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Number vs intagram


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
I keep going for instagram. I’m saying, could I make a painting of you. Then some seem to have like boyfriends. But they were down. So I need to go for the number?
I made this chick follow me.
I obviously should have asked for her number.
Or is it good to have a bunch of girls following me for social proof


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Id def go for the number. It seems more personal, and u clear put urself in a different category than her ig follower bunch.

I dont even have ig, but id still ask for her WhatsApp number even if i had it.

One scenario i think it might be useful to exchange ig is for tourist girls that are leaving soon (today/tomorrow), who seem attracted to u but have a super busy schedule. Adding each other on ig would be a low-effort way to keep in touch and passively build value in her eyes.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake