationship


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
Alright so this is my first post on here. Before i head into my question/dilemma i figured whoever would help me might want to know a little about my experience if it would help. I'm 22 and have been with tens of women. I'm pretty confident that on any given night i can pick up women from bars(sometimes i get struck down, we all do) and one thing i'm always good at is making the attraction spark. Now there's a girl who has changed my mentality of what i want completely, from player mentality to being the bf mentality.

So around christmas time i met this girl. She was a dime, and also a good girl, and we instantly hit it off and she was always the one chasing. We dated for about 2 and half months until about a week into March. A couple months in one night before sex she questioned me on where i stood relationship wise. Because she was so damn into me and also chasing me i was actually kinda bored with her so i told her i needed more time and after that i became distant with her. She would keep texting me but sometimes i just never responded so she finally got the picture and moved on. I was cool with it.

About a week before her birthday which was mid may i thought about her and texted telling her we should meet up for drinks that night.. she said alright. I went out with my friends anyway and ran into her at the popular college bar. She saw me and was all over me that night. After that i was reminded how great she really is and how i screwed up. Anyways so we planned to hang out, she flaked. No problem, rescheduled and flaked again. played it cool and we hung out a few days later. We hit it off but there was no sex cause she had a friend with her who basically dragged her out before i could close.

Heres the problem...I realized after that night i was the one chasing. Roles flipped. Realizing i need to get a hold of my balls back, I didn't talk to her for a few days. Then i told her i was going to one of the college bars with a friend and she should join. She said alright and she would see me there. She showed up around 1230 with a friend and when i went to go say hi she acted like she barely knew me. This was all new to me so I said fuck it i'll just go talk to other girls if she wasn't feelin it. She left like 30 minutes after she got there and started messaging me that she was sorry and that she "didn't like hanging out when i've been drinking" and i said "right back at ya" cause this is second time she's acted distant at a bar. She sent 2 long messages basically cause she was mad and i just didn't respond. Thinking she was gone and pissed (didn't really show it) cause she was either trying to play games with me or mind fuck me, I picked up a girl from the bar and took her home. SHE SHOWED UP randomly again literally as i was walking out the door with a girl so i blow by her out the door like i didn't see her and acted like i wasn't with the girl either(girl i picked up follows behind me).

Next day i read her messages and told her to call me so we could talk about what she wants cause i didn't want more games. I basically told her i liked her and wanted to be with her and that i knew i screwed up first time around. She tells me she likes me and everything about me but she isn't ready for a relationship....WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE IS SAID LETS KEEP IT CASUAL THEN and acted cool. But i just said alright and stopped talking to her, but also didn't act mad, just that i was moving on.

What should i do to get her back... or better yet... how should i flip the roles back so that if i do have a chance with her, i've got the power. Being the chaser is no bueno and what i'm against. But she is great so....

Thanks ahead of time and sorry for the long post.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
P.S. i've never been the type of guy to get upset over this type of stuff.That's why this is different and i need advise.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

It sounds like you're falling prey to wanting what you can't have. You're telling her "no more games," but in fact, the games are working - you're desiring her more and more.

If you get her back though, it's going to be the same as before - she'll quickly start falling all over herself for you, and you'll get bored all over again. It's never any different the second time around (unless the power dynamic really flips, with you falling all over yourself for her, and her turned off at how needy and sappy you are).

She was chasing you because you were the aloof guy that SHE couldn't have... telling her over the phone that you were wrong and you want her now shifted the power dynamic completely into her corner. So it goes from her thinking, "I can't have him! Oh boy, I want him! I can't have him! Geez, I want him so bad!" to suddenly, "Oh. I can have him. And now he wants to get all serious. But that's like... he's not... wow. I thought he was different than that. I thought he was hard to get. Okay. Total misread."

I'm not really sure how you come back from that other than just time and preselection - she sees you with other girls as pretty / prettier than her. When your value takes a big hit like that, the only way to build it back up is by showing her she misread it, and the only way you do that is with competing female attention. You can sometimes get her without it after enough time passes, and she starts thinking she ought to "settle" for a guy like you, but it's never the same as when she thought you were amazing and hard to get and super high value. The only way you get back to that is by letting her see you with women she perceives as even higher status than she is.



Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
Thanks for the reply. One last thing though about pre selection.

Still to this day i haven't tried to talk to that girl, mainly because my emotions kind of reset and i'm not crazy about her like i was when i posted this. I guess because i wanted what i couldn't have.

I'm now dating this other girl who is extremely attractive and has a lot of great qualities, but who knows if it'll work out or not yet. Anyway, basically how should i use pre selection to my absolute advantage? Because i know i'll run into this other girl at the bar when i'm with this new girl. Now i'm not trying to get back with my ex, but i definitely just want to keep her there as an option for the future.

I don't want to overdue it and make her resent me, so i just need to know what would be enough for pre selection to actually work with someone in my situation(and reset things to a natural balance b/w us). Like i said before, i'm not looking to date this girl anymore right now, but i do want the option there for the future.

Thanks, kjones.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

kjonesa said:
I'm now dating this other girl who is extremely attractive and has a lot of great qualities, but who knows if it'll work out or not yet. Anyway, basically how should i use pre selection to my absolute advantage? Because i know i'll run into this other girl at the bar when i'm with this new girl. Now i'm not trying to get back with my ex, but i definitely just want to keep her there as an option for the future.

All you need to do in this case is go to the bar with your current girl, and when you see your ex, be polite, say hello, ask her how she's doing... and then get back to talking to your girl. You don't need to show her off or point her out; your girl will notice, trust me. It's what women do - they pay razor sharp attention to who's with whom and how they're treating each other and how close they seem, etc. You don't have to do anything exceptional - so long as she sees you with her, she'll wonder hard and get re-interested.



Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013

Thanks for the reply and after reading your advice, I decided to go radio silent and just start dating new girls. I haven't spoken to her since June.

The reason I'm posting in this thread again, is because she randomly messaged me today with "Applesss, I was just thinking about you today!"

Then she called me right after, where I was nice and acted cool about it all, but was also in a hurry, so I ended the conversation after about 2 minutes.

Anyways, I want to get her out again, but since I did screw it up once I don't want to do it again. How would you or anyone on here go about messaging her and getting her out.

I feel like it's easier to give feedback when you're not involved in the situation at all.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 29, 2013
I would also just like to add that the only part I'm second guessing myself with is the text part. I don't want her to go from "Ah, i miss this guy" to "Well, that was easier than i thought". Once i can get her out, i'm fine as that's where i'm at my strongest.